
美 [tʃɪp]英 [tʃɪp]
  • v.打破;弄缺;被损坏;切下
  • n.(木头、玻璃等的)缺口;(木头、玻璃等破损后留下的)碎屑
  • adj.(雀,栗鼠等)唧唧叫的
  • 网络芯片;晶片;碎片


single chip,wood chip,programmable chip,powerful chip,blue chip
buy chip,produce chip,use chip,chip design


n. v.

1.(木头、玻璃等的)缺口,缺损处the place from which a small piece of wood, glass, etc. has broken from an object

2.(木头、玻璃等破损后留下的)碎屑,碎片,碎渣a small piece of wood, glass, etc. that has broken or been broken off an object

3.[usupl]油炸土豆条;炸薯条a long thin piece of potato fried in oil or fat

4.油炸土豆片;炸薯片a thin round slice of potato that is fried until hard then dried and eaten cold. Chips are sold in bags and have many different flavours.

5.(作赌注用的)筹码a small flat piece of plastic used to represent a particular amount of money in some types of gambling


a chip off the old block

(相貌或性格)酷似父亲或母亲的人a person who is very similar to their mother or father in the way that they look or behave

have a chip on your shoulder (about sth)

(因受过委屈而变得)敏感,好生气to be sensitive about sth that happened in the past and become easily offended if it is mentioned because you think that you were treated unfairly

have had your chips

注定要失败(或完蛋)to be in a situation in which you are certain to be defeated or killed

when the chips are down

在危急关头;在关键时刻used to refer to a difficult situation in which you are forced to decide what is important to you


电脑常用英语单词 ... mouse 鼠标 chip 芯片 CD-R 光盘刻录机 ...


晶片是从晶圆上面切下来的一小片, 所以叫晶片(chip).IC(integrated circuit)通常是指将晶片包装完成后, 称做IC.早期一颗IC里面 …


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... chic [法}漂亮(的) chip 碎片 chloride 氯化物 ...


八年级上册英语单词 ... coffee 咖啡 chip (食物等的)薄片 cola 可乐 ...


机械加工英语词汇_百度文库 ... 工件 workpiece; 切屑 chip; 常见的加工方法 universal machining method; ...


汉英字典_百度文库 ... 切削深度 depth of cut 切屑;碎屑 chip 切线锯法 tangential sawing ...


筹字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 筹略〖 astutenessandresourcefulness〗 筹码〖 counter;chip〗 筹谋〖 scheme;plan〗 ...

