
美 [kætʃ]英 [kætʃ]
  • v.抓住;捕捉;捕获;接住
  • n.接(球等);总捕获量;扣拴物;扣件
  • adj.有趣味的;设有圈套的
  • 网络捕获物;捕获数;捕捞

过去式:caught 第三人称单数:catches 现在分词:catching

catch bus,catch train,catch fish,catch plane,catch fire


v. n.


1.[t]~ sth接住;截住;拦住to stop and hold a moving object, especially in your hands

2.[t]~ sth接(落下的液体)to hold a liquid when it falls

3.[t]~ sb/sth (+ adv./prep.)抓住;握住to take hold of sb/sth


4.[t]~ sb/sth逮住;捕捉;捕获to capture a person or an animal that tries or would try to escape

某人正做某事sb doing sth

5.[t]当场发现(或发觉)to find or discover sb doing sth, especially sth wrong


6.[t]~ sth赶上(公共汽车、火车、飞机等)to be in time for a bus, train, plane, etc. and get on it

及时be in time

7.[t]~ sb/sth及时做(或谈等)to be in time to do sth, talk to sb, etc.


8.[t](informal)~ sth看见;听到;出席;参加to see or hear sth; to attend sth

意外地发生happen unexpectedly

9.[t]~ sb突然遭受to happen unexpectedly and put sb in a difficult situation


10.[t]得病;染疾to get an illness

被缠住become stuck

11.[i][t](被)钩住,夹住,绊住to become stuck in or on sth; to make sth become stuck


12.[t]击中;打to hit sb/sth


13.[t]~ sth察觉;瞥见to notice sth only for a moment


14.[t]~ sth听清楚;领会to hear or understand sth

逼真地显示show accurately

16.[t]~ sth逼真再现;准确描绘to show or describe sth accurately


17.[t]~ sth(光)照射;受到(光的)照射if sthcatches the light or the lightcatches it, the light shines on it and makes it shine too


19.[t][i]~ (fire)烧着;着(火)to begin to burn


catch your breath

(由于恐惧、震惊等)屏息,屏气to stop breathing for a moment because of fear, shock, etc.

catch your death (of cold)

患重感冒to catch a very bad cold

catch sbs eye

引起某人注意;惹人注目to attract sb's attention

catch it

受罚;受斥责to be punished or spoken to angrily about sth

catch sb napping

使人措手不及;乘其不备to get an advantage over sb by doing sth when they are not expecting it and not ready for it

catch sb on the hop

使某人措手不及to surprise sb by doing sth when they are not expecting it and not ready for it

catch sb red-handed

当场抓住;现场捕获to catch sb in the act of doing sth wrong or committing a crime

catch sb with their pants down

使突陷窘境;乘人措手不及;出其不意;冷不防to arrive or do sth when sb is not expecting it and not ready, especially when they are in an embarrassing situation


编译器会尽可能捕捉catches)它所能捕捉的错误,但 有时候有些问题 - 不论是程式员引起,或程式正常执行㆘自 然发生 - …


辅音字母的读音规则 - -0931-的日志 - 网易博客 ... washes( 洗) catches抓住) tea( 茶) ...


航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(C11) ... catcher 收集器 catches 捕获物 catching diode 箝位二极管 ...


new words ... lift economic growth 提振经济增长 catches 捕获数 a last resort n. 最后一招 ...


广东统计年鉴2011 十一 农业11-24... ... 海水产品 Seawater Aquatic Products 捕捞 Catches 养殖 Artificially Cultured ...

