carried away

  • 网络带走;使…失去自制力;冲昏

carried awaycarried away

carried away


几个选择题,请详解,谢谢_百度知道 ... c、 gave away 泄露 d、 carried away 带走 c、 knew 虚拟语气 ...


Mr. & Mrs. Smith 史密斯夫妇... ... overreact: 反应过头 carried away: 使……失去自制力 pull over: 靠边停车 ...


NND  你被乐成冲昏(Carried away)了眼,地球人,不,SOHU人都明确的  【在(刘铁猛)的着作中提到:】  >楼主谁啊?


英语教育高频词汇(5) ... job-hopping n.跳槽 carried away 搬走, 运走, 使激动 beefsteak n.牛排 ...


英国育儿账单大曝光(1)- 双语新闻 - 21英语网 ... bits and pieces 零碎 carried away 过了,失控 cope 成功地应付,对付 ...


7(第12节)最好的文本,如最古老的抄本(NU)和大部分的抄本,作「卷走」(carried away)或「带走」(carried alon…


着别人的受苦而转移了中心carried away)并且开始使用过多力气(go out ofyour way)想帮助他们时,你们就逾越了自己的 …


You'll feel tired easily if the light... ... 得意忘形 » Carried away 我的健康 » My health ...

Normal people may get carried away by words. Aphasics seem to understand human expressions better, though they cannot understand words. 正常人有时会被言语牵着走,尽管听不懂语言,但失语症患者能更好的理解人类的表情。
There was a long pause, and then, carried away by the vastness of his complimentary remark, a woman said, "Well, we like it. " 大家沉默了好一会,然后,一个女的由于被这番溢美之辞打动了,说,“对,我们喜欢”。
And the serpent cast water as a river out of his mouth after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away by its current. 蛇就在妇人身后,从口中吐出水来像河一样,要把妇人冲去。
It was just a little hack that you got carried away with. 您只是不由自主地做了一小部分修改。
Life time easy to be carried away, a head is not know what name, so evil and evil will take advantage of gaps in. 人生得意的时候容易忘形,一忘形就不知道自己姓什么,于是恶念和恶行就会趁隙而入。
You let yourself be carried away by the flow of your inspiration and impregnated me with it. 你被自己灵感的流动所迷住了,并且让我也侵染了。
'I wasn't looking, ' she said, letting out a laugh. 'I got carried away with the story. ' “我没有仔细看,”罗森笑着说,“我被情节吸引住了。”
We got so carried away fantasizing about bending it with Beckham that we almost forgot the point we were trying to make. 我们如此的着迷于贝克汉姆踢出的弧线球,以致几乎忘记我们所谈论的重点。
For the next 20 minutes they screamed at her until she passed out and had to be carried away by an aide. 在接下来的20分钟,家长们一直都围着她大声喊叫,直到后来市委副书记被一名副手带出人群。
It's very easy to get carried away when planning your dream wedding, and before you know it you've spent a small fortune. 在计划你梦中的婚礼时很容易就失控而超出预算,而且在你意识到之前你已经花了不少钱了。
Elizabeth was trying so hard not to laugh at the idea of Mr Collins being carried away by his feelings that she was unable to reply. 听到柯林斯先生所谓的被感情冲昏头脑,伊丽莎白使劲地憋住才没有笑出声来,以至于未能答出话来。
But before we get carried away, we should grasp how much has already been lost. Take Japan. Please. 但我们在兴奋不已之前,应对自己已遭受的损失心中有数。请以日本为例。
Disarmament by the status quo nuclear powers may make it easy to patch it up. But don't get carried away. 现有的核国家进行核裁军,可能会使修补该条约变得容易。
And they carried away the booty, and all that they had taken both of men and of beasts. 以后把一切所抢所夺之物,人和牲畜都带走。
Give this affair to Clemenza and tell him to be sure to use reliable people, people who will not be carried away by the smell of blood. 把这件事情交给克莱门扎,告诉他一定要用可靠的人,不会因血腥味失去自制力的人。
It's easy to get carried away at auction sales. You should take a tip from me and carry only as much money as you intend to spend. 在拍卖行很容易被说动花钱,所以你应听我的劝告,只带你计划好了要花的钱。
An ant went to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of drowning. 一只蚂蚁去河的岸熄灭它的口渴,而且陷入忘我之境藉着水流的匆促,在溺死的点上。
At the moment of action we are enthusiastic, impetuous, we are carried away by an idea, or by the personality and the fire of a leader. 在行动的那一刻,我们充满热情、坚持己见,为一个理念而着迷,被领导者的人格和激情所吸引。
But it's just a sign that I got carried away and started out with a too detailed design from the beginning. 但是,这只是一个标志,我被胜利冲昏头脑,从一开始就计划了一个太详细的设计。
The media made a meal of it for days, speculating about whether Clinton was about to crack up or get carried away by her hormones. 媒体接连数日对此进行了连篇累牍的报道,纷纷猜测雌性荷尔蒙是否会导致希拉里就此败北。
Japanese media said the tsunami carried away a ship carrying one hundred people . Television images showed a whole community on fire . 日本媒体称,海啸卷走了一艘载有上百人的船只。电视画面显示,许多居民区起火。
One morning, he found a small sheep, carefully check, original pen broke a hole, night wolf get carried away a sheep a. 一天早晨,他发现少了一只羊,仔细一查,原来羊圈破了个窟窿,夜间狼钻进来把羊叼走了一只。
It's easy to get carried away when you can do so much with the graphics software. 当你能使用绘图软件做这么多的事情时,你很容易变得忘乎所以。
Europa in Greek mythology was a beautiful princess carried away by Zeus, who approached her in the form of a white bull. 希腊神话中的欧罗巴(Europa)是一位美丽的公主。宙斯(Zeus)化身一头白色公牛来到欧罗巴身边并带走了她。
And the rest of the Jews also joined him in this hypocrisy, so that even Barnabas was carried away in their hypocrisy. 其余的犹太人,也都随著他装假;甚至连巴拿巴也被牵引,和他们一同装假。
Too often American leaders get carried away by emotions or politics without a decent sense of what they're getting the nation into. 美国领导人常常让情感或政治冲昏头脑,没有充分意识到他们正把国家引领到何处。
I tend to stop before fiddling around for too long, as it's too easy to get carried away over-detailing wooden patterns. 我倾向于在拖延前止步很久,因为它太容易丢失过详细木制样式。
And the rest of the Jews dissembled likewise with him; insomuch that even Barnabas was carried away with their dissimulation. 其馀的犹太人也都随著他装假,甚至连巴拿巴也随夥装假。
I simply got carried away and had no right to disturb such a pleasant evening. 我有点失态了,不该破坏这么夸姣的一个夜晚。
Krishnamurti: You seem to be carried away by your own words. 克:你似乎被自己的语言给带跑了。