my soul

  • 网络我的灵魂;忧伤还是快乐;我的心

my soulmy soul

my soul


普特英语歌曲欣赏 Till the End_普特英语听力 ... You are my life, 你是我的生命 my soul, 我的灵魂 my girl 我的女孩 ...


同问关于忧伤还是快乐my soul)的问题 提问者采纳 2010-03-26 21:01 392719112 | 分类:音乐 我听过忧伤还是快乐 可看到 …


这里说:“我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华。”我的心MY SOUL),并非血肉之心,而是心灵,即用心灵来称颂耶和华。大卫是耶 …


圣徒诗歌 | † 五饼二鱼 † ... 589. 醒来,我魂,当随朝阳 Awake,My Soul,and with the Sun 590. 夕阳西沉 Day Is Dying in the We…


因此,「魂」就是指一个人;「我的魂」(“my soul”)就相等於「我」(“I”)。「魂」的特质包括行动、观察、感受,且是无 …


在我喜爱的小说〈散步去黑桥〉里,代表童年灵魂的迈叟my soul),显身回来与此刻的我重逢,一起散步探访童年记忆的黑 …


soul是什么意思... ... soul1. 灵魂 my soul1. 为了前进而到达逃逸路口的 soul mate1. 性情相同的人、精神上的伙伴、性情相同 ...

Art thou like the Black Man that haunts the forest round about us? Hast thou enticed me into a bond that will prove the ruin of my soul? 你打算象那个在森林里作祟的黑男人一样纠缠着我们吗?你是不是已经把我引进了一个圈套,证明我的灵魂给毁绰了呢?。
Oh my soul is dying, it's crying I'm trying to understand Please help me. 噢,我的灵魂在死去,它在哭泣,我试着去弄懂这些,请帮帮我。
It happens when I am sitting in a quiet place or walking alone in such a place or sometimes when my soul is ready to take photos. 它发生,当我在一个寂静空间坐或在这样地方单独走或有时,当我的灵魂准备采取照片时。
take me to her! my life . my soul. for her return. 带我去找她!我愿意把我的人生、我的灵魂献给你。
The syllables of the word Araby were called to me through the silence in which my soul luxuriated and cast an Eastern enchantment over me. 阿拉比这几个字在静默中向我呼唤,我的灵魂沉浸其间,被这种东方的魔力吸引。
Preist: He makes me to lie down in green pastures with the sword at my soul. 牧师:他使我灵魂苏醒,让我躺在青草地上。
My soul, all of mine, I would like to let you take away, only ask you to leave me a pair of eyes, let me see you. 我的心灵,我的一切,我都愿意让你带走,只求你给我留下一双眼睛,让我看到你。
The question was: I said it seems plausible to say my soul is located, more or less, here because I seem to view the world from here. 这个问题是:我说过灵魂看上去确实是坐落在,多多少少,是这里,因为我看起来是从这里观察世界。
although , you leave me. but I see able to meet you on short time. I will waiting for you back-here with my soul. 虽然;你离开我。但我知道且我将用心等待。很快就能够在此相见。
Let the enemy persecute my soul, and take it; yea, let him tread down my life upon the earth, and lay mine honour in the dust. Selah. 就任凭仇敌追赶我,直到追上。将我的性命踏在地下,使我的荣耀归于灰尘。(细拉)
I may not live long enough to see the crisis, but my soul is going to come back and haunt you. 也许我没法活到危机发生的那天,但是我的灵魂将会回来缠着你。
Then something happened to me that opened all the windows and doors of my soul to the cool breezes of collective divine love. 后来发生在我身上的一些事情,打开我灵魂的所有门和窗,我才能够敞开胸怀让集体的上天浩爱的凉风吹拂进来。
Like a cautious traveler, I tried to protect myself from the wind and lost my soul instead. 我就像一个谨慎的旅行者,努力避免受到风的吹袭,却反而失去了自己的灵魂。
But the upright man will be living by his faith; and if he goes back, my soul will have no pleasure in him. 只是义人必因信得生。(义人有古卷作我的义人)他若退后,我心里就不喜欢他。
I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul. 求你向我右边观看,因为没有人认识我。我无处避难,也没有人眷顾我。
It was hot and soon forgotten books almost become my Bible, a few days do not read it, my soul will lose weight. 这本曾热卖过又很快被人遗忘的书几乎成了我的圣经,隔几天不拜读一下,我的灵魂就会失去重量。
I said to my soul, be still and wait without hope, for hope would be hope for the wrong thing. 我叩问灵魂,静下心来无望的等候,因为渴望的可能并非好事。
Each time I feel lost , I climb up to the top of a snow - capped mountain, look over the vast open land and find my soul again. 每次我感觉失落时,我就登上雪帽山的最高处,看着广阔的大地寻找我的灵魂。
Well, if normally there's this super tight connection between my soul and my body, death might be the severing of that connection. 好,如果正常的在我的灵魂和我的身体之间有这样紧密的联系,死亡可能就是对于这种联系的分离。
was the wordless cry of my soul, and the light of love shone on me in that very hour. 这就是发自我内心深处的无言的呼唤,也就在这时候,爱心的光芒照到了我的身上。
It was with a heavy heart and a cold burning on my soul that I continued on to Boneyard. 这是怀着沉重的心情和我的灵魂,我到架构中继续冷燃烧。
You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul and torched my conscience, you thought it was one pathetic boy's life you were extinguishing. 你们摧残了我的心灵,强奸了我的灵魂、快速燃尽了我的良知。你们正在熄灭一个可悲男孩的生命。
My soul seems to be in heaven when I feel the sea with my heart, not others. 当我用心,而不是其它,来感受大海时,我的灵魂如在天堂。
Floods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billows roll, Since Jesus came into my heart. 喜乐潮溢我魂如海涛浪滚滚,自耶稣来住在我心。
I look again upon the lined visage of the great Warrior who has fought so much, endured so much, and a new resolve enters my soul. 我再次瞻望这位伟大“战士”的布满皱纹的面貌,他已战斗了那么多,忍耐了那么久,于是一个新的决心进入我的灵魂。
When I'm on the ship , I can hear the voice of the sea , I feel it's in my soul . it's so close to me. 当我在船上的时候,我可以听见大海的声音,我感觉到它就在我灵魂里。它和我如此的接近。
Light! Give me light! " was the wordless cry of my soul, and the light of love shine on me that very hour. " “光明!给我光明!”这就是发自我内心深处的无言的呼唤,也就在这时候,爱心的光芒照到了我身上。
His sins flooded up within him and he wept out his repentance, crying "Jesus, I'll even preach for you if you'll save my soul. " 他的心里充满了罪恶感。他哭着忏悔,喊道:“耶稣,如果你拯救我的灵魂,我甚至愿意为你布道。”
You come to me tenderly. You take my soul places it's never been before. You give me more than I ever knew anyone could give. 你来到我的世界,你带我去从来都没有去过的地方,你给我以前从未有过的感觉。
The morning stillness moved me with a sense of God's utter compassion, and a deep calming came in a whisper to my soul. 在黎明的寂静中,我感到神的无比怜悯,在低声耳语中,我的灵魂获得了深深的安慰。