come across

  • na.尽(义务);发现;碰见;(穿过…)来到
  • 网络遇见;偶然遇见;碰到

第三人称单数:comes across 现在分词:coming across 过去式:came across

come acrosscome across

come across


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... come about 发生,产生 come across (偶然)遇见(或发现) come back 回来,想起来 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... in trouble 处于困境中;有麻烦 come across 偶然遇见;碰上 believe in 信任;信仰;支持;赞成 ...


Gunpowder ... Roger Bacon: 罗杰·培根 come across: 偶遇,碰到 missionary: 传教士 ...


live on ,feed on 区别_百度知道 ... break into 破门而入 come across (偶然)遇到 come to 总计;达到 ...


高一英语必修4 各单元语言重点归纳[嘉兴英语网] ... 8 by chance 碰巧,凑巧 9 come across 偶遇,碰见 10 carry on 继续, …


心理学专业词汇翻译辞典 - MBA智库文档 ... combining form 组合形式 come across 发现 come along 进展 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... come about 发生;(风等)改变方向 come across (越过…而)来到 come at 袭击;达到;得到 ...


高一英语必修4 各单元语言重点归纳[嘉兴英语网] ... 8 by chance 碰巧,凑巧 9 come across 偶遇,碰见 10 carry on 继续, …

I've come across a few blogs that had some amazing content, but it was set up in a way where I found it difficult to leave a comment. 我看过一些博客,他们的内容很不错,但是想要留评论却比较困难。
It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life. 这足极为罕见的笑容,其中含有永久的善意的表情,这你一辈子也不过能遇见四五次。
A few days ago I come across him in the supermarket. 前几天我去超市碰到他了
Wherever you come across the dark energies, send out your Light and bless those souls who are caught up in it. 任何地方你遇到黑暗能量时,发送你的光,并祝福那困陷于黑暗之中的灵魂。
To a visitor, the signs that say, in large block letters, OBEY TRAFFIC RULES come across as a bit of black humor . 对游客来说,偶然碰见的那些牌子用大写字母标明“OBEYTRAFFICRULES(遵守交通规则)”有点像是黑色幽默。
and I belong to the fourth called "fend for themselves" type, can only look forward to come across the eyes was Ugutsu hook to the girl. 而我是属于第四种叫“自求多福”型,只能期待碰到眼睛被牛屎勾到的女孩子。
She used to come across like an old woman with her unflattering hairstyle and shapeless clothes. 从前,由于呆板的发型和风格全无的着装,她看起来就像一个老妇女。
She said she had come across an old friend in the street whom she hadn't seen for years. 她说她在街上碰到了一个几年没见的老朋友。
"If you haven't got that experience, if you come across some problems, you can't get out of them that easily, " she said. 李娜说:“如果你没有这些经验,在遇到问题的时候,处理起来就比较麻烦。”
One expert who knows him from industry conferences said he did not come across as someone likely to become caught up in an indictment. 一位通过行业研讨会认识他的专家表示,他遭到控告并非偶然。
If you come across anything helpful or just plain cool that you think I should be sharing with the community here, please let me know! 当你发现任何有用或很炫的工具,认为可以和社区的其他人分享的时候,请让我知道!
LeBron is easily one of the most self-confident players in the game, but that tends to come across as arrogance. 勒布朗仅仅是在比赛中非常的自信的球员,但那样会他的自大。
The addition of the sixth image (Layer 5) presents a problem that you may come across when trying to shoot panorama shots. 加入第六张图片时(图层5)遇到了可能在拍摄全景照片时也会碰到的问题。
I must pretend. If I can only come across with you , but not live with you , how can I be happy? 我一定是伪装的如果只能够跟你重逢,而不是共同生活,那怎么会幸福呢?
So if you come across a strangely attractive person digging in an interesting science fiction, you know whom you're dealing with! 如果你遇到一个有吸引力的且沉浸在科幻小说的陌生人,你就知道你在和什么星座的人打交道了。
But over time, Kim Jong-un has also begun to carve out his own leadership style, striving to come across as youthful and more pragmatic. 然而,随着时间的流逝,金正恩也开始形成自己的领导风格,他正努力塑造一个年轻且更加务实的形象。
Julia had come across to his side; together they gazed down with a sort of fascination at the sturdy figure below. 裘莉亚走到他身边来,他们站在一起有些入迷地看着下面那个壮实的人影。
Sometimes I think women flake as a test to see what the men are going to do if they happen to come across them again. 有时我想女人们玩失踪的把戏只是想看男人们会怎么做,如果他们有碰到之后。
Learn to understand any artwork you come across in a fraction of the time it would take to get a degree in Art History. 如果要学会在短时间内鉴赏自己碰到的每一件艺术品,那么你的水平差不多可以拿个艺术史方面的学位了。
Readers may have come across the expression that the business of banking is all about taking risk. 读者可能都听说过银行业本质就是承受风险的行业。
Growing up in Canada, I didn't come across this sort of theatre work. 在加拿大长大,我从来没有接触过这类的戏剧。
Try to pick look up in the dictionary for the correct pronunciation, if you come across words that you cannot understand in magazines. 如果在杂志中遇到单词不懂,尽量查字典得到正确的读音。
Although Franklin was revered as wise, he did not always come across this way. 尽管富兰克林被尊为博学的人,但它并不总是给人以这样的印象。
If you ask questions with confidence, you'll come across much better than being meek or acting as if you're wasting someone's time. 如果你充满自信地提问,相较于你表现谦卑或是装作你在浪费别人的时间,你会给人更好的印象。
That's different than the young Japanese guys I come across working at restaurants, who clearly have no desire to be there. 这与我所见到的那些在餐馆工作的日本年轻人不同。很明显,他们根本不愿意在那儿工作。
This extension will allow you to turn virtually any word you come across into a hyperlink. 你能把你遇到的几乎任何单词转换成超连接。
If you come across a particularly engaging or well-written post, print it out and go through line-by-line to see how it works. 如果你遇到一篇特别优秀或者精心编写的文章,那么不要犹豫,将它打印出来并一行一行地看它究竟是怎样写出来的。
During our trip we had come across small amounts of cotton grass along the roads, but I never expected to see such a huge field of it. 可是在旅途中,我们所遇到的棉草量却是很少的,但我没想到会看到这样一块庞大的田地。
I am always wary of injecting my own personal biases and thoughts into a course in such a way that they come across as fact, not opinion. 我总是习惯将我自己个人的偏见掺杂到课程中,这样的话这些偏见就变成了事实而不是观点。
Perhaps I shall come across him in Shanghai. 或许我会在上海碰到他。