
美 [ˌreprɪˈzent]英 [.reprɪ'zent]
  • v.代表;表现;体现;描绘
  • linkv.意味着;相当于;等于
  • 网络表示;象征;代理

第三人称单数:represents 现在分词:representing 过去式:represented

represent type,party represent,represent threat,represent risk,represent percentage


为某人做╱说act/speak for sb

1.[oftpass]~ sb/sth代表to be a member of a group of people and act or speak on their behalf at an event, a meeting, etc.

2.~ sb/sth作为…的代言人;维护…的利益to act or speak officially for sb and defend their interests

成为例证be example of

3.[nopass]~ sth成为…实例;成为典型;体现to be an example or expression of sth

成为象征be symbol

4.~ sth作为…的象征;代表to be a symbol of sth

图画in picture

5.~ sb/sth (as sb/sth).~ sb/sth doing sth展示;描绘to show sb/sth, especially in a picture


6.~ sb (as sth)(尤指不公平地)展现,描述,表现to present or describe sb/sth in a particular way, especially when this may not be fair

正式声明make formal statement

7.~ sth (to sb).~ that…正式提出(意见、抗议等)to make a formal statement to sb in authority to make your opinions known or to protest


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... capsule n 太空舱; 胶囊 represent vt 代表; 表现 include vt 包括;包含 △ ...


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... knowledgeable 聪明的 represent 表现 come up with 提出 ...


人教版九年级英语单词表_百度文库 ... knowledgeable 知识渊博的 represent 代表;表示 let...down... 使…失望 ...


外研版英语九年级上册单词表_百度文库 ... yearbook n. 年鉴 represent vt. 代表,象征 advertisement n. 广告 ...


BEC中级常用必备词汇 - 豆丁网 ... reposition v. (为商品)重新定位 represent v. 代表,代理 PR=Public Relations 公共关系 * ...


MBA词汇电子版 - MBA智库文档 ... reporter 记者 废品 represent 表示;描述;代表 relate 讲述;有关,联系 ...


图像必须再现(represent)什么,但不是再现它自己。因此,我们对图像这个事实的描述就应当是:“这里有一棵树,远处是一座 …


关于汽车专业的英语单词_百度知道 ... reliability 可靠性,可靠度 represent 表现,描绘 reservoir 储油器,邮箱 ...

