
美 [ˈkɑrpət]英 [ˈkɑː(r)pɪt]
  • n.地毯;(尤指铺满房间的一块)地毯;覆盖地面的一层厚东西
  • v.用地毯铺(房间的)地板;把…厚厚地覆盖;厚厚地铺上;训斥
  • 网络毛毯;大地毯;毡毯

复数:carpets 现在分词:carpeting 过去式:carpeted



n. v.

1.[u]地毯a thick woven material made of wool, etc. for covering floors or stairs

2.[c](尤指铺满房间的一块)地毯a piece of carpet used as a floor covering, especially when shaped to fit a room

3.[c]~ (of sth)覆盖地面的一层厚东西a thick layer of sth on the ground


(be/get called) on the carpet

(因做错事)被上司叫去训斥called to see sb in authority because you have done sth wrong


舞台英文术语 ... foliage border 树叶边界 carpet 地毯 door 门 ...


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... carpenter n. 木工,木匠 carpet n. 地毯,毡毯,毛毯 carriage n. 客车厢;四轮马车 ...


商务英语词汇大全_外语教育网 ... rug 小地毯 carpet 大地毯 single bed 单人床 ...


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... carpenter n. 木工,木匠 carpet n. 地毯,毡毯,毛毯 carriage n. 客车厢;四轮马车 ...


阻燃测试标准大全 - long的日志 - 网易博客 ... 9.塑料类 PLASTIC 10.毯子 CARPET 11.飞机用毛毯 CARPET IN AIR PLANE ...


快递速递 Courier company ... 会计师 Accountant Accounting 油漆地毯墙纸 Carpet 泰拳咏春单车 Bicycle ...


...(car)上有宠物(pet),为 了保持卫生,必须铺地毯(carpet) 2.hijack: v. (抢劫,劫机,劫持) 分尸法: hi jack 如果在飞机上遇 …

