
美 [ˈkɑnˌflɪkt]英 [ˈkɒnflɪkt]
  • n.冲突;矛盾;争执;抵触
  • v.抵触
  • 网络斗争;战斗;战争

复数:conflicts 现在分词:conflicting 过去式:conflicted

resolve conflict,avoid conflict,solve conflict,settle conflict,eliminate conflict
open conflict,direct conflict,inevitable conflict,serious conflict,severe conflict


n. v.

1.冲突;争执;争论a situation in which people, groups or countries are involved in a serious disagreement or argument

2.(军事)冲突;战斗a violent situation or period of fighting between two countries

3.抵触;矛盾;不一致a situation in which there are opposing ideas, opinions, feelings or wishes; a situation in which it is difficult to choose


conflict of interest(s)

利益(或利害)冲突a situation in which sb has two jobs, aims, roles, etc. and cannot treat both of them equally and fairly at the same time


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Or as if it had been a conflict between two equally compelling duties that required action? 或者一直以来就像两种同等强烈的、需要付诸行动的职责的冲突?
Rafah's location on the Egyptian border makes it a chief supply route for Gaza--and a key target in the current Israel-Gaza conflict. 位于埃及边境上的拉法是加沙物资供应路线的源头---也是目前以色列和加沙地带冲突的一个重要目标。
Consequently, he was reluctant to forthrightly blame the outgoing administration and went out of his way to avoid criticism and conflict. 结果是,他不情愿直接抨击上一任政府,而是用自己的办法规避争议和批评。
The matter of Israeli settlements in the West Bank is one of the key sticking points in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 以色列在西岸建立定居点在以色列和巴基斯坦冲突中是一个关键。
If I seek to fulfill my own needs at the expense of my partner, we are sure to experience unhappiness, resentment, and conflict. 如果为了满足自己的需要而造成配偶的损失,我们必然会经历不悦、忿恨和冲突。
An Israeli mayor on the front lines of the conflict with the Palestinians is calling for a truce with Islamic militants. 以色列和巴勒斯坦人发生冲突的一个前沿城市的市长呼吁和伊斯兰激进分子实行停战。
At the same time, a civil war was taking place in El Salvador, and again, the civilian population was caught up in the conflict. 与此同时,萨尔瓦多爆发了内战,再一次,平民被卷入冲突。
It has resulted in endless enmity and conflict, leading men to commit the greatest of crimes in the name of a higher power. 这种看法导致了无休止的敌对和冲突,导致人们以神明之名犯下莫大的罪行。
In the comic books, conflict between the two escalated into a feud, but later they were able to work together as friends. 在漫画,之间的冲突升级成两个世仇,但后来他们能够工作的朋友在一起。
The conflict, which has broken into rare public view, seems to be mainly between China's central bank and its Commerce Ministry. 这种分歧,——罕见地出现在了公众的视野,看起来集中体现在中国央行与商务部之间。
Daring even to try with a fine pair of jeans, there is a conflict the United States. 胆大的人甚至可以尝试搭配细牛仔裤,有一种矛盾冲突的美。
He said the core issue of the conflict is not settlements, but the Palestinians' refusal to accept a Jewish state in any borders. 内塔尼亚胡说,冲突的核心问题并不是犹太人定居点,而是巴勒斯坦人拒绝接受和一个犹太国家为邻。
There were reports earlier in the conflict that Khamis had been killed in an air strike, though those reports were later questioned. 早前有报道称Khamis在一次空战中丧生,但随后就有质疑声音出现。
Optimistic generals will be found, usually on both sides, before the beginning of every military conflict. 通常在每个军事冲突开始的战争双方都能发现这样乐观的将军。
He held out his hand with a gesture which conveyed something of this inarticulate conflict. 他伸出手,做个手势以表达他那难以言状的矛盾心情。
And I showed how out of the paper you want to derive views that would be in conflict with mine. 我告诉他怎样在论文中,发展出自己的和我冲突的观点。
Paralysis or missed appointments : These dreams can mean you are trying to avoid conflict and are using avoidance as a solution. 无能力或想升迁:这些梦可能意味着你正试图避免冲突并且正设法化解冲突。
Our attempt to deal with this conflict has resulted in something of a compromise. 我们在处理这一矛盾时,是采取折衷主义办法。
THOUGH Pope Benedict's tenure has not had much effect on Catholicism in Brazil so far, it has entrenched an old conflict. 迄今为止教皇本笃十六世的任期还没给巴西的天主教带来多大影响,不过大家仍忘不了过去围绕它所产生的巨大分歧。
But Jim Jeffrey leaves no doubt the White House is concerned that Russia wants to expand the conflict even further. 不过,杰弗里的话让人们相信,白宫担心俄罗斯有意要进一步扩大冲突。
But he also said the two sides did not happen during the armed conflict. 不过他也表示,期间双方并未发生武力冲突。
One serious conflict with one of our team members or peers can eat up a tremendous amount of our energy and result to a lot of stress. 与团队里的同事或伙伴发生冲突通常会耗费我们许多的精力导致更大压力的产生。
No less than the very existence of choice of law as an independent discipline of the law of conflict of laws is at stake . 法律选择是法律冲突法的一个独立组成部分,其能否存在同样成为问题。
Baker said the plan is not directed toward any particular conflict in which the U. S. has been involved. 贝克说,有关计划并非针对美国已经参与的任何特定战争。
The idealized title family in this book experiences nothing but unending glee, without the slightest hint of normal conflict or aggression. 这本书描绘的理想家庭没有经历过一丝挫折,只有无穷无尽的欢声笑语。
His effort to build relationships, not walls, amid the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is especially amazing in light of his own past. 他试图在巴以冲突之外建立起一种联系而不是隔阂,当了解到他的过去以后,这份努力尤其令人瞠目。
Just as the Americans pull out of Iraq, the risk of a conflict between the US and a newly-strengthened Iran is rising. 随着美国从伊拉克撤军,美国和新近实力有所增强的伊朗之间爆发冲突的风险正在加大。
All this can only fan the fast-spreading conflict between the ethnic Russian population and the Muslims of the north Caucasus. 俄罗斯少数民族和北高加索的穆斯林信徒之间的冲突正在快速蔓延,以上种种只能起到煽风点火的作用。
It would be very irresponsible and extremely dangerous to circulate the so-called ethnic confrontation or religious conflict. 在这个问题上宣扬所谓民族对立或宗教矛盾是不负责任的,也是非常危险的。
I try to answer the spiritual conflict and say that no, God wants you to eat. Your eating on that day is considered as if you fasted. 我尝试着回答这种精神上的冲突,然后说不是的,上帝希望你吃东西,你在那天吃东西就相当于你在斋戒。