blow out

  • na.取消;停止鼓风;(吹)胀;吹破
  • 网络吹灭;吹熄;凶线

第三人称单数:blows out 现在分词:blowing out 过去式:blew out 过去分词:blown out

blow outblow out

blow out


四年级下册英语单词_百度文库 ... be good at 善于-- blow out 吹灭 catch up 赶上 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... blow off 吹掉,将(热水等)放出 blow out 吹熄(灯火等) blow over 经过;(云等)吹散 ...


  导演布赖恩·迪庞马素来享有“美国的希区柯克”的美誉,本片和另一部《凶线》(BLOW OUT)可谓是他最具代表性的电影。在本 …


考博英语词汇 ... before long 很快;不久以后 blow out (使火)熄灭;(轮胎)爆裂 blow up 炸毁;充气;放大(照片);勃然大怒 ...


七年级下册英语词组(仁爱版)_百度知道 ... tell a lie 撒谎 blow out 被...吹灭;熄灭 breath n.气息;呼吸 ...


石油钻井词汇 - spaceboy77的日志 - 网易博客 ... blasting cap 雷管 blow out 井喷 blow out preventer 防喷器 ...


...己的设计结构和工艺措施,防止橡 胶圈在开关过程中被吹出Blow out)或切坏。对于Class900 磅级以上,应选用防爆降压(…


你可否记得:那些被遗... ... on purpose 并非偶然地,故意地 2.特地,特有的目的 blow out 取消;切断;中止 amazing a. 1.令 …

Absence diminish little passion and Increase great one , just as the wind blow out a candle and fan a fire . 离别能使浅薄的感情削弱,但却会使深挚的感情更加深厚。正如风之能吹灭烛火而却会把火煽得更旺。
I get my gun, and if I can blow out one of these pylons, all of you run as fast as you can for the Sekiton storage bunker! 我去拿枪,要是我能轰掉一个铁塔,你们就跑向那个塞基顿地堡仓库,越快越好!
If Germany was going to support such a fund, it should be a blow-out that would convince markets, she had decided. 默克尔认为,如果德国能够支持该基金,肯定就能说服市场。
Don't let a draft blow out the flame when you're trying to light your fireplace or spark up the barbecue grill. 当你试着点燃壁炉或烤肉架时,小心别让风把火吹灭了。用一根无烟生日蜡烛开始点火。
Game, you need wooden box next to the placement of a bomb , blow out a pathway, and finally let your opponent died in a bomb under. 游戏中,各位需要在木箱旁边安置炸弹,炸出一条通路,并最终让对手死在你的炸弹之下。
He saw a deep bow to the Duke, blow out the candles of the command frame, the huge hall of a sudden the dark down under. 只见他深深地向公爵鞠了一躬,吹熄了指挥架上的蜡烛,偌大的大厅刹那间暗下了下来。
if he were alone in the world he would blow out his brains , and there would be an end . 假如他在世界上只单身一人,他可以一枪把自己结束掉,那倒也一了百了。
They blow out into a body many times larger in mass than their other form, with claws and teeth blowing out in the same expansion. 他们整个会爆裂膨胀,比人形大很多倍,连爪子和牙齿都随着比例膨胀。
Absence extinguishes small passions and increase great ones, as the wind will blow out a candle, and blow in a fire. 如风吹烛则熄,吹火则旺,分离吹熄小感情,吹旺大感情。
eg. Provided debt troubles do not blow out into a crisis, yield curves are staying right where banks want them. 只要债务问题不演变为一场危机,目前收益率曲线的形状正是银行所希望看到的。
Then if you close your eyes, and blow out all the candles in a single breath, the wish will come true. 如果你闭上眼睛,一口气把所有的蜡烛都吹灭,愿望就会实现。
Today, I yelled at my spouse in front of 20 guests for not coming to blow out his birthday cake candles. 今天,我在20个客人面前朝我老公大吼大叫,因为他没过来吹他的生日蜡烛。
What is Rachel going to blow out on her birthday cake? 将要吹生日蛋糕上的什么东西?
This may blow out of the well with great force if it is not controlled. 但如果控制不好,天然气就会以很大的压力冲出油井。
We arrived two hours later at the big blow-out for Charlie's birthday because our car had a blow-out. 由于我们的车胎炸了,所以我们晚两个小时才到达查理举行生日宴会的地方。更详细。
Apraxia may also primarily affect oral, non-speech movements, like pretending to cough or blow out a candle (facial apraxia). 失用症可能主要影响口腔、非言语动作,如假装咳嗽或吹熄蜡烛(面部失用)。
We arrived two hours late at the big blow-out for Charle's birthday because our car had a blow-out. 由于车胎爆了,我们晚了两个小时参加查理的生日大宴。
We will lead the series vs Dallas by a 2-0. And this time, it will turn out to be a blow out. History will not be always the same. 我们曾经在系列赛中2:0领先小牛。这次,我们会奋战到底。历史不会总是相似的。
Today's a Big day to Be happy aBout, your cake has five candles for you to Blow out ! Have lots of fun! 今天是你的生日,你要欢欢喜喜。蛋糕上五支蜡烛,等着要你吹熄。玩个痛快!
Care should be taken to avoid touching or splashing the rim of the well with conjugate. Do not "blow -out " from microplates. 小心避免触碰有共轭物的检测孔边缘或使其中内容物溢出。不要向微板“吹气”。
It will produce a crackling sound, and it would be best to blow out the wick and try it again this time using more honey. 点燃时会噼啪作响,这时你最好吹灭它,用更多的蜂蜜重新做过这个实验。
A candle can blow out in the wind. 蜡烛在风中会熄灭。
Irene made it to the party in time to see Ed blow out the candles. 艾琳及时抵达庆生会看艾德把蜡烛吹熄。
They blow out of the heart of happiness and joy. 他们吹出了心里的幸福和快乐。
At the San Siro against Inter, Maldini took a deep breath and managed to blow out all the candles in one breath for his 600th Serie A game. 在圣西罗对阵国米,马尔蒂尼深呼吸去设法吹灭为纪念他的600场意甲联赛而点燃的蜡烛。
Whenever he gets a birthday cake, he doesn't blow out the candles, he just talks and talks until the candles decide to put themselves out. 明天是我们副总统拜登67岁生日,每次过生日,他都不用吹蜡烛,就一直讲啊讲,蜡烛忍受不了自己就熄灭了。
The new sealing cap - similar to a smaller version of the damaged blow-out preventer - has three devices that are designed to shut the flow. 新的密封帽类似一个较小版本的损坏井喷防护装置,有三个旨在关闭流量的装置。
We must discuss something. I'll blow out the candle in the pumpkin. We'll be able to talk uninterrupted. 我们到外边去,我们必须商量一件事,我把南瓜里的蜡烛吹了吧。这样就可以安心地谈话了。
When Planet X is stalled near the Sun the charged tail is blow out and away from the N Pole of Planet X. 当行星X在太阳附近受阻之时,其带电荷的尾部飘荡出来,远离了行星X的北极点。
It has certain improving effect on reservoir protection, drilling operational risk reduction, blow out prevention and optimal drilling. 它对保护油气层,降低钻井作业风险,防止井喷事故的发生,从而实现优化钻井具有一定的促进作用。