
美 [ˈkɔrəs]英 [ˈkɔːrəs]
  • v.合唱;齐声说;异口同声地说
  • n.合唱团;齐声;副歌;合唱曲
  • 网络合唱队;合声;和声

复数:choruses 现在分词:chorusing 过去式:chorused



n. v.

1.[c]副歌part of a song that is sung after each verse

2.[c]合唱曲a piece of music, usually part of a larger work, that is written for a choir(= a group of singers)

3.[cspv]合唱团;歌咏队a large group of singers

4.[cspv]歌舞队a group of performers who sing and dance in a musical show

5.[sing]a ~ of sth齐声,异口同声(表示同意或不同意)the sound of a lot of people expressing approval or disapproval at the same time


in chorus

一起;一齐;同时all together


合字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 合不来〖 cannotgetalongwell〗 合唱chorus〗 合成〖 compose;compound〗 ...


此曲副歌 (chorus) 的歌词更是可圈可点,运用了 paradox 的修辞手法:Dreams are my reality 这句歌词直译为「梦境是我的现 …


词根联想记忆法词汇教程(二)|联想记忆法背单词 ... chore n. 零工,杂物 chorus n. 合唱团 chronic adj. 长期的;慢性的 ...


新东方GRE词汇 - 豆丁网 ... choreography ? n. 舞蹈编排,舞蹈 chorus ? n. 合唱队 chronic ? adj. 长期的,慢性的 ...


效果器说明书总汇 - 惊蛰文的日志 - 网易博客... ... 延时( DELAY) 合声( CHORUS) 混响( REVERB) ...


音乐形容词 - benhe30的日志 - 网易博客 ... classics 古典音乐 chorus 合唱,和声,合唱队 col canto 紧随的旋律 ...


大学英语六级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... chord n. 弦, 和音, 情绪 chorus n. 合唱, 合唱队, 齐声 Christ n. 救世主(耶稣基督) ...


高中必背3500词汇表听写版 - 豆丁网 ... chopsticks n. 筷子 chorus n. 合唱曲,歌咏队 Christian n. 基督教徒和天主教徒的总称 ...

