calm down

  • na.平静下来
  • 网络镇定下来;冷静;冷静下来

第三人称单数:calms down 现在分词:calming down 过去式:calmed down

calm downcalm down

calm down


大学英语四级常用词组 ... account 责问,要求…说明理由 calm down 平静下来;镇定下来 can do with 满足于;希望得 …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... account 责问,要求…说明理由 calm down 平静下来;镇定下来 can do with 满足于;希望得 …


高中英语必修一二词组汇总 - 豆丁网 ... be upset about 为…..感到不安 calm down 冷静 keep calm 保持冷静 ...


“冷静”的英文表示_百度知道 ... keep calm 保持冷静 calm down 冷静下来 cool down 冷静下来 ...


吴彧_新浪博客 ... 1.Absolutely not. 绝对不是。 5.Calm down. 冷静点。 2.Are these items on sale? 这些东西打折吗? ...


So Easy!英文超短句_百度百科 ... After you. 您先请。 Calm down. 冷静一下。 Eat out. 去餐馆吃饭。 ...


仁爱英语八年级下册词组汇集 ... prepare for 为…准备 calm down 镇静 watch TV 看电视 ...

Soon, 'between efforts by both of us, we were able to get her to calm down, ' Ms. Hall says. 霍尔太太说,在两人的共同努力下,他们很快就能让她安静下来。
Calm down yourself and give the matter your careful consideration, otherwise you'll have to bear all the consequences arising therefrom. 请你平静下来对这个问题作慎重考虑,否则你将承担由此造成的所有后果。
Calm down. . . Wait, I thought you always keep your change in your pocket. So how much you have? 安静点…对了,你以往总是把零花钱放在口袋里,看看你现在有多少钱?
Moved by what she said, he could hardly calm down. 由于被她那些话所感动,他很难平静下来。
It was the urge to amuse that recently prompted Cameron to riff on an old TV ad and shout "Calm down, dear, " at a female Labour MP. 卡梅伦最近在愉悦别人的冲动驱使下,即兴模仿一个老电视广告,对一位工党女议员大喊“亲爱的,冷静。”
If you concentrate on being able to calm down in your day to day life, you might find that you are able to be a lot happier. 如果你能够冷静下来专注于你的日常生活,你会发现自己越来越幸福。
Calm down. As long as you stay mad at the other person, he will control you. It is hard to forgive someone else when you are mad at him. 要冷静下来。只要你对别人发脾气,你就会受制于别人。当你对对他发脾气的时候,你是很难去原谅他的。
You know, I don't feel like talking with him at the moment, since neither of us can calm down. 你指的,我这会儿不想和他说话,因为我们两人都不能冷静下来。
He sat quietly in his pajamas, reminding me of a 2 year old boy who was trying to calm down! 他身着睡衣,安静地坐着,这让我想起了一个试着冷静下来的2岁男孩!
I've gotta get out of here! I've gotta get out of here! -Calm down! Get a hold of yourself! -Excuse me, excuse. Let me handle this! 我必须离开这里!我必须离开这里!-冷静!控制住自己!-对不起,对不起。让我来处理!
I knew this bride who was absolutely exact on every detail of her wedding. I remember thinking "Calm down, its just a Wedding. " 我认识的这个新娘也是完全专注于婚礼上的每一个细节,我不禁会这样想“冷静点吧,只不过是个婚礼罢了。”
Fitting background music makes the person able to calm down, the ball bumps the shot wall voice to make it also very lifelike. 恰当的背景音乐让人能静下心,球撞击墙壁的声音做的也很逼真。
"Rick calm down would you, " said Claudia surprised by Rick's reaction. It was as if had just found out that Lisa had left. “瑞克,冷静下来,可以吗?”克劳迪亚对瑞克的反应大吃一惊——似乎他刚知道丽莎已经离开了。
Instead, take some deep breaths, calm down, and try to think of reasons you're grateful for that person. 几口深呼吸,让心情平复,试图想想能引发你感激之情的因素。
The idea is to get yourself away from the situation for a short time, to be able to calm down and think clearly about the situation. 其目的是让你自己从状况中暂时脱离一会,能够冷静下来,把情况想清楚。
The most effective way is to go crazy with him. After both of you calm down , tell him softly that you love him. 最有效的办法是陪他一起疯,等他平静后轻轻的告诉他,你很爱他。
So I had to wake up, go to the living room, switch on the lights and sit quietly with my daughter, waiting for her to calm down. 我只好起床到客厅把灯又开了,坐在那静静的陪着女儿,等她消气。
The breathing exercises that he and his wife learned in Lamaze class have helped him calm down in moments of frustration. 他和妻子在心理助产课上学习的呼吸训练能帮助他在遇到困境时保持平静。
"It'll all calm down in a few days" people kept telling us. “过几天就平静下来了”人们总是这样告诉我们。
I don't want to have a falling out with you over this, can we try to just calm down and talk it out? 我可不想为这事跟你翻脸,我们能不能尽量都冷静些,然后再谈呢?
At some point over the next few days or weeks the situation in Libya will calm down and oil prices will subside. 未来数日或数周内,利比亚形势将回归平静,油价将会回落。
She found it difficult to settle and calm down in the hiding place, because she was concerned about whether they would be discovered. 她发觉很难解决,让自己平静下来的藏身之处,因为她担心的是他们是否会被发现。
If the heart does not calm down and be patient, you will bowl to push, do not eat. 如果心不静下来和耐心点的话,你就将钵给推开,不要吃。
The company's effort to deflect public attention appears to have done little to calm down the anger of the mass. 该公司试图转移公众注意力的做法似乎没有平息群众的愤怒。
Calm down, which can let us do things right. It will not be thought when we are angry. Love things is also not easy to say. 冷静一下,会使事情得到更正确的处理,火头上的想法容易不经过大脑。感情的事情就更不好说了。
Just when things start to calm down and it appears as though the main character is in control, the action will send it spinning again. 正当事情开始平静下来,看起来好像主要人物已经控制了局面,可是情节又一次转向另一个方向,他又被卷入其中。
The sun began to calm down in late 2007, so no one expected many sunspots in 2008. 太阳从2007年末开始平静下来,所以大家都认为2008年并不会出现大量的黑子。
Doctor: Please calm down. As her doctor, I promise I'll do what I can. But. There's still no effective treatment for her condition. 医生:请冷静下来。作为她的医生,我保证我会尽全力,但是。对于她现在的的情况没有任何有效的治疗方法。
So , please calm down and then prupose the matter with the help of their parents and friends. 所以,请冷静下来,和父母亲戚朋友一起解决这件事。
I felt a little embarrassed, but her soft tune let me calm down soon "you reminds me of my grandma" i said gratefully. 我觉得自己很窘,然而一路上,她温暖的语调很快让我平静下来。“您使我想起了我的祖母。”我感激地说。