
美 [ˈmɪʃ(ə)n]英 ['mɪʃ(ə)n]
  • n.使命;代表团;使团;天职
  • v.作艰苦的长途旅行(尤指去许多地方)
  • 网络任务;企业使命;目标


important mission,dangerous mission,secret mission,humanitarian mission
fulfill mission,complete mission,accomplish mission,fulfil mission,accept mission


n. v.

官方使命;正式组织official job/group

1.[c]官方使命;使团的使命an important official job that a person or group of people is given to do, especially when they are sent to another country

2.[c]使团;代表团;执行任务的地点a group of people doing such a job; the place where they work

传教teaching Christianity

3.[c][u](尤指在海外的)传教,布道;布道团the work of teaching people about Christianity, especially in a foreign country; a group of people doing such work

职责your duty

5.[c]使命;天职particular work that you feel it is your duty to do

军队of armed forces

6.[c]军事行动an important job that is done by a soldier, group of soldiers, etc.

太空飞行space flight

7.[c]太空飞行任务a flight into space


8.[c](informal)(极其艰巨且需长时间才能完成的)任务,旅行a task or journey that is very difficult and takes a long time to complete


mission accomplished

任务已完成;大功告成used when you have successfully completed what you have had to do


使命Mission)——诠释安利的精神本质及具体业务创办人信念(Founder's Fundamentals) ——是指创建安利的宗旨,也是 …


任务MISSION):单一流程改为了任务制,每一个任务都对应一个场景。进入任务后,调出地图可以看到地图上标有白色X的 …


石油词汇英语翻译(M)--石油百科 ... mission system 特设系统 mission 任务;代表团 Mississippian 密西西比纪 ...


企业使命 (Mission):剔除一切因使用动物皮毛而导致的不必要的奢华。 Corporation Mission:E.. ¥ 20.00 滚束毛 ¥ 50.00 仿狐 …


公司部门英文缩写简称大全(1) - Lixy - 博客园 ... 企业文化:( corporate culture) 目标:( mission) 股东:( shareholders) ...


千百家佛教居士林讯息网 ... 千百家佛教居士林 版权所有 All Rights Reserved. 宗旨|Mission 成立简史|History ...


M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... missing a. 缺掉的,失去的 mission n. 使命,任务;使团 mist n. 薄雾 ...


Mission.Impossible.3.XViD.TS... ... 谍中谍3 | 职业特工队3/不可能的任务3 Mission.Impossible.3.XViD.TS-maVen ...