But, Mr. Darnay, oblivion is not so easy to me, as you represent it to be to you. 达尔内先生,要永远遗忘在我可不是那么容易的,并不像你所说的那么轻松。
Some directors are selected to give prestige to the board, others to provide certain skills or to represent lending institutions. 有些人当选为董事是为了提高董事会的威信,还有些人当选是为了能提供某项技术或能代表某贷款机构。
Your business logo can only be credible based if it is able to represent your business expertise fully. 如果你的企业标志能够充分体现你公司的专业性,它必然是令人信赖的。
The figures represent a remarkable turnaround from earlier in the year, when prices appeared to be in freefall. 房价在年初呈现自由下降趋势,而这些数据表现出显著的转机。
As you may guess, matters will proceed much better when the right people have replaced those in authority who do not truly represent you. 就如你们猜想的,当正确的人取代那些并不真实代表人民呼声之人的权力位置的时候,事情会进展的更加顺利。
Those quotations did not represent prices of stocks to me, so many dollars per share. They were numbers. Of course, they meant something. 那些报价对我而言并不代表股票价格,或是每股多少美元,它们就是数字。
The differences between the internal chemical composition of a cell and that of its external environment represent a degree of order. 细胞内部的化学成分和它的外界环境的化学成分之间差异,表现非常严格的有序性。
Net exports represent the difference between how much we export and import. 净出口代表之间的差异,我们是多么的出口和进口。
His wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, is now one of the two United States senators who represent the state of New York. 他的妻子,希拉里。克林顿,现在是其中的两个美国参议员代表纽约州的。
The perfect proportions of a Buddha, the graciousness of his physical form, represent one of the ten qualities or powers of a Buddha. 佛陀完美的比例,高尚的身体形态,代表佛陀十种品质或者力量之一。
How much of CIC and China's overall portfolio does this represent? 这在中投公司以及中国的所有投资组合中占多大的份量?
The president said he sees the U. S. athletes as ambassadors of liberty, who will represent America's love for freedom in Beijing. 布什总统说,在他看来,美国运动员实际上是自由的使者,他们在北京奥运会期间所代表的,是美国人民对自由的热爱。
From the outset, he perceived that if he was patient and could represent the best of his race, his merits would be recognized. 从一开始,他就认识到,只要他有耐心,能够表现出最佳的能力,就会实现他的价值。
Qin filled out her application to march while hospitalized by an appendectomy and is proud to represent her ethnic group, she said. 秦(吁胭)是阑尾手术住院期间填写的参阵申请,她说她为代表她的民族感到自豪。
These interfaces are intended to represent views into a collection, but they do not ensure the collection itself is immutable. 这些接口是用来表示针对某集合的一些视图,但是接口并不确保该集合本身是不变的。
A line is drawn through the points to best represent the various regimes where the pressure exponent n may be considered to be constant. 一条线是制订通过点,以最能代表各种制度下的压力指数n可被视为常数。
But the general thinking seems to be that cancer stem cells represent a small population of the cells in a tumor. 但是一般想法仿佛如此:癌症干细胞只占肿瘤细胞很小一部分。
These represent short units of work that produce a steady, measurable pace of project progress (typically measured in hours or a few days). 这些表现了短期的工作单元可以产生出项目进展过程中稳定、可测量的步调(典型的是以小时数或者天数作为衡量标准)。
Actually , the word officer means a person authorized by the Board of directors to represent the bank in certain dealings . 实际上主管人员这个名词表示这个人得到了董事会授权,代表银行经营某些业务的人。
Anna handed out her mother's favorite flowers, the white incarnations, on the occasion as they represent sweetness, purity, and patience. 安娜在仪式上发放了她母亲最喜爱的白色花朵,这是甜蜜,纯洁,耐心的化身。
The resulting profits represent a relatively hidden form of support for banks, and Wall Street has geared up to take advantage. 由此获得的利润,为银行提供了某种相对隐性的支撑,华尔街因此做好准备充分利用这种机会。
The marketing director had pressing business which kept him in Leeds , so he sent his deputy on to represent him in Edinburgh. 市场营销主任因急事耽搁在里兹,因此他先派副手前往爱丁堡做他的代表。
He said he cherished "the love. . . of those who represent most of Syria's people. " 他说他珍惜那些代表大多数叙利亚民众人民对他的爱。
I said that it was up to the parties directly involved to decide who would represent them in the ceremony. 我说将由当事的各方决定谁将在仪式中代表他们。
If you let me think myself, I can't think of anything to represent us out of the two boxes, maybe the Olympics could be one. 如果让我自己去想,我也想不出有什么可以代表我们的形象,在你提出的这两个范围之外,也许奥运可以吧。
Yet this total does not truly represent what you give up to spend a year in college. 但这种总和并不真正地代表你上一年大学所放弃的东西。
At the moment for instance we're looking at having each turn represent a season, with four of these making a year. 例如,目前我们正在考虑每个季度就是一个回合,而一年则由四个回合组成。
You might argue that these sentences are somewhat unnatural; certainly, the do not represent the everyday core meaning of the word "man" . 你可能争论这些句子有些不自然(不通顺):当然,因为它们不代表“人”这个每天为中心的词。
That's the whole point of a document model, after all -- to faithfully represent XML without any assumptions about the form of that XML. 这正是文档模型的任务所在,即不对该XML的形式进行任何假设,如实地表示XML。
They weren't fighting with guns; they were fighting by creating social services, by talking to the media, by trying to represent themselves. 他们不是靠枪来反抗的,他们靠的是提供社会公益服务,与媒体对话,试图维护自己的利益。