mobile phone

  • 网络手机号码;行动电话;手提电话

复数:mobile phones

mobile phonemobile phone

mobile phone


1.移动电话;手机a telephone that does not have wires and works by radio, that you can carry with you and use anywhere


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When the second accuser was reached on her mobile phone today by AOL News, she said simply, "I have nothing to say on the matter. " 今天,第二个原告的手机被“美国在线新闻”接通的时候,她简单地说,“我没有什么好说的了。”
He immediately took out his mobile phone, photographed in this video - tens of meters high smoke straight into the sky! 他立刻取出手机,拍下了这段视频——数十米高的黑烟,直冲上天!
Instead of studying, I often play computer games, for sometimes, I just stared at my mobile phone and do nothing! 并不是为学习,而是玩电脑,有时甚至只是盯着手机发呆!
Anyway, Mr Jackson stayed cool and he took a photo of the snake with his mobile phone. 无论如何,杰克逊先生保持冷静,他用他的手机给蛇拍了张照片。
Turning off the stereo and trying to remember to breathe, I realized my mobile phone was ringing. 把音响关掉,我紧张地都喘不过气来,这时我才意识到我的手机响了。
How much do you usually pay for the bills of mobile phone services per month? 你每月缴付流动电话服务帐单的金额是多少?
The dynastic troubles seem to have been conducted via formal letters, mobile-phone text messages and sporadic family meetings. 何鸿燊的家族烦恼似乎是通过正式信函、手机短信以及偶尔召开一个家庭会议加以解决的。
Mobile-phone charges used to be very expensive because there was only Singapore Telecom providing the service (monopoly). 流动电话的收费一度非常昂贵,因为只有新电信提供这项(垄断)服务。
He was waving a mobile phone and motioning across the valley towards the region's biggest town. "Big problem" , he said. 他挥舞着手里的手机,朝着山谷那边本地区最大的城市做着手势,“麻烦大了,”他说。
She said in the height of her trauma, she took pictures with the camera on her mobile phone, lest people should not believe her later. 她说她用手机拍摄了她遭受严重外伤的照片,以免之后人们不相信她。
The other hunter soon took out his mobile phone to call the emergency center for help. 另外一个猎人马上拿出自己的手机打电话跟急救中心求助。
Looks like a normal mobile phone but it wouldn't be in this museum as part of the spy exhibition if it was normal. 但是如果没有其特别之处,它是不会被放在博物馆的间谍展馆这一区的。
It's not rare to see some pressing the mobile phone to his ear and shouting loudly in public as if there were no one else present. 这不是很少看到一些紧迫的手机到他的耳边,在公共场合大声喧哗,如果没有其他人在场。
Media reports said the charges alleged that Haneef had provided a mobile phone SIM card to a member of a terrorist organization. 媒体报告说,该指控提到Haneef曾提供移动电话SIM卡给恐怖组织的一位成员。
Track your packages quickly and efficiently with just a few simple commands to your mobile phone. 只需将几个简单的指令输入到您的流动电话,就可以快速有效地追踪包裹。
The popularity of sending SMS messages can be witnessed first-hand as you see mobile phone users thumbing away at their keypads. 只要您看见移动电话用户的拇指在电话键盘上按动,就能够亲身体会到SMS消息的流行。
From there, it was just a matter of time before you could watch YouTube clips of cats falling off doors on your mobile phone. 从那时起,你能用手机上YouTube看猫从门上摔下来的视频只是时间问题了。
Just then dubious, my mobile phone ringing, it is a call from the smoke, I relied on, so close that even a cell phone. Savings do not know. 正说着不三不四的话,我的手机响了,是烟尘打来的,我靠,这么近还打手机,一点也不知道节约。
She was found on the west side of a local retirement home in an apron, carrying a mobile phone with a Snoopy strap. 她是在当地一家养老院的西部发现的,穿着围裙,带着一部手机,上面系着一条史鲁比(Snoopy)带子。
The next project takes place in Kenya, where the blog Global Warming contends the mobile phone is revolutionizing society. 另一项计划位于肯尼亚,GlobalWarming博客认为手机正为社会带来革命
An SMS-based one- time password generated by the bank and sent to your mobile phone for additional identity authentication . 银行向你的手提电话发出只用一次的密码短讯,作为额外核证之用。
South Africa, the continent'seconomic powerhouse, is no longer as dominant as it once was in terms of mobile phone usage. 按照手机使用量,大陆的经济强国南非已经不再像以前那样是最重要的。
UPS SMS Tracking is a convenient service that lets you track your packages efficiently with just a few simple commands to your mobile phone. UPSSMS包裹追踪是一项方便的服务,您只要在移动电话上输入几个简单命令即可有效地追踪包裹。
Mohammed Elhassan, walking home from his local mosque in the Nile city of Wadi Halfa, took out his mobile phone and snapped a few photos. 尼罗河畔瓦迪哈勒法小镇的穆罕默德·艾尔哈桑当时正在从清真寺回家的路上,他拿出手机抓拍到了一些照片。
Phil Bradley, a writer and search engine expert at Search Engine Watch, said the system makes sense for a mobile phone. SearchEngineWatch的搜索引擎专家PhilBradley说,这一系统对手机设备是有很大意义的。
If you've set up a new mobile phone recently, you were likely prompted with an innocent-sounding request for your "usage information. " 如果你最近弄了部新手机,我想你肯定收到了一条天真无辜地问你关于可否“信息使用”的请求。
About 90% of a mobile phone and its accessories are able to be recycled, including circuit boards, batteries and chargers. 约90%的移动电话及其配件可以被回收,包括电路板、电池和充电器。
It turned out that she had smuggled a mobile phone into the jail, and kept the sim card hidden in her underwear. 原来她之前将一部手机偷偷带入了监狱,并把sim卡藏在自己的内衣里。
In the United States and Japan, is suspected to have been a number of mobile phone radiation caused by brain tumor cases. 在美国和日本,已有不少怀疑因手机辐射而导致脑瘤的案例。
Occasionally, can also be lonely picked up mobile phone open mail list, again and again . . . Do not know to who, the who to call . . . 偶尔,也会寂寞的拿起手机翻开通讯录,一遍一遍的…却不知道该打给谁,该给谁打…