If elected, Patten said her first mission would be to call for a royal commission into child sex abuse in religious institutions. 佩顿还称竞选,头等大事是成立委员会,调查宗教机构中儿童遭受性侵的问题。
I suppose then I'm here with a mission of catching some of the Olympics fever and bring it back to ChangSha, fever from the fever core! 这么一来我当然应该要把这股热从北京带回我的家乡长沙,来自热浪中心的热浪!
Shaak Ti was one of the 200 Jedi that traveled to Geonosis on a mission to rescue captives from the growing Separatist forces. 她也是前往吉奥诺西斯的200名绝地之一,受命去解救那些被新崛起的分离主义军队所俘的同伴。
After eight years of disheartening warfare, it is tempting to see NATO's mission as a repeat of past misadventures in the Hindu Kush. 经过8年令人沮丧的战争,人们很容易地认为,北约在重蹈过去在兴都库什群山中灾难的覆辙。
Right now it strikes me that it is a mission by no means easy to complete. 此时此刻我突然间想到这是个绝非容易完成的任务。
At the start of this marine epic, almost no one believed that this was a mission that could be successfully completed. 这场海上史诗开始的时候,几乎没有人相信,这是一场可以圆满完成的使命。
Since the early days of the ancient firm of their mission - to help customers improve the management and create value. 远古公司自成立之初就坚定着自己的使命——帮助客户提高管理并创造价值。
Officials have so far been unable to identify the cause of the malfunction or judge whether it would jeopardise the mission. 官员们至今还无法确定事故原因,也无法判断是否会危及整个发射任务。
Rosat was an X-ray telescope mission and had a mirror system made of a reinforced carbon composite material. 伦琴卫星是一只X射线望远镜,同时拥有由加强型碳纤维复合材料制成的镜子系统。
He claims that the whole time he never lost his moral compass, never doubted himself or strayed from his mission. 他声称自己自始至终都不曾迷失自己的道德准则,从来没有怀疑自己也没有叛离自己的任务。
Either way, you'll make it easy on him to put you to work. Mission accomplished. 不管是哪一种情况,你都将很容易地让他交代你去工作。这样任务就完成了!
We are here because the fight for a more prosperous, stable and equitable world is at the heart itself of the mission of the United Nations. 我们来到这里,因为争取建立更加繁荣、稳定和公平的世界是联合国工作的核心。
Romance will be a wildcard in September for you, for the new and full moons seem to be on a mission to find chinks in the armor. 九月浪漫将会是你的通关符,因为新月和满月看起来是有着盔甲叮当声中的使命。
Our mission of cooperation was to help restore order to a region whose government had suffered from years of corruption . 我们合作的使命在于帮助那些其政府已被多年腐败所困扰的地区恢复正常。
Please do not trample on the grass at the foot of you, because like you, it is there that the sacred mission of a green environment. 请不要践踏您脚下的青草,因为,它和你一样,是都有这绿化环境的神圣使命。
NASA's Ames Research Center [the home of Kepler's science operations] had not done a science mission like this one. 位于美国埃姆斯研究中心的开普勒科学运算中心以前从未做过类似的(超大型数据处理)科学项目。
The mother bird hastily kissed each of her children and flew away on her mission again, leaving those hungry little ones powerlessly crying. 母鸟匆忙地亲亲每一个孩子,便又去执行她的任务了,留下这批饥饿的小东西更是有气无力地哭喊着。
He set up a bay and worked with his two film editors in an 1862 farmhouse on the Mission property for a week or so. 他和两位电影剪辑师在「传道度假」牧场一栋1862年的农舍内作业约一星期。
He said he could not let Mr Toscano go on a mission spreading false doctrine. 他说他不会让托斯卡诺出去传教,去散布错误学说。
And yet standing sentry among the hordes Mr. Chen seemed a bit comical or his mission seemed the ultimate act of absurdity. 但在人群中放哨的老陈的存在似乎有些滑稽,或者说他的使命完全是荒谬的行为。
Wary of "mission creep" , it has refused to oversee the restoration of buildings bombed by the Israelis a year-and-a-half ago. 任务进展缓慢,出于对此项任务的谨慎,联合国拒绝对修复以色列在一年前轰炸的建筑进行监督。
To that end, part of the census's mission was to figure out what areas of the world's oceans had not been explored. 为此,部分海洋生物普查任务主要集中在在寻找世界上未曾被开发和探索的海洋。
A leader of the mission did not respond to emails asking for more detailed information about the mission and its objectives. 代表团的一位负责人没有回复记者的电子邮件。邮件中记者询问了有关此次出访及其目的的更多详细信息。
The Royal Navy's primary mission during the Cold War, excluding the nuclear deterrent role, was that of anti-submarine warfare (ASW). 英国皇家海军冷战时期的主要任务,除了扮演核子吓阻的角色以外,就是反潜作战(ASW)。
From the moment they step into the company from BMW, is imbued with a sense of belonging, a sense of mission and historical responsibility. 从他们踏进宝马公司那一刻起,被灌输了一种归属感、使命感和历史责任感。
The Kepler mission has the opposite problem: it can measure a planet's size, by how much starlight it blocks, but not the mass. 而开普勒行动则存在截然相反的问题:它能通过一个行星的遮光情况测出它的体积,却不能得出其质量。
A mission to Mars could involve swinging a spacecraft out of the Earth's orbit and into that of Mars before slowly making a descent. 执行火星任务可能涉及到如何摆脱地球的轨道,成为火星的卫星,然后才慢慢地降落。
now you are ready to move beyond for a greater mission, for a greater life, for more unlimited life. 现在你准备好了,迎接更无限的使命,更无限的生命,无拘无束的生命。
The primary mission of the Phoenix is to dig into an ice layer believed to exist a few inches below the surface. “凤凰”号的首要任务是挖掘火星地表下数英寸极可能存在的冰层。
I asked her to come and say a few words to us today about her plans for UNICEF and our common mission. 我今天请她来向我们简单讲讲她对儿童基金会以及我们共同任务的计划。