
美 [ˈberi]英 ['beri]
  • v.埋葬;埋藏;安葬;丧失(某人)
  • n.布里
  • 网络掩埋;隐藏

过去式:buried 第三人称单数:buries 现在分词:burying

bury dead,bury head,bury father,bury hatchet,bury face



死人dead person

1.~ sb/sth埋葬;安葬to place a dead body in a grave

2.~ sb丧失(某人)to lose sb by death

埋藏hide in ground

3.~ sth把(某物)掩藏在地下;埋藏to hide sth in the ground


4.[oftpass](以土、石、树叶等)覆盖to cover sb/sth with soil, rocks, leaves, etc.

5.~ sth遮盖;掩盖to cover sth so that it cannot be seen

掩藏感情hide feeling

6.~ sth不顾,掩藏(感情、错误等)to ignore or hide a feeling, a mistake, etc.

插入put deeply into sth

7.~ sth (in sth)使陷入,把…插入(某物)to put sth deeply into sth else


茔字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 坟〖 mound〗 埋葬bury〗 茔地 yíngdì ...


高考英语考试大纲核心单词汇总(985个) - 豆丁网 ... burst vt. 使爆裂 bury vt. 埋葬, 埋藏 bush n. 灌木 ...


人教版2010高中英语必修一单词表 - 豆丁网 ... disaster n. 灾难;灾祸 bury vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏 mine n. 矿;矿山;矿井 ...


人教版2010高中英语必修一单词表 - 豆丁网 ... disaster n. 灾难;灾祸 bury vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏 mine n. 矿;矿山;矿井 ...


英语四级词汇(整理版,16页,可直接打印) - 豆丁网 ... vi.&n. 爆炸 bury vt. 埋葬,葬;埋藏 bus n. 公共汽车 ...


牛津英语高一词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 不幸地 unfortunately 87. vt. 埋葬;安葬 bury 88. n. 考古学家 archaeologist 89. n. ...