"Look as much as you want, but you're not going to make it, " they all said in a chorus. “爱看多久看多久,但你过不去的!”他们异口同声地说。
The fashion people, on the other hand, looked like some sort of bizarre chorus line about to break into a rendition of "Think Pink! " . 而另一方面,时尚人士们像合唱队一样怪异的排成行,好像准备着一场“粉红运动(ThinkPink)”的表演。
Since after I passed that music entrance examination, I persisted in the area the chorus team trains, the wind and rain does not change. 自从我通过了那次音乐的入学考试后,我坚持到区里的合唱队训练,风雨不改。
The island's governor, Pedro Gallardo, said it was extraordinary that almost everyone survived, and joined a chorus calling it a miracle. 该岛长官佩德罗•加拉多表示,几乎所有人都活下来了,非常不可思议。他同人们一样连声惊叹,称这是一次奇迹。
A week after elections, Brazilian women bloggers continue to shout out in chorus: yes, she can. 选举结束之后一个星期,巴西女博客圈继续齐声表示:是的,她可以。
Her computer screen is a collage of tween faces, rainbow colored text bubbles and a chorus of shrill voices all vying for her attention. 她的电脑屏幕是一幅多个面孔拼贴成的图片,多色彩虹、泡泡文本以及让她着迷不已的乐队,唱着尖锐的歌声。
Pharrell wanted to do a dance track with us. It has no verse, only a chorus. Pharrell想和我们合作一首舞曲,歌曲没有主歌,只有副歌。
I think you're being a little critical. The actor in the lead role is fantastic. I suppose the chorus could be a bit better, though. 我觉得你有点儿太挑剔了.男主角演得相当不错.不过我觉得伴唱团还有点儿欠缺。
His sons set up a chorus of complaint: what was he doing? Was he out of his mind? 他的儿子们齐声抱怨起来:他在干什么?难道他疯了吗?
And I knew that the hopelessly poignant thing was not Lolita's absence from my side, but the absence of her voice from that chorus. 我知道那是最为伤心无望的不是洛丽塔不再我的身旁,而是,那种旋律中没有她的声音。
She found it was not such a wonderful thing to be in the chorus, and she also learned that her salary would be twelve dollars a week. 她发现当群舞演员并不是什么很好的事,而且她还知道了她的薪水是每周12块钱。
We are beginning to hear a worldwide chorus ofconcern that the national debt is ballooning out of control. 世界各国已开始纷纷表达对美国国债增速失控的忧虑。
The scene with Charles Bennett and the "chorus girls" was supposed to have taken place in a brothel, but the Hays Office would not allow it. 查尔斯·贝内特和舞蹈女孩的那个场景本该是发生在妓院的,但海斯办公室(原美国电影协会)是不会同意的。
when I walked through the door, they greeted me with a loud chorus of "Happy birthday, Bella! " while I blushed and looked down. 我刚一进门,他们便用一齐用大声的“生日快乐”做为问候,令我脸红得垂下眼去。
It was an old routine of theirs, a mock battle and wooing, using their voices like swords, each shouting a chorus in turn. 这是他们的一个老惯例,一个模仿的争斗和求爱,用他们象剑一样的声音,每人轮流喊出一个迭句。
The second chorus times or bar, the middle of a movement like Gypsophila paniculata, we do not know how it jump like this action. 第二遍还是合唱吧,中间有个动作像满天星一样,不知道我们怎么那么喜欢跳这个动作。
Finally, morning dawns, bringing with it a chorus of birds. 最后,天亮了,鸟儿的合唱随之而来。
Farley said that in the beginning it seemed like she was suppressing her voice but that she let loose in the chorus. 法利说一开始杰西卡好像压抑着她的声音,但是在和声中她释放出来了。
Several Chinese readers have contacted me to express astonishment at the chorus of voices blaming China for the U. S. recession. 一些中国读者最近向我表示,那些一致认为“中国应该为美国经济衰退负责”的观点让他们深感震惊。
When gathered in large herds, they produce a noisy bellowing sound that resembles a chorus of thousands of frogs. 一大群牛羚聚集在一起时,会发生吵杂的咆哮,那声音仿佛是成千上万的青蛙齐鸣。
But this year the Greek chorus of surprise reached such a pitch that I feel compelled to respond and set the record straight. 可是今年,突然有希腊人合唱队,声调之高,我不得不用录音机声响直接回应。
Soon the rest of the CLASS was streaming in, and a chorus of similar comments could be heard. 很快,班上其他的同学陆续进来,类似的评价也不绝于耳。
However, liberalism literature was not the vocal solo in modern China, but a voice part of the enlightening movement chorus. 然而,现代中国并不是自由主义文学的独唱,它只是启蒙大合唱中的一个声部。
Waking to the dawn chorus was an especial joy as night faded and the sky grew light heralding a brand new day. 当夜色褪去,醒来就听到清晨鸟语是一件特别快乐的事。天空放亮,预示着崭新的一天开始了。
That's right , send' em all down . I wanna see 'em lined up in a row, pretty as a chorus line. 很好,把它们都放下。我要把所有的香烟排成一排,就像一个合唱队。
CHORUS-repeat I said hi, I got a little place nearby, gotta go! 我说嘿我在附近找到了个地方走吧
But much of the water appeared to miss the reactor, dissipating in a mist of white. "Uhh , " a chorus of disappointed voices cried out. 但是多数的水都没有撒到反应堆上,消散在一层白色的水雾中。人们异口同声的发出失望的声音,“啊!”
The chorus, however, offers a toast to pleasant memories, which is why the song is appropriate for an occasion like the end of the year. 但是,副歌的部分则提议举杯同庆甜美的回忆,因此这首歌很适合像年终这类的场合。
Possessing a chorus so shimmery that it manages to turn Sharkey's rasp to sweetness, it may just be the Undertones' crowning achievement. 持有合唱闪闪的,它管理的转夏基的锉刀甜头,也可能只是意味的最高成就。
If President Bush believes in any of his own rhetoric, he should join the chorus of voices calling for the journalist's immediate release. 如果布什总统真的相信自己所说的那些花言巧语,那他就应该加入到要求则迪记者立即释放的和声中来。