
美 [boʊld]英 [bəʊld]
  • n.粗体;黑体
  • adj.大胆自信的;敢于表白情感的;敢于冒险的;明显的
  • 网络大胆的;加粗;冒失的

比较级:bolder 最高级:boldest

bold move,bold action,bold step,bold style,bold way


1.大胆自信的;敢于表白情感的;敢于冒险的brave and confident; not afraid to say what you feel or to take risks

2.明显的;轮廓突出的that can be easily seen; having a strong clear appearance

3.粗体的;黑体的in a thick, dark type


be/make so bold (as to do sth)

(谦辞,表示自己轻率说话)不揣冒昧,恕我无礼;擅自;胆敢used especially when politely asking a question or making a suggestion which you hope will not offend anyone (although it may criticize them slightly)

(as) bold as brass

放肆的;厚颜无耻的;胆大妄为的without showing any respect, shame or fear


android:textStyle:设置标签中字体的样式是粗体bold)、斜体(italic)还是粗斜体 (bold_italic)。 android:textColor:设置 …


2013年英语四级词汇表(背诵)_百度文库 ... boast vi. 自夸 bold a. 大胆的;冒失的 bolt n. 螺栓;插销 ...


FCKEDITOR_百度百科 ... HiddenField=" 隐藏域" Bold=" 加粗" Italic=" 倾斜" ...


考研英语常见词根的来历(词源) - 豆丁网 ... bait 饵,引诱物 19. bold a. 大胆的,勇敢的;冒失的;黑体的,粗体的 bone 骨头 2…


店铺卖家费用介绍_收费标准_eBay外贸门户 ... 页面设计师/ Listing Designer 粗体字/ Bold 框线/ Border ...


全新版大学英语第二版综合教程一单词_百度知道 ... priority 优先考虑的事;重点 bold 勇敢的,无畏的 inseparable 不可分离的 ...


DIV标签_百度百科 ... font-variant:small-caps 小字体 font-weight:bold 文字粗体 vertical-align:sub 下标字 ...

