ray of light

  • n.光束
  • 网络光芒万丈;光线;一束光线

ray of lightray of light

ray of light


SimpleCD | 群星 -《欧美流行音乐精选》[MP3!] ... 4.LIVE TO TELL 想要告诉你 6.RAY OF LIGHT 光芒万丈 9.TAKE A BOW 鞠 …


鉴于法文 rayon 一词具有光线ray of light)和圆范围(radius ofa circle)双重含义这一情况,他避免在后一种意义上使用它, …


魔法_百度百科 ... 4.Darkness 黑暗 5.Ray of Light 光束 6.Circle of Light 光环 ...


听歌学英语格莱美金曲100首珍藏-DVD-亚马逊... ... 63 Rain Please Go Away 雨,请停一停 64 Ray Of Light 一束光线 65 Reac…


一生一定要听的300张唱片_百度百科 ... 麦当娜 Confessions on a Dance Floor 麦当娜 Ray of Light 比利·乔52 nd Street ...


★ A - 琴谱下载 - 香港流行钢琴协会 ★ ... Tear Stains 尹尚贤 ray of light 中川翔子 Dance to the death 下村阳子 ...


《鬼刃》人物和道具资料--北方网-游戏情结 ... 附魔:光明( LIGHT BLADES) 光箭( RAY OF LIGHT) 附魔:闪电( LIGHT BLADE…

The fact that educated expatriates like the Moore sisters think of these youngsters in Liberia is a ray of light in this struggle, he adds. 他又说,像摩尔这样受过教育的海外侨胞能够关注这片土地上的这些小家伙们,这是这场战斗中的一抹阳光。
Artist and social activist Ai Weiwei recently referred to Twitter as "a ray of light" in "a very dark room. " 最近,艺术家、社会活动家艾未未把Twitter形容为“非常黑暗的房间里的一束光”。
if I forget that it was He who granted that ray of light to His most unworthy servant, then I know nothing of Calvary love. 若我忘了是祂把亮光赐给祂最不配的仆人,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。
Back to your initial dream, Strong faith within the dream, truth hidden in the reality, ray of light guide you to awakening. 回到最初你旳梦想,梦里都坚守旳信仰,现实里都藏着真相,指引你觉醒旳微光。
Find out an single big head Feng, I lightly beverage a , eyes immediately flash across the ray of light of a green, mantle up my eye socket. 找到一个落单的大头蜂,我轻喝一声,眼睛顿时闪过一道绿色的光芒,包裹着我的眼眶。
The sun was coming out of the horizon. First it was just a ray of light. 太阳已经升出地平线了,首先是一道光。
Add a bit of tweaking here and fine tuning there and its warm, radiant glow shines like a ray of light amidst 'Contra''s incessant glow. 这里修修、那里调调,成为这张温暖照人的‘Contra’中又一束耀眼的光线。
Despite the despondency around the clubs situation, Simpson has proved to be an exciting ray of light. 目前俱乐部的处境令人略感失望,但辛普森还是散发出了闪闪光芒。
As a ray of light passes near the earth, it must cut through the atmosphere, which might bend the ray through the refraction of light. 作为光辐射通过接近地球时,它必须穿过大气层,它可能通过折射光而导致光线弯曲。
Leaf Hong twice eye as if the snake arrange gleam hatred poison of ray of light. 叶弘双眼犹如毒蛇般闪烁着怨毒的光芒。
In a ray of light, an angel appears and leads him to look back on his short life. 一阵光中,天使出现,天使带领阿远回顾他短暂的一生。
Until one day, finally, I come in sight of, that kind of look forward to already a long time of ray of light. 直到有一天,终于,我看到了,那种向往已久的光芒。
Here poor Brown broke down --- very sorry he had spoken at all; but Steely came to the rescue with a ray of light. 说到这儿,可怜的布朗说不下去了——非常后悔,觉得自己根本不该说这些,但斯蒂利却突然灵机一动,给他解了围。
a ray of light usually travels in a straight line; but sometimes it bends. it leaves the air and goes into the glass, then it bends. 一束光线通常走直线,但有时也弯曲,当离开空气进入玻璃时,它就弯曲。
Is there any other ray of light that could make into the observer's eye from that galaxy ? 这里还有其它的可以进入观察者眼睛的光线嘛?。
As Bringers of the Dawn, you are in your darkest hour before the dawn, when you may wonder if there is going to be a ray of light. 作为黎明的带来者,黎明之前你们是在你们的最黑暗时期,如果有一束光射线,你们可能惊叹。
Mocha derision way, but his tone is very morose, his arm crosses together on the railing, silent wish to sparkle ray of light of lake water. 摩卡嘲笑道,但他的语气却相当的黯然,他的胳膊交叉在一起架在栏杆上,默默望着闪烁着光芒的湖水。
He walks alone in the dark cave until he finally finds a ray of light. 不断一团体走,总算在深暗的洞穴中找到一丝光亮。
the ray of light revealed his cautious opening of the door. 灯的光线显出他开门的谨慎。
Far from the alley. A ray of light, it was the street lamps. 远远的巷子口透着一丝亮光,那是外面大街上的路灯。
"Make the thing that you arrange laborious have been already had? " Twinkle in eyes of remove is a cantankerous ray of light. “让你们准备的东西难备了没有?”眼睛里闪动的分明就是不怀好意的光芒。
The figure that sees a path green kills out from the blunt backward and sparkles to bite the ray of light of blood in Mou son. 只见一道道绿色的身影从后面冲杀出来,眸子里闪烁着噬血的光芒。
In the dark night it is the most shining a, though the ray of light is weak. 黑夜中它是最闪亮的一朵,尽管光芒微弱。
The evening wondering insects are seeking every possible ray of light, which, even though bean-sized, for them simply equaled the sun. 夜游的虫寻觅着一丝一缕的光,对于它们,那些豆大的微火便足以抗衡整个太阳。
to miss turned into a ray of light breeze, the dough kissed your face! 让思念化作一缕轻风,柔柔的吻过你的脸!
The law is a rational outcome, the beauty loads the ray of light of sensitive faculty. 法律是理性的产物,美承载着感性的光芒。
A ray of light leaves the galaxy and travels through the universe for perhaps billions of years before it enters the telescope or your eye. 一束光离开星系并穿过宇宙经过了也许几十亿年在它进入望远镜或者你的眼睛之前。
Andy sits on bare concrete, bruised face lit by a faint ray of light falling through the tiny slit in the steel door . 安迪坐在光秃秃的水泥地上,一束微弱的光透过铁门上狭小的出气口照在他瘀伤的脸上。
A black screen was drawn across his mirror of inner vision, and fancy lay in a darkened sick-room where entered no ray of light. 他内心那视觉的镜子罩上了一道黑色的序幕。幻想躺进了密不透光的漆黑的病房。
America : The only ray of light in a dark dark world. 美国:黑暗世界里唯一的一道曙光!