
美 [maɪ]英 [maɪ]
  • int.哎呀;表示惊讶
  • adv.我的;表示吃惊等;表示亲切;对下级的称呼
  • abbr.(=Malaysia)马来西亚
  • pron."I" 的所有格形式
  • 网络马来西亚(Malaysia);关於我;买



1.我的of or belonging to the speaker or writer

2.(用于感叹句,表示吃惊等)used in exclamations to express surprise, etc.

3.(称呼别人时使用,表示亲切)used when addressing sb, to show affection

4.(对下级的称呼)used when addressing sb that you consider to have a lower status than you


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... today n. & adv. 今天;今日 my pron. 我的 name n. 名字 ...


中国知识产权杂志 知识产权 商标 版权 专利 ... MX 墨西哥 MY 马来西亚 NG 尼日利亚 ...


随意窝 MY窝-我的名片 ... danie3612 加为好友 追踪讯息 My 关於我 ...

my soul,your beats谐音_百度知道 ... beats 必刺 my 【一声】 soul 嗖【四声】 ...


柳琪微的主页 ... 宾格 me 形容词性物主代词 my 名词性物主代词 mine ...


2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语解析... ... She (提醒) My (最喜欢的) ...

'The other day my girlfriend and I got into a taxi which to me smelled strongly of curry, ' he recalls. “前几天我和我女朋友上了一辆出租车,我闻到了一股很强烈的咖喱味,”他回忆道。
I had not an item to call my own. 没有一款可被我称为属于自己的。
Like everything in my life of any significance, the way I see it always depends on how I look at it. 就像我在生活中所遇到的任何一件事物一样,我如何认识它,总是取决于我如何观察它。
Some will find this inspirational; as the last shot ended, a woman in my audience called out a passionate 'Amen! ' 有人会发现结尾很有启发性;当最后一个镜头结束时,观众中有个女人满怀激情地喊出一个“阿门!”
Brought Up in a Happy Family I'm the only child in my family, the apple of my parents' eyes. 成长在快乐的家庭里我是家里的独生子,父母的掌上明珠。
When people ask what's the matter with my generation, part of me wants to say: Have you seen the economy you created? 当被问到我们这代人到底怎么了时,我有种冲动想质问:看你们对经济做了什么?
And that I shall at all times be ready, as a brave soldier, to give my life for this oath. . . 我现在作为勇敢的士兵,已经准备好了,为了这个誓言献出我的生命……
In my opinion, Manchester United did not take advantage of our bad moments. They could have done better. 在我看来,曼联没有好好利用我们最黑暗的时刻。他们本来可以做得更好的。
But if you let me, I swear, I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you. 但是如果你给我机会,我发誓我会用我的余生来补偿你
You are my girl, I spoiled it should be, and I should be very clear that you are only in it for me like a baby. 你是我的女孩,对我撒娇是应该的,而我应该很清晰的发现你仅仅是在对我撒娇而已。
If I had put my house first, my business would have gone under, and then all of us would have been out on the street. 假如当初我先顾着房子,我的公司大概就破产了,我们大家也只能流落街头。
Matrimony was always one of my favourite topics, and I wrote several sermons to prove its happiness. 嫁娶的事是我最喜欢谈的题目,我写过好几首劝世文证明嫁娶的欢乐。
It sounds wonderful. But my capital is less than the requirement. Would you do me a favor to let me enjoy such preferential treatments? 看来很不错啊,我的资金离那个数还差一点儿,帮个忙,让我也能享受那些待遇,行不行?
When it finally came, it ceased to be a dream and became my everyday reality. It was a moment that would determine the course of my life. 当这一天真正到来时,梦想不再是梦想,梦想变成了现实。那是一个足以影响我一生的时刻。
We're so good at overcoming our biological limitations -- you know, I flew over here in an airplane. I didn't have to try to flap my wings. 我们擅长于突破生理局限,我坐着飞机来到这里,我不用挥动我的翅膀。
"My wife is constantly telling me to stop looking at her hands or mentally dissecting her forearm, " he says. “我老婆不断地告诉我,别老盯着她的手,或者琢磨她的前臂的解剖学结构,怪吓人的”他说。
This statement is to be entirely candid and, anonymous. I shall not identify either my husband or myself by our surnames . 这段匿名的陈述完全坦白而不带偏见。我的丈夫和我的姓氏都不会出现。
As if fighting with my boyfriend were not enough, I also got kicked off the badminton team. 好像跟男友吵架还不够似的,我还被踢出羽球队。
In my eyes and heart, to beautify the appearance of not only the United States, more beautiful heart. 在我的眼中和心里,美化不但外表美,内心更美。
The dog-fighting scandal left my son shaking his head that such a brilliant talent could be so thoroughly squandered. 维克的斗狗丑闻令我的儿子摇头叹息:他竟然如此浪费自己的才华。
Well, I was just calling to ask if you've received my email about this year's sales projections. 我打电话就想问一问你是否已经收到关于今年销售方案的电子邮件。你查过邮件后,如果发现我的报告有问题就给我打电话。
My light-verse joke about the Trinity could seem disrespectful, I suppose; but it is a hard concept , as you say, and that's all I meant. 我那首写三位一体的玩笑式轻松诗可能看起来有失体统,实际上却是像你说的,义正词严,这正是我所要表达的。
I came out of it with just a cut over my eye, but my son fell into a coma. 我的眼睛只轻微划伤,而我的孩子却陷入了昏迷。
This morning I got up and tried not to think about anything, tried to avoid contact with people too much, just tried to do my own thing. 早上起床,我尝试不去想任何事情,想尽量避免人群,只专注我自己。
My parents told me a few days ago that I needed to make good use of the long vacation. 我父母几天前告诉我我该好好利用这段长假。
My advice to you is let her go. You can't force her to fall in love with you. 我的建议是由她去。你不可能强迫她爱上你。
'You can easily triple your investment, ' she says. That's better than any of my mutual funds have done lately. Break out the olive oil. 她说,你可以轻松地增加投资。这比我所有的共同基金最近的表现都要好。拿出橄榄油,准备做沙拉吧。
I'd swear to myself to do better next month, and satisfied with that vague goal, put the whole thing out of my mind. Repeat. 我对自己发誓下个月我会做好一点,并对这个模糊的目标感到满意,接着就把它抛到九霄云外去了。
You two got so much to say, I don't get a chance to open my mouth all lunch-time. 你们两个有那么多可说的,我午餐时间都没有机会开口。
Never having to question what I was doing with my life, I just got up, and rode, all day, and sometimes all night. 一路上,我不用再去质问自己为忙何事而耗费生命,只是每日起床,骑着摩托车度过整个白天,有时甚至整个夜晚。