He even sleeps there, in a room with worn carpet and a bed with an old-fashioned green plastic mosquito net. 他甚至在那里睡觉,房间里是旧地毯,床上挂着一顶老式的绿色塑料蚊帐。
David - then let the people decide. . . our president said he would not meddle. . . then he started carpet bombing. 大卫-让人民来决定…。我们的总统说他不会干预……然后开始地毯式轰炸。
It was a far-cry from her Vera Wang bridal gown, but the newly married Kim Kardashian glittered on the red carpet in a slinky silver dress. 与之前一袭王薇薇新娘礼服大不相同,新婚不久的金·卡戴珊这次以一身银色紧身连衣裙在典礼上熠熠发光。
At the moment, however, Katherine had a cell phone pressed to her ear while she was dashing blindly along the endless length of carpet. 然而,此时此刻,凯瑟琳一边不假思索地沿着没有尽头的地毯疾走着,一边把手机贴在耳朵上。
He want you know the following items when you point to the red carpet in the dream for him with your effeminate hands. 当你用流转的烟波和柔弱无骨的双手,指给他看梦里的红地毯,其实他很想让你知道。
In the face of changes that seem to be rolling out the red carpet others are wondering what they might be missing. 当迎来看似即将大受欢迎的改变时,其他人都在怀疑他们是不是错过了什么。
They stand at 90 degrees from the surface they coat, which Nasa scientists have referred to as looking like shag-pile carpet. 这些碳纳米管垂直地排列覆盖在物质表面,美国宇航局的科学家说看起来就像是绒毛地毯。
At this time the sun's afterglow on spending in the wilderness, as if to put the earth on a golden carpet. 这时候太阳的余辉洒在原野上,好象给大地披上了一条金色的地毯。
Only Idid desire, eventually, to turn into a magic carpet and carry you away to allthose lands you longed to see. 最后,我只渴望变成一条魔毯,带你飞到你想去的任何地方。
When it was time to leave, he very routinely jumped into the passenger side of my car and sat on the carpet waiting patiently for me. 当确定要离开的时候,牠一如往常般跳上驾驶座旁的座位,耐心地坐在毯子上等我上车。
There would be no more "accidents" on the living room carpet; you'd be able to take your poodle for a piddle several times a day. 客厅地毯上不会再有“意外”发生了,你可以在一天内带你的卷毛小狗去撒几次尿。
It was an exciting time to be a trader as money magically meandered overhead like some sort of magic carpet ride. 对于交易员而言,这是段激动人心的时光,财富就像会飞的魔毯一样神奇地扶摇直上。
Change the color of your carpet and bedspreads into ivory white and that of your ceiling lamps into light green. 所以,把地毯、床罩都换成淡雅的象牙白,顶灯的颜色也换成淡绿色。
The chance of a dropped slice of bread landing buttered side down on a new carpet is proportional to the price of the carpet. 面包沾着黄油的那一面掉在地上的机率往往与地毯的价格成正比。
His mother remains convinced that the carpet factory owner had a hand in his killing. 他的母亲至今仍坚信这个地毯工厂主是背后的元凶之一。
The streets were bedded with it -- six inches of cold, soft carpet, churned to a dirty brown by the crush of teams and the feet of men. 街上铺满了雪,像是铺上了六英寸厚的冰冷、柔软的地毯,它被车碾、人踩,弄成了褐色的泥浆。
Bush dribbled the ball expecting it to bounce back up but it died on the carpet, eliciting a roar of laughter from the Heat players. 其间,布什总统还在地板上玩起了运球,但由于球落在地毯上,没能弹起来。这把热火队的球员们逗得哈哈大笑。
Chinese anger over the remarks has not been placated by the almost ignored closing part of her red carpet interview. 中国人对此的愤怒并没有因为此次行红毯采访几乎被忽略的最后一部分(言论)得到安抚。
He knocks, a lady opens the door and before she has a chance to say anything, he runs inside and dumps horseshit all over the carpet. 的第一户人家。他敲了门,一个女人来应门在她说话之前,他跑进去把马粪倒的整个地毯都是。
Why , no . What makes you think so ? Well, mother seem to be quite disturbed because I spilled some on the carpet. 怎麽,不贵嘛。你为什麽有这种想法呢?恩,因为我溅了点墨水在地毯上,妈妈显的非常生气。
Oh no, you're getting it all over the carpet. Now what's the other thing? Key down the back of your neck. 你把水全弄到地毯上了。什么其他的事?关键是你脖子后面。
He had a pair of yellow carpet slippers which he enjoyed wearing, and these he would immediately substitute for his solid pair of shoes. 他有一双心爱的黄色拖鞋。一到家,他就脱下那双结实的皮鞋,换上拖鞋。
And with that, he emptied a bucket of horse poop all over her hallway carpet. 接着他把一桶马粪倒在了老太太家门口的地毯上。
The leaves had been torn down by the rain, by the wind, some by day, some at night, they now formed a deep carpet over the forest floor . 这些落叶有些在白天,有些在夜里被雨打落,被风吹落,如今在森林的地面上形成了一条厚厚的落叶毯子。
Visiting investors are routinely given the red-carpet treatment, as if the vanguard of a new caravan of capital bearers. 到访的投资者照例会受到红地毯的待遇,被当作财力雄厚的新商队派出的先头部队。
And you know it takes anywhere from a few months to several years to create a hand-woven Persian carpet. 同时,你也要知道,要制作出一条波斯地毯的时间跨度至少要几个月,甚至要几年。
Jewels are woven into the carpet where stands my king, but there are patient clods waiting to be touched by his feet. 珠宝织进地毯,其上站立着君王,但贫病的泥土等着他的脚去触踏。
The Grammy red carpet brought out more than a few of our favorite Hollywood couples , take a look! 不少好莱坞明星夫妻档都出现在了格莱美颁奖礼的红地毯上,让我们一起来看看这些甜蜜的夫妻档吧!
Would your life not be very different if you changed your piece of carpet to one of self love and appreciation? 如果把这块地毯变成一种自我关爱和自我欣赏,你的生活还会是老样子吗?
Finding the carpet you want is all well and good, but how are we going to pay for it? 找到你要的地毯也好,不过我们打算怎样付款呢?