In the end, people involved in the investigation said, Wal-Mart's leaders found a bloodlessly bureaucratic way to bury the matter. 最终,沃尔玛的领导层找到了一个兵不血刃的官僚式方案来彻底掩盖上述事件。
(Laughter and applause. ) The Soviet Premier, Khrushchev, had threatened to "bury" America just a few years before. (笑声和掌声)苏联总理赫鲁晓夫,仅仅几年前曾扬言要“埋葬”美国。
Yes. Many pet owners have seen their sleeping dog or cat twitch or paw the air, as if dreaming of bones to bury or mice to chase. 是的。很多宠物主人见过自己的狗狗或猫猫在酣睡的时候或扯或抓,好像梦到了埋藏食物或者追赶老鼠。
Pharaoh said, "Go up and bury your father, as he made you swear to do. " 法老说:“你可以上去,照着你父亲叫你起的誓,将他葬埋。”
It is asking much of a wealthy man to come down and bury himself in a place of this kind. . . 要想使一位有钱的人屈尊埋没在这样一个地方,确实有点说不过去…
They share stories that are hard to bring up in normal conversation: maybe they just decided to bury mom with her wedding ring. 他们和我分享故事,那些很难在一般对话里出现的故事:可能他们只是决定将妈妈的结婚戒指和她葬在一起。
You act as if everyone were dying like flies, like the streets are impassable with corpses and that I'm reluctant to bury them. 你以为所有人象苍蝇一样死去,街道上堆满尸体不能通行,而我不愿意去埋他们。
and since it was Christine's habit to bury the things that mattered most in the silence of her own being, she rarely mentioned her mother. 克里斯廷惯于把最为重要的事情深埋在别人无法企及的角落,所以她很少提到母亲。
And then a fairy gave her a golden seed, and told her to bury it in the flowerpot. 于是,一位仙子就送给她一颗金色的种子,叫她埋在花盆里。
All that mattered was that they had a body to bury and perform prayers upon. 重要的是,他们有一具尸体可以埋葬并为之祷告。
She left out none of the ghastly details: the wives forced to bury their husbands before being raped; the baby thrown alive into a latrine. 她没有遗漏任何恐怖的细节:妻子们在被强暴之前被迫埋葬她们的丈夫;婴儿被活生生地扔进茅厕。
The trick to get out of the well is to stop wailing, and not let the dirt bury you, but to shake it off and take a step up. 走出井谋略是不要停下来等,而是不要让这些泥土掩埋了你,而是抖落它踩在脚下。
Then he took two steps, still holding the gun, and kicked the dog's body away, for us to bury it as well. 接着他朝前走了两步,手上仍然握着枪,将那条狗的尸体踢到一边,我们把它也给埋了。
And Joseph returned into Egypt, he, and his brethren, and all that went up with him to bury his father, after he had buried his father. 约瑟葬了他父亲以后、就和众弟兄、并一切如他上去葬他父亲的人、都回埃及去了。
I am a stranger and a sojourner with you. Give me a possession of a burying-place with you, that I may bury my dead out of my sight. 我在你们中间是外人,是寄居的。求你们在这里给我一块地,我好埋葬我的死人,使他不在我眼前。
Just poke some holes around the bottom of the empty container and bury it in the ground up to the bottle neck. 在空罐子底下扎几个洞,把它埋到土里,齐瓶颈深,靠近植物。
He never apologized for crying, but he managed a choked: "thanks, Doc, " as he carried his little friend's body home to bury him. 他没有为自己的哭泣而道歉,但在他带着他的小朋友的尸体回家埋葬的时候,他控制住自己,哽咽地说:“谢谢你,大夫。”
And Pharaoh said, Go up, and bury thy father, according as he made thee swear. 法老说、你可以上去、照著你父亲叫你起的誓、将他葬埋。
His parents cannot bury him in the family tomb until he is found a suitable [dead] wife, so in the meantime the body is put in a cave. 直到他找到一个合适的(死去的)妻子前,他的父母不能把他埋进家族墓地,所以同时尸体会被放进山洞里。
He could always bury himself in work, but, since the miscarriage, she never left the house. 他一直公务缠身,而她自流产之后寸步不离家门。
"A body could come sneaking" in here at night, bury his loot, and cat-foot it out before anyone knew what was up. 一个人可以在夜里溜进来,把抢来的东西藏好,又可不等别人知道发生了什么,悄悄地把东西取走。
Mr. Rayburn: Her mother and I don't want her to bury her talents. 她的妈咪和我都不想埋没了她的才能。
on monday evening, a sleeping mr slavick told his wife: "your mum's at the door again. bury me. bury me deep. " 有个周一的傍晚,正在睡觉的slavick先生跟他老婆说:“你妈又来了,快把我埋了,埋深点儿。”
Don't think that makes it okay to pig-out on fast-food fries, or bury your baked potato under butter and sour cream! You know better. 我想你应该更清楚,不要以为狼吞虎咽快餐薯条或者将烤土豆拌着黄油和酸奶油大吃会没事。
Is no use to bury your head in the sand; you know quite well that enquiry will have to be made. Be a man and face up to it. 拒绝承认问题是不行的,你完全知道人家必定会追究事实的。拿出男子汉大丈夫的气概来,面对现实。
I watched that little girl bury her face in her hands and say loud enough for the class to hear, 'Nobody loves me. 我亲眼看着那个小女孩用手蒙着脸,大声地对全班同学叫道,‘没人爱我。’
I'm sick of the hypocrisy that would bury alive a woman of her age if her husband prefers to live with harlots. 把她这样年轻的女子活活葬送,而她的丈夫却可以与娼妓在一起鬼混。我痛恨这种伪善的观点。
It has been over a year since the incident and I think it is time we bury the hatchet. 上次事件后已经过去一年了,我想我们应该摒弃前嫌,重新和好。
Then the eighth month passed, and she called her husband to her, and cried, and said, "If I die, then bury me beneath the juniper tree. " 她叫来丈夫对他说:「如果我死了,就把我埋在这桧树下吧。」
She was child and mad with fright and she wanted to bury her head in her mother's lap and shut out this sight. 她仿佛还是一个小孩子,现在吓慌了,想躲到母亲怀里,避开这种可怕的景象。