wells fargo

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wells fargo


富国银行wells fargo)在2010年5月的全美大银行资产总额排名中是第四。富国银行是美国的第四大商业银行,是极少数在金 …


美国富国银行美国富国银行Wells Fargo)   美国富国银行网站:http://www.wells-fargo.com/美国富国银行简介  富国银行是美国 …


福布斯世界500强2011榜单_向日葵保险网 ... BNP Paribas 法国巴黎银行 Wells Fargo 美国富国银行集团 Banco Santander 桑 …


  富国证券(Wells Fargo)高级分析师Mark Vitner表示:“美联储官员对是否新一轮量化宽松政策存在如此大的分歧令人意外,很显 …

"What's the sustainability going forward? " Mr. Silvia of Wells Fargo said. "So much of that depends on the consumer. " “往前发展的支撑是什么?这在很大程度上依赖于消费者。”
Transparency did at least take a small step forwards at Wells Fargo, America's fourth-biggest bank by assets and its most taciturn. 在增强透明度方面,全美银行中资产排行第四的富国银行不声不响地迈出了一小步。
Economists at Wells Fargo said the impact was more likely to be seen in U. S. trade data for April. 富国银行的分析师表示,地震影响更可能在4月美国贸易数据中得到体现。
However, Wells Fargo is still setting aside large amounts of funds to cover future losses from loans, although less than a year ago. 然而,富国银行仍然留出大量的资金去弥补未来的贷款损失,尽管数额少于去年。
"I'd like to see if this is just a one-month bounce or an actual trend, " said Adam York, at Wells Fargo. 富国银行(WellsFargo)的亚当•约克(AdamYork)表示:“我想看看这是否只是一个月的反弹,还是真正的趋势。”
Buffett also said that Berkshire had increased its holdings in a leading US bank, Wells Fargo, but did not give details. 巴菲特还表示,伯克希尔增持了一家领先的美国银行,富国银行(WellsFargo),但没有透露详细情况。
Wells Fargo officials are not backing down in the face of the legal attacks. 面对法律调查,富国银行的官员并没认错。
Two years ago, his doorbell rang, and two men from Wells Fargo offered to consolidate his consumer loans into a low-cost mortgage. 两年前,富国银行的两个人按响了他家的门铃,说可以将他的消费贷款换成低成本的抵押贷款。
The terms of that revamped proposal weren't clear and were delivered before Wells Fargo's surprise offer on Thursday night. 修改后的提议条款不得而知,提议是在富国银行周四晚间出人意料地提出收购之前送交Wachovia的。
News emerged Monday that Wells Fargo was identified in an initial review as one of the institutions needing a stronger buffer. 周一有消息称,富国银行(WellsFargo)在最初的评估中被确定为需要增加资本金的银行之一。
Wells Fargo & Co. , Bank of America Corp. and other large banks also rose on hopes that they too would be able to raise dividends. 富国银行(WellsFargo&;Co),美国银行(BankofAmericaCorp.)和其它大银行股价普涨,因市场预计它们也将上调股息。
The pros at Wells Fargo bought for my portfolio Enron, WorldCom, and a number of other much-loved companies that soon went out of business. 富国银行的专业人士们为我买进了安然公司(Enron)、WorldCom以及很多其他深受喜爱、但不久以后就破产倒闭的公司的股票。
Within a two-block radius of that porch in Soulsville, Wells Fargo holds mortgages on nearly a dozen foreclosures. 在Soulsvile那个走廊的两个街区内就有十几户被富国银行取消了抵押品赎回权。
A federal judge in Baltimore dismissed that lawsuit, saying it had made overly broad claims about the damage done by Wells Fargo. 巴尔的摩的联邦法官驳回了这项诉讼,称这会使过多人向富国银行索赔所造成的损失。
She had developed online banking for Wells Fargo very early; she was a pioneer in that. 她很早就为富国银行开发了网上银行业务,是该领域的先锋人物。
But I sure wish I had bought stock in Wells Fargo at the time I hated them the most, because Wells Fargo itself performed great. 但是我的确希望我在最讨厌富国银行的时候买入它的股票,因为富国银行自己的股票表现极佳。
And my first job out of college was at Crocker National Bank, later swallowed by Wells Fargo. 而且,我在大学毕业后供职的第一家公司就是后来被富国银行吞并的CrockerNationalBank。
Wells Fargo scrapped plans to hold a conference in Las Vegas, "in light of the current environment" . 美国富通银行,以“当前形势”为由,放弃了在拉斯维加斯举办会议的计划。
In a report last week, Wells Fargo Securities warned of 'psychological damage' that could lead to a selloff in the stock markets. 在上周的一份报告中,富国证券(WellsFargoSecurities)警告说,“心理伤害”可能会引发股市抛售潮。
Meanwhile, analysts at FBR Capital upgraded Wells Fargo to outperform from market perform, citing credit stabilization, in a note Thursday. 周四FBRCapital分析师把富国银行评级从持平调高至增持,表示其信贷稳定。
Of the big banks that were helped by the Troubled Asset Relief Programme, only Wells Fargo, Bank of America and Citigroup have yet to repay. 在财政部资产救助计划得到注资的大银行中,只有富国银行,美国银行以及花旗集团已经归还政府救助金。
The lead banker, as it happened, was Wachovia, whose own problems have since forced it to sell itself to Wells Fargo. 牵头银行是美联银行,由于自身问题现已被迫卖给富国。
Stuart Brister, head of Wells Fargo's trade capital division, sees the factoring market growing by 6-8% a year. 斯图尔特布里斯特,富国银行的资本交易部负责人,他看到保理市场将以每年6-8%的速度增长。
However, analysts cautioned that the news from Wells Fargo was not an all-clear signal for the sector. 不过,分析师谨慎认为,来自富国银行的消息并非整个银行业危机解除的信号。
As head of the risk committee, he had been reviewing the Wells Fargo and other negative stock bets. He wasn't happy. 作为风险委员会的负责人,在研究了富国银行和其它被看跌的股票之后,他显得非常不悦。
Osberg is a professional technologist who ran Wells Fargo's online banking group, and Buffett famously steers clear of anything with a chip. 奥斯伯格是个IT专家,管理富国银行的网上银行团队,而巴菲特对任何带有芯片的东西都避之唯恐不及,这一点是人尽皆知。
A criminal complaint charges Moore-Saia with stealing substantial funds from Wells Fargo during her time as a bank employee. 穆尔.赛亚被控告在其工作期间从富国银行盗窃大量资金。
Several state and city regulators have placed Wells Fargo Bank in their cross hairs, and their lawsuits include similar accusations. 好几个州和城市的监管机构都将富国银行置于了诉讼指责的焦点,都有相似的指责。
Other companies under scrutiny include Citigroup, Wells Fargo, General Motors, Chrysler and Chrysler Financial. 接受审查的其他公司包括花旗银行,富国银行,通用汽车,克莱斯勒和克莱斯勒金融公司。
John Stumpf of Wells Fargo said his company made more than $500 billion in new loan commitments over the last 18 months. 富国银行主管约翰。施通普夫说,过去18个月,富国银行新的贷款约定超过5千亿美元。