Thats it. Now were walking. Prince Christian catches up to Mary and Frederik on his way to kindergarten. 现在,我们走吧!小王子牵着父母的手走在去幼儿园的路上。
However, just like Wall Street junkie above, you can deny reality for a certain time but it always catches up with you. 然而,就像上面提到的那些华尔街瘾君子一样,你可以一段时间拒绝现实,但是现实一定会抓住你的。
This mix of styles brings a strong sense of layers that create contrast, and is full of personality that catches the eye. 这种混搭风格带来了层次感强烈的对比,个性化十足,引人注目。
If the idea catches on, don't be surprised to see an air tree in the city near you very soon. 如果这个想法得到推广,当“空气树”出现在你身边的时候,千万不要吃惊啊!
He is not too far removed from his two scoring championships, and when he catches fire, only Kobe Bryant is a more potent scorer. 他并没辱没自己两届得分王的名声,当他手感好时,也只有科比才是个强大的对手。
Idea 3: Mark catches the thief, then realizes that it was just a test by the judges! What does Mark think of this? Does he win the award? 想法三:马克抓到小偷,然后才发现这只是评审的一个试验!马克有什麽感觉?他会赢得奖品吗?
Mahone pays to see the room. When he heads back to the lobby, Mahone catches the clerk on the phone about to tell Wyatt. 马宏交费去房间看了看,当他回到大厅时,正好撞见接待员电话通知怀亚特。
The sheep and the milker hated to hear it howl and said to it: He catches us frequently, but we do not make any noise. 绵羊和乳牛讨厌它的号叫,便说:“他常常捉我们,但我们并不大呼小叫。”
Remember that when a woman comes to your profile she will read it once to see if it catches attention. 请记住当一个女人看你的简介时,一旦发现吸引她的地方她就会阅读简介。
Lunch is nothing to write home about, though some of the boats buy catches from the fishermen who pull up to them on the river. 午餐没有什么值得大书特书的,尽管多数船购买渔夫捉到的鱼,通常提供面条、饺子和菜肴。
'Wu Xia' is a cat-and-mouse thriller about a repentant killer whose past catches up with him as he hides out in a remote village. 《武侠》是一部“猫捉老鼠”式的惊悚片,讲述的是一个躲藏在偏远山村希望悔过自新的杀手受到其过去经历纠缠的故事。
Whether the mirror database ever completely catches up to the principal database depends on the operating mode of the session. 镜像数据库是否完全与主体数据库保持同步取决于会话的运行模式。
The fox sees that and catches him in his mouth and carries him away. 狐狸看见并捕捉他放在他的嘴里,带他走了。
If that catches on, arcades may soon sound as if everyone in them should be tucked up in bed. 如果这玩意流行起来,街机游戏厅也许很快地试用上,那时大家在里面玩就应该像是在床上睡觉一样。
It will just be a temporary setback until the rest of the Internet catches up with its own future. 这只是暂时的挫折,最终互联网其它部分会找到自己的未来。
When finally the kite catches the wind and fly high above into the sky, it feels as if all my worries fly away as well. 当最后风筝到了风并且高高的飞在天空中的时候,那种感觉就像是我的所有烦恼也全飞走了。
Catch clause can be used without arguments, in which case it catches any type of exception, and referred to as the general catch clause. 子句使用时可以不带任何参数,这种情况下它捕获任何类型的异常,并被称为一般catch子句。
The economy not only regains its lost ground, but, within a year, it typically catches up to its rising long-run trend. 经济不仅会收复失地,而且一般来说,一年之内,就会追赶上它的长期增长趋势。
Humans are like a living movie screen that catches a movie projected by the sun down the dimensions and upon the field. 人类就象一个活动的电影屏幕,捕捉了由太阳放映的、沿各维度送下到能量场上的一场电影。
It goes on like this until finally, on the last day of their vacation, one of the men catches a fish. 这事好像一直要持续到最后,但在假期的最后一天,他们中的一个人钓到了一条鱼。
It's one of those things that catches up to you quickly as life reciprocates your emotional generosity. 这是一样能迅速赶上你就像生活回报你在感情上的宽容。
The idiot you catches the bulb and screws it into the top of his head, wincing at the pain. 愚蠢的你抓住了灯泡,把它拧在那个人的头顶上,他疼得缩了回去。
He is becoming more proportional as his body size catches up to his head size. 随着身体尺寸赶上头部尺寸,他的比例更加均衡了。
Catches toe in bit of rough grassy earth and is out for four months with resulting injury. 脚趾不幸被粗糙的草地挫伤,并因此休养了四个月。
After Yang sociables runs up to Lin Songling the side . . . "120" catches up with, looks that Lin Songling, the human has not moved walks. 杨乐群跑到林松岭身边……“120”赶过来后,看了看林松岭,人都没动就走了。
He catches the ball on his toss, shakes his head and we knew we were in trouble. 他拿着扔过去的球摇摇头,我们知道自己麻烦了。
Nancy unpacks dishes from a box and puts them in the cupboards. A plate almost slips out of her hands, but she catches it in time. 南茜打开包裹,从箱子里把碗碟拿出来,放进橱柜里。一个盘子差点从手里滑下来,幸好她及时抓住了。
At night, the studio catches fire, the giant walks out of the fire with the comatose beauty in his arms. The film ends with a kiss. 夜晚,片场发生火灾,长腿巨人抱着昏迷的美人从黑烟中缓缓走出,赢得了美人深情的一吻。
one handle and you can, erm, lock it in the front on both sides but there are catches at the side as well. 它,呃,只有一个把手,你可以,呃,在箱子正面两侧把箱子锁上,但是箱子的侧面也有挂钩。
Dick often catches a few Z's on his way to work on the train. 迪克经常在坐火车上班的途中打个盹儿。