And if you are in the market for stocks with decent yields, take a look at some of the blue-chip names knocked down in the panic. 如果你想在市场上找到收益不错的股票,可以考虑一些在恐慌中受到严重打压的蓝筹股。
I said yes, there was a bonus for each chip they saved, and he just shook his head and then clucked his tongue . 他当时只是摇了摇头,砸巴了下嘴,想要说点什么,结果还是什么都没说。
I got a chance this week to see what computer chip maker Intel has up its sleeve in preparation for the next tech boom. 本周我有幸看到电脑芯片制造商英特尔如何准备为下一个高科技繁荣期大干一场。
NO07, How much is a black chip worth? 黑色筹码价值多少钱?
Among the worst hit were D-Ram memory chip groups, which had already been dealing with industry overcapacity. 其中受打击最严重的是动态随机存取存储器(D-Ram)芯片企业集团,它们已经在应对行业产能过剩问题。
Betty fumbled again in her purse, this time pulling out a handful of old wrinkled pictures along with a tin of chocolate chip cookies. 贝蒂又在背包里摸索了一阵子。这次拿的是一叠起皱的旧照片和一盒巧克力小点心。
First, type A cells are flowed across the chip in one direction and caught in traps that are large enough to hold only one cell. 首先,A细胞以一个方向流经芯片,并被捕捉到仅够容纳一个细胞的捕捉器中。
Moments later, the chip's contents appear on the screen, ready to be compared with those printed in the booklet. 芯片里的内容显示在屏幕上,以备与印刷在护照册子上的资料做对比。
It is an incredible example of modern alchemy, or a scientific miracle in recent times, to turn a piece of stone into a silicon chip. 把石头变成硅芯片的过程是一项点石成金的成就,也是近代科学的奇迹!
Once paramedics arrive, the chip will also be able to tell the rescue workers which drugs little Johnny or Janie is allergic to. 当医务人员赶到时,芯片还能够告诉他们受伤的孩子对哪种药物过敏。收藏指正
Such a readily available chip could record reams more data than patch-clamping, he said. 他表示,生物芯片具有很高的可用价值,它可以比膜片钳技术记录更多的数据。
This off-the-shelf Darwin Chip would then be a module you could plug into any computer, and it would breed stuff for you, fast. 这样,这个现成的进化芯片就成了可以插进任何计算机的模块,它能为你迅速繁殖东西。
Single-chip micro-computer, referred to as SCM, it has a simple structure, light weight, low price advantage. 单片微型计算机简称单片机,它具有结构简单,重量轻,价格低等优点。
But a digital camera could be made for a few pounds, and a lens and computer chip bought separately and added later. 不过,一台数码相机倒是可以只要几英镑就做出来,镜头和计算机芯片可以单独购买,在后面安装上去即可。
"Then chip off a little piece of ice and hold it to your finger, " said the voice. “取下一小块冰,然后敷在手指头上,”那个声音又说。
A symbol "W" stands for a chip which lies with its white side up and a symbol "B" stands for a chip which lies with its black side up. 一个“W”标志代表一个白色面朝上的棋子,一个“B”标志代表一个黑色面朝上的棋子。
However, while there had been a strong rebound in mobile chip shipments, demand for its enterprise microprocessors remained weak. 不过,尽管移动芯片发货量出现强劲反弹,市场对其企业微处理器的需求仍然疲软。
The idea of asking people to chip in for schools is not unprecedented, but it is usually a bit more subtle. 请求人们为学校捐款并非史无前例,但是通常的做法并不这么大张旗鼓。
Share with me a glass of milk and a couple of chocolate chip cookies as we help preserve the fleeting illusions of childhood. 和我分享一杯牛奶和几块巧克力曲奇饼干吧,这有助于保存我们那转瞬即逝的对于童年的幻想。
The capacitor body is constructed by printing copper inner electrode layers on the front and back surfaces of a laminar ceramic chip. 所述的电容器本体是在薄片状的陶瓷介质芯片正反两面印刷有铜内电极层。
And the only solution seems to be a language chip. 唯一的解决办法似乎就是语言芯片。
One important application of PLL in microprocessor is to provide on-chip clock for the system. It has been a core module of microprocessor. 锁相环在微处理器领域中的一个重要应用就是为系统提供片内时钟,它是微处理器时钟电路中的核心模块。
And with energy prices high, they trying to appeal to people like Ms. Conrad, who are looking for ways to chip away at expenses. 同时,随着能源价格上涨,他们希望能迎合像康拉德这样想方设法节省费用的消费者。
Unlike Nokia, Samsung designs its own smartphone processors, just as Apple began to do with the A4 chip it brought to the iPhone 3GS. 不像诺基亚,三星设计自己的智能手机处理器。如苹果最初给iphone3GS提供的是A4芯片。
Consequently, the productivity of such machines can be very High, the chip-producing time often approaching 50% of the total. 这样,这类机床的生产力就非常之高,切削时间通常接近整个加工时间的百分之五十。
Smart card is actually a plastic card, with a size about that of a credit card embedded within it a microprocessor chip. 智能卡其实是一张塑胶卡片,体积有如一张普通的信用卡,内藏一块微处理器晶片。
Tom had a tough time growing up, so he's got a bit of a chip on his shoulder. 汤姆小时成长经历坎坷,所以他脾气有点不太好。
A little as dry as a chip also insipid character, not was necessary to be read, of this back back a bit. 也有些枯燥乏味的文字,没有必要读完,该背的的背一点。
"All that you're doing is reducing (a computer) system to a single chip, " he said. “你所做的一切正是将(一台计算机)系统集成在单个芯片上”他说。
You looking at me, I rather excavate a chip of pork above my own body don't ambition to continue again to go for the Qi Xuan Ji for well. 你看着我,我宁愿挖掉自己身上的一块肉也不想再继续为泣玄寂做事。