come over

  • na.渡过来;(从敌方)过来;变挂;〔口语〕欺骗
  • 网络顺便来访;从远方来;走过来

第三人称单数:comes over 现在分词:coming over 过去式:came over

come overcome over

come over


大学英语四级常用词组 ... come out with 发表,提出;公布 come over 过来;从远方来 come to one's mind 忽然想起 ...


人教版八年级上册英语单词表(含音标) ... 159 hey heI int. 嗨 222 come over 过来;顺便来访 235 way weI n. 方法,道路,方向 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... come out with 发表,提出;公布 come over 过来;从远方来 come to one's mind 忽然想起 ...


初中英语动词短语归纳_百度文库 ... come along 一道来,赶快 come over 走过来 come up 发芽,走近 ...


八年级英语知识点总结_百度知道 ... come up 走近;发生;上来;流行 come over 过来;抓住 in the open air 在户外;在野外 ...


CRI听力:Rural Tourism_恒星英语 ... live off 以…为食; 以…为生 come over 过来; 从远处来 no longer 不再, 已不, 不复, 再也不 ...


关于come的短语有什么?_百度知道 ... come into being1. 形成 come over1. 从远方(或克服障碍后)过来 ph.1. 来自 ...


心理学专业词汇翻译辞典 - MBA智库文档 ... come back 恢复 come over 支配 come to oneself 醒悟过来 ...

She called one of her boyfriend's buddies and asked him to come over and calm him down. 她给男友的一位好朋友打电话,请他来家里劝劝男友,让他冷静冷静。
At the end of each bridge, a great rush of relief would come over me, only to be replaced in short order by fear of the next obstacle. 每穿过一座高桥我就会大大地舒一口气,可等在前面的是又一个令人畏惧的关口。
You know, these new customer requirements may be all different, you will cope with not to come over, will keep yourself very tired. 要知道,这些新顾客的要求可能会个个都不一样,你就会应付不过来,就会把自己搞得很疲劳。
'Whenever you were upset he would come over and sit with you and kiss the tears away, ' she says. “每当你不开心的时候,他就会过来坐在你旁边,吻去你的泪水。”她说道。
He had fallen on his feet in Buenos Ayres , he said , and had come over to the old country just for a holiday . 他说在布宜诺斯艾利斯他站稳了脚跟,回到祖国只是为了度假。
Pat pants, downhill. The wind really come, over half mus of pond water, really a bit cheesy . . . . . . 拍拍裤子,下坡吧。风还真来了,掠过半亩塘的水,还真有几分潇洒……
I was no longer in a tropical area and I felt cold inside and out, the first time such a feeling had come over me. 我不再是在一个热带区域并且我里里外外感觉寒冷,第一次这样感觉来了我。
"Tang Lu Er's way a , then wear his way for the Piao: " You does this just want to come over to see me. 唐芦儿道了一句,然后就瞟着他道:“你这才想着过来看我呢。”
He said he would come over to see you tomorrow. 他说他明天会来看你。
For the sake of that sport with life he had now come over to the Russians, and for the same sport he might go back to Shamil tomorrow. 为了表示对他的运动寿命比现在的俄罗斯人,而同一运动沙米利明天他可能回去。
The best way to help Eduardo is not to speak about what happened there and for him to show that he has come over it. 帮助爱德华多最好方法就是不要谈论那件事,至于他,他要展示出他已经克服那件事。
Tom wondered that Joe had not recognized his voice and come over and killed him for testifying in court. 汤姆在想乔没听出他是谁,否则会过来杀了他,以报他在法庭上作证之仇。
If he does, you can give me a call and I'll come over and tell him to put a lid on it myself. 你别担心我啦。那个人要是再来找麻烦,我就直接找我的老板去和他谈喽!
I wonder if it is convenient for you to come over to my place and tell me about the get-together on Saturday night. 我想知道你是否可以在星期六晚上来我家告诉我有关聚会的情况。
When they were at Roses house he asked her if he could come over tommorow and she said sure. 当他们在玫瑰房子,他问她,如果他能来,她说,明天肯定。
Cash reserve in a bank should be controlled inside the company, otherwise be in harmony does not come over how does money do. 公司里面要控制一下现金,否则融不过来钱怎么办。
So he had this incredible curiosity. As a kid I saw him come over to me with radios and telephones and all sorts of things. 所以他有着难以置信的好奇心,我小时候看到他向我走过来时手里总拿着收音机,电话之类的。
I'd like to have come over to see you last night , but someone called and I couldn't get away . 昨天晚上我本来打算过来看你,但是有人来访,我不能脱身。
A time that turns to come over, we see its mouth up is all a blood, the basic nobody dares to close to save the person barehanded. 那只老虎头转过来的时候,我们看到它嘴上都是血,根本没人敢徒手靠近救人。
When Michelle called the next day she wanted us to come over and do it again the next night and I told her that I wasn't going to do it. 第二天,Michelle打来电话,希望我们晚上去她家,再做一次占卜。我告诉她我不会再做了。
when he got upon his feet at last and moved feebly down - town , a melancholy change had come over everything and every creature. 当他终于能起身下床,虚弱无力地在镇子里走动的时候,他发现周围的人和事都发生了变化,变得压抑了。
Kim then called her boyfriend and made him come over to sit up and watch TV with her since she couldn't sleep after that. 然后金就给她的男朋友打电话,叫他来和自己一起看电视,因为她已经无法入睡了。
"It was such a great experience to come over here and play in a stadium like that with such an amazing atmosphere, " said Spearing . “来到这里参加比赛时一次不错的经历,在如此周围的热烈的气氛感觉太棒了,”斯皮灵说道。
After he read your letter, he called to ask if he could come over to talk. 他读完你的信之后,打电话来问我可不可以谈一谈。
Did her a Di mother send person to have never called to come over to call eldest daughter two? 她一个嫡母派人去叫了长女两次,都没叫过来?
The wind ah, gently blowing come over, dream wings meteors the sky across, through time and space and return to the place of dreams. 风啊,轻轻吹过来,梦想翅膀流星天空中划过,穿越时空,回到这梦想的地方。
Avatar jumping flashing, I can 't wait to open, is indeed: he made a sad expression come over, with a sentence: I don't know what to say. 头像跳闪着,我迫不及等的双击打开,等来的确是:他发了个难过的表情过来,附带一句:我不知道说什么了。
We are friends, having no matter can also come over to see you, besides a year we also can't see several times. 我们是朋友了,没事也可以过来看你的,何况一年我们也见不了几次。
The only responsible thing to do, I decided, was to ask the woman behind the counter to come over for a look. 我认定唯一负责的行为就是让柜台后面的那位女士过来瞧瞧。
She used to come over and I'd bake cookies for her and let her eat them in front of the TV. 她过去常来我家,我会给她烤些点心,让她坐在电视机前吃。