by my side

  • 网络在我身边;不凡的爱;在我左右

by my sideby my side

by my side


美好岁月_黄韵玲_专辑_酷我音乐 ... ★04.岸边 River Side ★06.在我身边 By My Side ★07.简单的事情 Simple Little Thing ...


陈汉玮 - 搜搜百科 ... 书包太重 My School Day 2008年 不凡的爱 By My Side 缘之烩 Taste Of Love ...


甚至 共有 269 笔相关歌词。 ... 8.吻( kiss) 3.在我左右( by My Side) 6.大火( burn) ...


Westlife - Unbreakable的中文歌词... ... You were always there 你总是守侯着我 by my side 在我身旁 Night and day 日日夜夜 ...


sigma_百度百科 ... 7. 让我一次爱个够 All I Can Love 9. 我这边 By My Side 10. 就像你是我 Just Like You Were Me ...


中文翻唱英文歌典 ... betrayal[ 黄昏英文版] By My Side[ 遇见] Life[ 后来英文版] ...


陈汉玮 - 搜搜百科 ... 幻海奇遇 Wishing Well 逆风天使 By My Side 大吉传奇 The Village Hero ...


The verve 的Sonnet 中文歌词是什么?_百度知道 ... My side 你在我的身边 By my side 在我的身边 My friend and me 我的朋友 …

Without you by my side, I do not know how I go on. I've used you in my life around, do not leave me alone. 没有你在我身边,我不知道我该怎么走下去。我已经习惯了你在我身边的日子,不要丢下我一个人。
But I told him: Be a little more silent and sit by my side, and let us see what has happened. 但我告诉他:稍微安静些,在我旁边坐下,让我们看看会发生什么。
You decided to leave, and told me nothing but lies. Got no reason to live, I need you by my side. 你决定离开说过的话都成为了谎言找不到活着的理由我需要你在身边。
Just having you close fills me with love and hope. Nothing is impossible with you by my side. 你的到来让我充满了爱和希望,只要有你在我的身边,没有事情是不可能的。
I'm sure that you know my brave wife who would be here by my side, if she were able. 我相信你们一定认识我勇敢的妻子,只要她能够,她一定会站在我身边。
I cannot remember much about the wedding, except Dora by my side, in her beautiful dress and with a blushing face. 我不记得婚礼上更多的事情,只记得朵拉在我身边,穿一身漂亮的衣服,羞红了脸。
With words like "I wanna spend the rest of my life with you by my side, " it's a popular choice for wedding dances. 诸如“我想与你相互依偎度过余生”这样的赞美之词时常出现,这是一首在婚礼舞会深受欢迎的歌。
I 'm a without expression, A heart with no beat . Without you by my side , I 'm just a flame without the heat . 一颗停止跳动的心;没有你在我身边;我只是一束没有热量的火焰。
She was silent as she walked by my side between classes, and I was afraid to ask her why. 课间我们一起走的时候,她一直沉默着。我实在不敢问她为什么。
Lovers and friends are all that matter, you'll never know how much it came to mean to me to have you by my side in battles lost and won. 主宰我全部的朋友,爱人啊,你永远不会知道,有你在我身边,胜败对我来说还意味着什么。
I'm a face without expression, A heart with no beat. Without you by my side, I'm just a flame without the heat. 我将是一张没有表情的脸;一颗停止跳动的心;没有你在我身边;我只是一束没有热量的火焰。
When you are working by my side I seem to have found a son again. 你在我身边工作的时候,我好像又找到了一个儿子。
Always by my side, whether we were out on one of our long walks or sitting by the fire. 不论是在外面的一次长足散步还是一起坐在炉火旁,她总是在我身边。
Suddenly, much quicker than I had expected, a tall teenager was standing by my side; she had grown taller than me. 猛然间,大大早于我的预料,一个大姑娘站到我身边,她已经长的比我还高了。
Translation: President Hu is closing the distance with us, I can almost feel as if he is right by my side, this is so incredibly moving! 总书记和我们大家拉近了距离,我感觉到胡总书记就在身边,很感动!很激动!
When my health started failing, you were still by my side. . . You know what? 我身体垮了时,你依然守在我身旁……有些事你知道吗?
day seems like a year, And my nights are cold without you by my side. 如今两人相隔千里,物是人非,每天度日如年,没有你的陪伴,长夜如此冷清寂寞。
It stayed calmly by my side, as the storm continued to engulf me in all its fury. 当暴风雨继续以它的狂暴吞没我时,那只鸟却镇静地陪伴着我。
I began to fantasize about a black London cab drawing up by my side. "Lambert Road, Brixton . . . and please hurry. " 我开始想象有一辆黑色的伦敦出租车开到我身边,“兰伯特路,博利柯斯顿……,请快一点。”
I love the passion he has for football. If it were humanly possible I would like to have him always by my side. 我很喜欢他对足球的那种激情,如果从做人的角度可能的话,我希望他永远的和我在一起。
And he said, "Look, these are the strongest and most able men in the country. The country is in peril. I need them by my side. " 他回答说,“这些人都是这个国家最强悍最有能力的人。我们的国家处在危急之中,我需要他们在我身边。”
In reality, it does not matter to me what we talk about, I feel satisfy as long as you hear me by my side. 其实对我来说,谈论什麽并不重要,只要你能在一旁听我说,我就很满足。
Oh, yeah, and the world looks so much brighter (brighter, brighter) with you by my side (by my side). 哦,耶,有你在我身边(在我身边),世界看起来更加明亮(更加明亮,更加明亮)。
When you are still by my side, I begin to cherishing you, for I know you are going to leave me. 当你还在我身边,我就开始怀恋,因为我知道你即将离去。
Without you by my side, I'm just a flame without the heat. 没有你在我身边,我只是没有光芒的火焰
If it were not for the money you owe me, I'll put you by my side. 要不是你欠我钱,我就把你留在身边。
The songs I sing they don't mean a thing if you're not there to hear it, but then soon is the time you'll be by my side. 他们并不意味着一件事情,如果你没有听到我唱的歌曲,但随后不久的时间,你会在我身边。
If I could go back, I'd beg you to stay by my side. 如果我能回去,我求你留在我身边。
A day or two ago, I thought I'd take a ride, And soon Miss Fanny Bright, Was seated by my side. 一天或者两天以前,我想驾车外出,很快范妮。布赖特小姐坐上了我的车。
It means so much to me to know that no matter what the coming months and years bring, you'll be working right by my side. 我十分清楚无论是来月还是来年,你们都将与我站在同一个立场上。