chinese man

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chinese manchinese man

chinese man


艾萨卡•华莱士•贝克在“淘金热”时的加利福尼亚矿区所摄“中国男子Chinese Man)”照片 (12/19/2006 06:43:00,561)1869年4月…


... 夏日德国印象----- deeply impressed by what i had seen in... 中国男人- ----Chinese Man 绅士男人- -----Gentleman ...


中国高考,China's College Entrance... ... ) high school graduate test 高中会考 ) Chinese Man 中国参考人 ...

It is humiliating for a Chinese man to be married to a woman with a higher or even equal income. 娶一个收入比自己高或是收入平等的女人对中国男人来说是可耻的。
Using a pair of giant clippers, the bare-chested Chinese man lunges into one of many wire cages on a truck and pins down a yelping dog. 一个赤裸着胸膛的中国男人用一对大夹子戳进卡车上很多铁丝笼中的一个,夹住一只呜咽的狗。
We are trying to bring a new aesthetic to the modern Chinese man of tomorrow and telling them: Reinvent your own aesthetic. 我们试图给当代及未来中国人带来新的美学理念,告诉他们:‘将自己的美学进行再创造’。
How can a Chinese man with a mind of his own live together with a Western woman whom is reputed to be very outward too? 中国男人怎么能和那些素来外向的西方女孩在一起的同时,又不迷失自己?
Although a Chinese man is not good at buying gifts for his wife, he feels obliged to support her for the rest of her life. 虽然中国男人不善送礼物,却要承担女人一生的托付,爱情退居第二位。
He knocked on the door and was greeted by a very old Chinese man with a long, grey beard. 他敲了敲门,一个很老的留着灰白长胡子的中国人开门招呼他。
He was the first Chinese man to win an Olympic track gold. Fans, the media and advertisers could not get enough of him. 他是第一个在奥运跑道上赢得金牌的中国人,媒体和广告商对其爱不释手。
At her age no Chinese man is interested in her as she is seen as no longer viable for a baby. 由于在她这个年龄看起来已经不能生孩子,没有中国人对她感兴趣。
an old chinese man in the sun has been through the bitter days . recalling is for the unforgotten. 沐浴在阳光下的中国老人已经从苦难的历史,岁月中走过来了。回忆为了不忘记。
My ex-husband was a good and caring companion, but, like a typical Chinese man, he was also short of expression with regard to love. 我的前夫倒是个很不错的伴侣,但是和典型的中国男人一样,他总是不怎么会表达爱情。
One time a Chinese man went into a Western-style restaurant and ordered some dishes. 一次,一位中国汉子进了一家西餐厅,点了几味菜。
Symantec said it traced the attacks to a computer system owned by a Chinese man in his 20s in the central province of Hebei. Symantec公司说,他们追踪到这次攻击来源于中国河北省中部的一个20多岁中国人的电脑系统。
Its latest example was the tale of a Chinese man who drowned this month after rescuing three North Korean girls adrift at sea. 最近的一个例子是,本月一个中国人在海上救了三个朝鲜女孩之后溺水而亡。
S: let me guess, your parents want you to marry a Chinese man, right? 我猜猜,你父母一定是想你嫁一个中国人,对吗?
Chinese man: The Summer Palace isn't so far away from here. I am able to tell you how to get there. Where do you come from exactly? 中国人:颐和园离这里不远。我能告诉你怎么到那儿。你来自哪儿?
I asked a skinny young Chinese man with a mustache about one of his vases, a flowery yellow and green one. 我向一个留着小胡子、骨瘦如柴的中国小伙子询问一件青黄双色纹饰花瓶。
A 30-year-old Chinese man surnamed Bao, who returned from the United States over the weekend, tested positive for A (H1N1) influenza. 一名30岁的中国鲍姓男子,在上周末从美国返回,他经过药检后呈阳性的H1N1型流感。
As the proud mother of a Chinese man for Olympic athletes cheering! China cheers for the team! 我作为一名中国人为祖国自豪,为奥运健儿欢呼!为中国男篮欢呼!
Whenever a stout Chinese man sporting a crewcut and a dark-coloured polo shirt walks by, the mood gets tense. 只要一有留着平头、身着深色运动T恤的矮胖的中国男子路过,气氛就变得紧张起来。
You gave examples of paradox . Why shouldn't someone be serious when a Chinese man invites him to dinner? It sounds absurd! 你在给我列举自相矛盾的例子。为什么当一个中国人邀请你吃饭,你不应该当真。太令人费解了。
In conclusion you may ask why they do not want to be with a Chinese man. 最后你可能会问为什么她们不原因跟中国男人在一起。
An unidentified Chinese man asked Huntsman what he was doing there and whether he wanted to see chaos in China. 一个不明身份的天朝人问,洪博培在那里正在干什么和他是否想要看着天朝混乱的样子。
It's very easy for a foreign man to have Chinese lady but hard for a Chinese man to have a foreign belle. 外国男人泡中国女人非常容易,中国男人泡外国女人非常难。
On Friday, the dead body of a handcuffed Chinese man was found near the Chiang Saen port. 周五,一具带着手铐的中国人尸体在清盛港附近被发现。
"A Chinese man would never buy me so many gifts, " she said. 她说,“中国男人很少会给我买这么多礼物。”
He was a young Chinese man that came over to Korea and seemed genuinely happy, which is why I once encouraged and supported him. 他是一个年轻的中国来的人到韩国,似乎很真诚的快乐,这就是为什么我曾经鼓励和支持他。
The story of a young chinese man traveling around the world. 一个中国青年漂泊世界的故事,。
This film describes the happy moments of an old Chinese man. 这部电影描写了一位中国老人的幸福时光。
I imagine a Chinese man, he walks in a trendy district of his city. 想象一下,一个中国男人,他走在市区里最繁华的一条道路上。
Police caught a Chinese man in late April traveling through the airport with more than 200 pounds of ivory. 在四月末,警察抓获了一名中国男性,他打算带着200多磅的象牙通过机场。