
美 [sketʃ]英 [sketʃ]
  • n.素描;草图;速写;概述
  • v.概述;简述;画素描;画速写
  • 网络略图;草绘;梗概

复数:sketches 现在分词:sketching 过去式:sketched

sketch outline


n. v.

1.素描;速写;草图a simple picture that is drawn quickly and does not have many details

2.幽默短剧;小品a short funny scene on television, in the theatre, etc.

3.简报;速写;概述a short report or story that gives only basic details about sth


建筑学常见英语词汇 ... 方案 scheme,draft 草图 sketch 会谈纪要 summary of discussion ...


PS快捷键_百度百科 ... 9.Sharpen-( 锐化) 10.Sketch-( 素描) 11.Stylize-( 风格化) ...


英文速写Sketch) 一词有略图、草图、素材的意思,与素描是同一个概念,因而,我们今天翻开外国的素描集,很少能看到 …


数据流_互动百科 ... 2.1随机采样( Randomsampling) 2.2略图sketch) 2.3直方图( Histogram) ...


草绘sketch)(草绘器Sketch操作,字母"S"开头(草绘器的英文为"Sketch")Sa 圆弧 A表示ArcSC 中心线 C表示Centerlines, …


高考英语复习专题辅导教案 ... 595. skim vt. 搬(去),掠过;浏览 596. sketch n. 草图;梗概 597. slender a. 苗条的,修长的 ...


cad快捷键 - 搜搜百科 ... PO= 创建点; SKETCH= 徒手画线; DO= 圆环; ...


P开头的单词记忆中国记忆力训练网 ... punctual a.严守时刻的;准时的 sketch n. 略图;速写;概略 slam vt. 使劲关,砰地放下 ...

Mrs. Huang: My dad carried me to see a painting exhibition in cultural centre in four -year old. There was a vivid sketch painting. 黄:4岁多的时候父亲带我去文化馆看画展,其中一幅素描画的跟真的一样,之后我就开始画。
So if you were to sketch it out as a function of time, eventually you'll get to the concentration A equilibrium. 那么如果你把它作为时间的函数画出来,最终你会达到浓度A平衡。
In order to tell what I believe, I must briefly sketch something of my personal history. 为了阐明我的信仰,我必。
I love with a sketch, floating in the time, got the time, red disorder, whose heart had not been soft? 我把年华用一纸素描,浮了韶光,惹了流年,红尘错乱,谁的心不曾柔软?
"simply ending every bleeding sketch by just having a policeman come in" (this had been a running joke throughout the whole episode). 简单地结束每出血草图只是一个警察进来(这已在整个事件的一个笑话)。
Picasso was very moved, and he took out his crayons and drew a beautiful color sketch for Gloria Segall and signed it. 毕加索很感动,他拿出有色粉笔,为格洛里亚•西格尔画了幅彩色速写,并签上了名。
His love for brushing oil onto canvas came much later, when his early childhood sketch was brought to life in a special gift to his wife. 他热爱在画布上刷油来多以后,当他幼年的素描被带到生活在一个特别的礼物送给了他的妻子。
I want to do a sketch of you, and that's what I offer you for your accommodation. My offer of love is free. 我还想画一张你的素描,这才是我想给你的报答,我的爱是免费的。
To help better educate our vision and visual acuity, carry a sketch pad with you always and take time to stop and draw. 为了更好的培养我们的眼光和敏锐的观察力,可以随身携带一本速写本,经常花上一点时间,静下心来画画。
The thinness of the sketch in Figure 3 did not bring up the photo in the collection shown in Figure 4. 图3内的草图因为纤细致使没能带来图4所示的集合内的照片。
So although I'm trying to sketch the dualist position, as I explained on Tuesday, I don't myself believe in souls. 所以尽管我试着描述二元学说论,如我星期二所阐述的,我自己不相信灵魂。
Use cinnamon paint and a liner brush to sketch the face of the sun. Paint yellow rays between the half circles. 用肉桂色描绘太阳的五官。在半圆见涂上禁止词语射线。
I didn't mess with the details at this point; it is a very rough sketch and is all still changeable at this stage(Fig02). 我这一点上没有与细节混乱,这是一个非常粗略的草图,在这一阶段所有的仍旧是可变的(图02)。
His creative process differs from that of most designers, who typically sketch something first and then try to make it a reality. 他的创意过程与大多数设计师不同,后者通常会先画出草图,然后力求实现。
When I'm bored with my life, I take my pencils out in the back yard and doodle for an hour, trying to sketch trees that look like trees. 当我对生活感到厌倦时,我就拿出铅笔到后院去心不在焉地乱涂一个小时,试图画出看上去像树的树木速写。
The only money the Ball's ever made from the simple sketch was the two-figure dollar amount they made selling it to the client. 这张售给客户的简单草图虽然只为他赚了几十美元,但这是比尔的唯一一笔设计收入。
The wind blew a completed sketch right off of the Latin woman's table and onto the floor in front of me. 风正好把拉丁女子桌前一张已完成的素描吹落在我面前。
So, in a second study they used a description of a Monty Python sketch which participants weren't told was supposed to be a joke. 因此,在第二个实验中,他们使用了一个描述巨蟒的素描,而参与者也没有认为这应该是一个玩笑。
Li: At last, this painting still needs to be represented in the form of oil painting. This one is just a referential sketch. 李:这个最后的话都要用油画来表现出来,这个只是一个参考的一个稿。
It is tempting to let others judge you, tempting to ask, "What do you think? " as you put on an outfit or sketch a portrait or play a tune. 人们总很倾向于由别人来评价自己。当穿上一套新衣服、画了一副新作或是奏毕一曲,总很容易问:“你觉得怎样?”
Using some oil-based pencils from my makeup kit, I began to sketch Eichmann's face on the only paper I had: my guidebook. 我从化妆盒里拿出几枝油笔,在一本旅行指南上给他画脸部素描,这是我唯一能找到的纸。
As soon as the teacher entered the classroom, he saw that one of the boys had drawn a sketch of him on the blackboard. 老师一进了教室,就看到有个学生在黑板上画了一个他的怪像。
In this scenario, you might seek an hour or two of a professional's time just to sketch out a basic financial-planning framework. 在这样的场景下你可能会找出一个专家一个小时或两个小时的时间而这仅仅是大概描述了一个基本理财规划框架。
This sets up to account diagram is I a good friend modified several pens to me of diagram paper, have already become interesting sketch. 这张设计图是我一个好朋友给我修改了几笔的图纸,已经成了有趣的剪影了。
And I said, well, you know, what I've sketched out here is just that. It is a very coarse sketch of how we migrated around the planet. 我说,你知道,我画的这个图只是非常粗糙的,给你看我们在整个地球上是怎么迁移的。
I settled down in a nearby pub and began to sketch a glass, which is no more than an arrangement of ovals and lines. 然后在附近的一间旅馆住下,之后,我开始画一个杯子:看起来那完全就是椭圆和线条的堆积。
It seems to me Annette said something like this: Begin with a proper sketch book. 用我的话来转述安妮特的观点:从合适的素描本开始吧。
Many prominent British scientists deemed it a hoax when presented with a sketch and pelt, in 1798. 1798年,当草图和兽皮被公布的时候,许多著名的英国科学家都认为是恶作剧。
The point is to get a rough thumbnail sketch of what you spend in a year on various things. 重点是获得一个你一年中在各项事情上花费时间的大概图表。
The sketch can be abandoned at this point, or kept to investigate other areas and optionally to track elements to be authored. 在此可以舍弃草图,或者调查其他方面,并且有选择地追踪要编写的元素。