
美 [ˈneɪtɪv]英 ['neɪtɪv]
  • n.本地人;当地人;出生于某国(或某地)的人
  • adj.出生地的;儿时居住地的;本地的;当地的
  • 网络原生;本国的;本土的


native language,native country,native population,native tongue,native village


1.[obn]出生地的;儿时居住地的connected with the place where you were born and lived for the first years of your life

2.[obn]本地的;当地的connected with the place where you have always lived or have lived for a long time

3.[obn]土著的;土著人的connected with the people who originally lived in a country before other people, especially white people, came there

4.~ (to…)原产于某地的;土产的;当地的existing naturally in a place

5.[obn]天赋的;与生俱来的that you have naturally without having to learn it


go native

入乡随俗;同化to try to live and behave like the local people


原生native)代码的应该有只有fifa,NFS和Sims 3。至于说shift在android上效果较好,那是因为shift android版只能在高分 …


本字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 本地〖 thislocality;native〗 本地人native;localpeople〗 本分〖 one'sduty〗 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... majority n 多数;大半 native adj 本国的;本地的 total n 总数;合计 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... majority n 多数;大半 native adj 本国的;本地的 total n 总数;合计 ...


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Lovely 可爱的 Native 本土的 Colorless 无色的 ...


名师丁雪明:2010年考研基础词汇备考札记 ... nature n. 本性‖ native a. 出生地的, be natural to sb. 对……来说很自然 ...


常用英语前缀、后缀、词根表中国记忆力训练网 ... mobile 移动的 native 天生的, nature 自然界 ...

He was able to retire to his native town and spent the last few years of his life in comfort there. 他得以退休回到他的家乡,在那里他在优于的环境中度过了一生的最后几年。
She was a teacher in her native Iraq, but fled with her family in 2006, first to Syria and then to New York. 纳吉是伊拉克人,以前在伊拉克当过教师,2006年她和家人从叙利亚取道来到纽约。
How can you be so native, did you really think that this girl would be with you if you didn't have the money? 你真是天真,你以为如果没钱那个女生还会跟你在一起吗?
Native content is not always associated in a one-to-one relationship with a single item in a repository. 原始内容并非总是以一对一的关系与存储库中的单一项目相关联。
But at least the British learned the languages, schooled the sons of native chiefs and tried to do some good, didn't they? 但至少英国人学会了多种语言,培养了本国高官子弟,并试图把一些事情做好,难道不是吗?
Enjoying her native culture and fondness for her mother tongue, at the same time, being capable of speaking at least two foreign languages. 喜欢自己的母语文化,但至少掌握两门外语。
Yep, you know I am not the Guangzhou native, but I am very interested in this city, so I am eager to know more about Guangzhou. 嗯嗯你知道我不是广州本地人,但是我对广州这座城市很有好感,因此想要多了解一下广州。
Any native or foreigner with at least a high school diploma and a sincere interest in learning Mandarin is welcome to classes at the CLC. 具有中学以上教育程度,对华语学习有兴趣之外籍或本国人士。
His voice is soft against the background noise of undergraduates and retains the dark flavours of his native Hungary. 在一片本科生的喧哗声中,他的声音听上去十分柔和,同时又保留着他老家匈牙利的阴郁味道。
I had a few more hours in New Orleans, and I enjoyed the city they call the Big Easy like a native son. 在新奥尔良我还可以再待几个小时,我喜欢这个他们称为“快活之都”的城市,我就像这里土生土长的一样。
Mr. Simon says clients in his native U. K. have been 'eager to put money into the U. S. ' this year. 西蒙说,今年,他的祖国英国的客户一直都很积极地把钱投入到美国来。
English is often perplexing to students of the language and to native speakers alike. 英语常常会让外国学生和以其作为母语的人同样感到大惑不解。
An HRESULT error can be returned to native code when a runtime-implemented COM interface function is called. 当调用运行时实现的COM接口函数时,可能会向本机代码返回一条HRESULT错误。
many Chinese who have spoken with me always say that my pronunciation is just like that of a native. 然而,这方面我从未有很多困难。跟我交谈过的中国人总是说我的发音很地道。
which are native to the region, do not require much water and are able to sequester large amounts of carbon dioxide. 项目起初的两年,我们以种植杂交杨树为主。作为一种当地物种,它无需频繁浇灌,并能吸收大量二氧化碳。
Its native gymnosperms could evolve into a few species capable of growing in the warm, moist forests of Queensland. 本地的裸子植物可进化成能在昆士兰温暖湿润林区的树种。
There has been a split in American writing between a cultivated, Europeanized concept of literature, and a notion of a native literature. 美国文学里优雅的欧洲文学和本土文学之间,一直是有分野的。
Create applications as if they were custom-built for a particular GUI with the feature that allows for native look and feel portability. 创建具有允许本土化外表和令人感觉轻便的应用程序就象他们是为特定图形用户界面用户而制的。
My experiences in Guangxi province a week later were another "going native" bliss-out with side orders of battiness. 一周后,我在广西省的经历是又一次“民族风情”狂欢,附带着有些浪费的开销项目。
People used to considered kimono as native Japanesedress, which had its own complete system of evolvement and development. 人们往往以为和服源于日本,是日本本土服饰,有着其本身完整的产生、发展体系。
There he was warned by Apollo not to return to his native country, because, should he do so , he would kill his father and marry his mother. 在那儿阿波罗警告他不要回他的故土,因为如果他要这样做,他就会杀了他的父亲并且和他母亲结婚。
leave native place, left all, has gotten rid of all, gave up all. . . So long as you to do not abandon, I can to not abandon. 曾经为一句话,我背井离乡,离开了一切,抛弃了一切,放弃了一切…只要你不离不弃,我就会不离不弃。
And you wil probably find that the native speaker have more patience with you as they appreciate the difficulty of your situation. 再有你会发现说母语的对你更有耐心,因为他们了解你的困境。
A language devoid of any cultural heritage also might lack the effectiveness of a native language, he said. 巴兰先生说,一种语言没有任何文化根基,也就失去了民族语言的同等效率。
Other Native American words included "moccasin" , the kind of shoe made of animal skin that Indians wore on their feet. 其他美国土著词汇如moccasin,某种印第安人穿的由动物皮革制成的鞋子。
Direct Data Connectivity -- Native drivers are easy to install, configure, and optimize without straining system resources. 直接的数据连接――本地的驱动能简单的安装,配置和优化,而不会使系统资源变得紧张。
Liu Chan entourage think of the demise of native country, very sad, but Sima Zhao Liu Chan said: "The music here, do not think Shu. " 刘禅随从人员想到灭亡的故国,都非常难过,刘禅却对司马昭说:“此间乐,不思蜀。”
He pronounces his words like a native, and if it were not for his body language, he could pass for a Latino. 他的发音很地道,如果不是他的手势,简直跟拉丁人分不清了。
Because native data types and XSD data types do not share a one-to-one mapping, information or precision can be lost during the translation. 由于本地数据类型和XSD数据类型并不具有一一对应关系,在转换过程中,信息或精度将会丢失。
Listening to his accent, you think he was a Beijing native. But actually he's from Guangzhou. 听口音像一个北京人,其实他是广州人。