This result even uses bold font for the winning teams to make it easy to see which team won which event. 在该结果中,对获胜队使用了粗体,以便查看哪支队赢得了哪场比赛。
He said recognition of Israel was key and the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, had been bold. 他说,以色列的认可是非常关键的,巴勒斯坦总统阿巴斯非常勇敢。
Anakin's bold stance and daring nature made him into a popular figure among the Jedi and New Republic. 立场坚定、勇往直前的阿纳金在绝地武士团和新共和国中深得人心。
There might be a hundred ways for him that was a gentleman, and a bold enterprising man, to find his way back again. 尤其像他这么一个英武有为的男人,总会有很多路子可以回来的。
She stood there 'as bold as brass', as if to boast that she had found the best way to boost her cause. 她站在那儿“勇敢如铜器”,好像在夸口她找到了宣扬其事业的最佳方式。
The secret is to congratulate him on the occasion of the younger sister, who has modestly in claiming that "the bold" . 这一秘诀是他给来贺喜的小弟小妹的回礼,他自谦地称其为“侃经”。
Although this may be privacy-related, I would like to make a bold prediction to see what may make a women feel deeply touched inside. 尽管有可能涉及隐私,但是我还是大胆地预测一下,能让女人动心的,第一位的应该是对于爱情的憧憬。
I can't ask more from him at the moment but I'm not prepared to make bold statements until I have seen him in games as well as in training. 当前我不能更多地要求他,但我不准备在我在比赛和训练里都看到他之前,就作出冒失的声明。
Then Androcles grew so bold that he took hold of the lion's lame paw to see what was the matter. 这时,安卓利斯的胆子大了起来。他抓住狮子的瘸脚,想看看是怎么回事。
And for the next decade, the bold general does precisely what he set out to do, conquer. 在接下来的十年内,这位果敢的将领履行了他的计划,征服。
To exploit it, he must be at least as bold as he was in the bank bail-out. 要抓住这个机会,他必须要重现他在银行救助事件上的勇敢,而且要更勇敢。
that she had not yet learned the many little affectations with which women conceal their true feelings. Some things she did appeared bold. 她很单纯,还没学会女人用以掩饰情感的那些小小的装腔作势。在有些事情上,她确实显得大胆了点。
After six years working as the manager of an organic food company in Bristol, UK, he decided to strike out in a bold new direction. 于是他决定开辟一条新的生活方向。而在此前,他已经在布里斯托尔的一家有机食品公司做了六年的经理人。
Worst of all is to turn a secret crush into a bold public confession by carelessly making a mistake entering your crush. 最糟的莫过于,因不小心在标记“暗恋”时出了差错,而让暗恋成为“勇敢”的公开表白。
"So you think you could end all unemployment, do you? " Asked the interviewer. "And how, if I may be so bold to inquire? " “你认为你能够解决所有的失业问题,是吗?”采访者问道,“我想冒昧问一句,怎么做?”
Cohan's "Money and Power, " which invokes the "vampire squid" line twice but has no comparably bold attitude of its own. 这本书两次引用了“吸血乌贼”这一比喻,但却缺少可与这一比喻比肩的大胆犀利的态度。
which by the way, I thought was a venture bold enough, considering that I knew not how far it might go, nor what was beyond it. 说起来,这实在是一个大胆的冒险举动,因为我既不知道要爬多远,也不知道里面究竟有什么东西。
Heathcliff smiled again, as if it were rather too bold a jest to attribute the paternity of that bear to him. 希刺克厉夫又微笑了,好像把那个粗人算作他的儿子,简直是把玩笑开得太莽撞了。
I climbed through the skylight and sat on the edge of it, pistol in hand and with a bold front. 我从天窗爬出去,坐在它一边上,握住手枪,装出一副英勇的姿势。
As you command. Though . . . Your Grace, if I may be so bold, there is another road . . . 如您所令。但是……陛下,容我斗胆进言,还有另一条出路……
Exactly one transition must be defined to move the work item from nothing, as shown in bold text in the previous example, to a named state. 为了将工作项从无状态(如上例中粗体文本所示)移至指定状态,必须定义恰好一个转换。
The very difficulty of her state encouraged her to be bold and demanding. 困难的处境逼着她壮起胆子,并且进一步提出要求。
The Delawares have given me my name, not so much account of a bold heart, as on account of a quick eye. 特拉华人给了我浑名,并不是因为我大胆勇敢,而是由于我眼尖腿快而起的。
They're more upstanding than I used to think (the good ones, at least), but less bold. 他们的作为比我想象的要正派(至少这点对优秀的风险投资公司成立),但并不大胆。
Remember. Wealth is as insubstantial as a cloud and passes as quickly. Ignore Gheed. All that twitters is not bold. 记住,财富的虚幻和易逝与云彩一样快速。别管基得,不是每一个嘲讽者都是秃头。
"In the end, most of them stuck with the original business, " He said. "Only a few were bold enough to follow us into the deep end. " 何之冠说:“最终,多数人继续从事原有业务,只有少数几个弟兄够大胆,跟着我们开辟更广阔的天地。”
For all the uproar over "Breaking News, " I thought it was a pretty bold statement out of the gate in terms of its lyrical target. (就所有《爆炸新闻》所引发的喧嚣,我想这是一个相当大胆的开幕声明,考虑到它的歌词所针对的对象)。
In fact he did not get to the White House by merely being nice, but by being bold and often confronting awkward subjects head-on. 实际上,他在白宫不仅仅表现出友好,也有失礼和粗鲁的一面,也常常遇到棘手难题。
While it would be foolhardy to make any bold predictions about this still-unseen OS, conditions look good for Google. 虽然对于这个尚不了解的操作系统作任何大胆的预测都是莽撞的,但情况似乎有利于谷歌。
He is often called to consult on how to "green up" projects, and his advice, in these straitened times, is often admirably bold. 他经常被咨询如何让项目“绿起来”,他的建议在这样一个困难时期可谓相当大胆。