capital city

  • na.首都;见“capital”
  • 网络都城;首府;省会城市

capital citycapital city

capital city


冀教版小学英语单词大全_百度文库 ... country( 国家) capital city( 首都) China( 中国) ...


建筑词汇 中英对照 - 朱林勇的日志 - 天下社区 ... 扶壁 buttress 都城 capital city 尖顶 pinnacle ...


Unit 1 Travel Arrangement Text A ...  urban adj. of cities 城市的  capital city 首都,首府  draw = attract v. 吸引 ...


Vocab - Writing 3 - Letter 1 flashcards |... ... 即使是在 even in 省会城市 capital city 一所寄宿学校 a boarding school ...

首都城市 Trummer),也有开设理论性的批判主义“首都城市”(Capital City)的伊利亚·曾格里斯(Elia Zenghelis)与皮埃尔·维克多…

Some parents came to Taiyuan, the provincial capital city, to seek the truth behind the children's deaths and illnesses. 为寻找受害儿童死亡、病残背后的真相,一些家长专门赶到山西省会太原。
He gave a detailed account of his extravagant life as the top courtezan in capital city. 他细细道来自己身为京城第一名妓时的风光。
Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is a name of the clock. It is in London. London is the capital city of England. 大本钟不是一个人的名字,它是钟的名字,它在伦敦。伦敦是英国的首都。
Rumors began to circulate among the local people that the capital city had been conquered. 在当地人中开始流传这样的谣言,说是首都城市被攻陷了。
a capital city growing up in Mid-China, is known as a great city. 一个崛起于中国中部的省会城市。
Capital city is the result of settlement evolution in terms of a special city, and of state evolution in terms of political centre. 都城作为一种特殊类型的城市,它的产生是聚落演进的结果;作为政治活动的中心,它又是国家演进的产物。
The meeting will take place in Chengdu, a leading Chinese economic center and the capital city of China's southwestern Sichuan province. 本届会议将在成都市举行。成都是中国主要的经济中心和中国西南地区四川省的省会。
That day, mothers are dressed in costumes, the embrace of the children in the capital city of Bangui, held a grand procession. 这天,妈妈们身着盛装,怀抱孩子在首都班吉市举行盛大游行。
Minsk is the capital city of Belarus, which used to be part of Soviet Russia but is an independent country now. 明斯克的首都是白俄罗斯,这曾是苏联的一部分,但是是独立自主的国家了。
Because it was the capital city, it has grown to be one of the few large towns in the tropical zones of the world. 由于过去曾经是首都,它已发展成世界上热带地区的少数大城市之一。
In any war, the enemy's capital city is an important target. To capture the enemy's capital usually means victory. 在任何战争中,对方的首都历来都是重要的战略目标,攻占对方的首都通常也就意味着战争的胜利。
Dagu Fort Built in 1858 close to the sea, Dagu Fort was used to protect the capital city of the Qing Dynasty, Beijing. 大沽炮台建于1858年接近大海,大沽炮台用于保护首都清代,北京。
I think there's been a lot of publicity from reporters in the capital city, Beijing. But Shijiazhuang is not a well-trodden place, said Li. “我觉得,在首都北京,已经有很多记者宣传它,而石家庄并不是人们之首选,”李静标说。
MILAN - At the end of the match against Roma, Milan left the capital city and returned to Milan during the night. 米兰-在和罗马的比赛结束之后,米兰离开了罗马城,夜间返回米兰市。
In communities around Ada Foah, 50 miles east of the capital city Accra, poaching had been a problem. 距首都阿克拉以东50公里的阿达·福哈周围社区,偷猎是个问题。
Many nations have advised their citizens to leave Japan's capital city amid fears of radiation exposure. 许多国家已经建议公民离开日本首都以防范核泄漏威胁。
Beijing is a capital city, an attractive place, in which several important kings in the Chinese history had built their palaces in Beijing. 北京是首都,北京是个有吸引力的地方,中国历史上的几个重要的皇帝都住在北京并且建造他们的宫殿。
The disaster here portrayed was the epochal destruction of the Jewish nation and the fall of its capital city Jerusalem in A. 此经文描述公元70年,犹太民族和圣城耶路撒冷,震撼天地大毁灭的历史事实。
A good way to see the volcanoes is to take a one-hour bus ride from the capital city, Baku, to the small town of Gobustan. 探访这些泥火山的好方法就是,可以从首都巴库搭乘一个小时的巴士到高布斯坦小镇。
There was a bomb attack yesterday at a school near Alger, the capital city of Algeria, causing heavy casualties. Could you comment? 昨天阿尔及利亚首都阿尔及尔附近的一所学校遭到炸弹袭击,造成多人伤亡,中方对此事有何评论?
Paris is the capital city of France and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe. 巴黎是法国的首都,也是欧洲最有活力的城市之一。
After the second deluge, only, the capital city of Poseida had a full crystalline energy dome, and it was an incredible emerald green color. 在第二次大洪水后,只有波塞迪亚的首都还有完整的水晶能量穹顶,颜色是一种难以置信的鲜绿色。
As the capital city of Zhejiang province, Hangzhou is an important city by Yangzi River and has been known as Paradise on Earth. 杭州作为浙江省的省会,实际长江三角洲重要的中心城市,素有“人间天堂”之美誉。
He was born in a village, brought up in a town and in employed in a capital city at present. 他生于乡下,长于城镇,现在就职于大都会。(上下文连贯衔接)
Gourmets in Beijing are unanimous in admitting that Peking Duck is one of the best dishes in the capital city. 北京的美食家都一致认为北京烤鸭是首都最好的一道菜之一。
The capital city of Japan has always been known for having an exceptionally high cost of living. 日本首都一向以生活成本极高而出名。
Every year, thousands of people come to Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, to be part of the Edinburgh Festival. 每一年,成千上万的人来到苏格兰的首都爱丁堡参加爱丁堡的节日。
The next day we visited Columbus, Ohio's capital city, then made our way into Kentucky. 第四天,我们访问了俄亥俄州的首府哥伦布,随后径直进入肯塔基州。
Every year, thousands of people come to Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, to see the Edinburgh Festival. 每年,成千上万的人来到爱丁堡,苏格兰的首都(其实也不能算首都,因为苏格兰现在也是英国的一部分),来看爱丁堡节。
You know, in this ancient capital city of Anyang, there is a landmark structure, Wenfeng Pagoda. 你知道吗,这古都安阳啊,有一座标志性建筑—文峰塔。