
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络春;吴尊;阿俊



音节、音序_百度文库 ... chui( 吹) chun( ) chuo( 绰) ...


吴尊(chun)单飞(single)代言眼镜(kobayashi),化身清寒大使­助学(charity bazar to support poor students' study)歌迷热情抢义卖 …


HK Skyline Club ... Chi Wah( 志华) Chun( 阿俊) Kit( 阿杰) ...


happiness | Flickr - Photo Sharing! ... (25 months ago | reply) 对!!!!! Chun 村o疾风 Smileˇ 小佩 ...


文星电视材料,三菱电子,遥控器,液晶电视,冷气... ... (CHILIM) 高雄捷运 (CHUN) 青云 (CHUANPO) 铨宝 ...

乌&托@邦 - melody.sjf - 网易博客 ... 朱 Chu Chun 锺 Chung ...

Then, writing means of Chun and Qiu was always used in Du Fu's poetry, is one of the important reasons of his poetry was named poem history. “春秋笔法”的大量使用,也是杜诗获得“诗史”称号的重要原因之一。
South Korean Unification Ministry spokesman Chun Hae-sung says North Korea is ready to talk about the Kaesong Industrial Complex. 韩国统一部发言人千海成说,北韩已经准备好讨论开城工业园区。
Testifying for the first time, Tony Chan Chun-chuen said he and the tycoon were lovers when his wife was pregnant. 陈振聪在他首次出庭作证时表示,在他妻子怀孕时,他和龚如心已是情人。
"Boon. " Signal clue him to leave the thing, the warfare Chun Xuan modified consideration to return again in of appraisal report up. “恩。”示意他把东西留下,战淳轩重新将注意力调回了手中的评估报告上。
Zhou Chun, a 70-year-old retired mechanic, was leaving Dujiangyan with nothing but a dirty old blanket draped over his shoulders. 周春(音译)是一名70岁的退休机修工,他离开都江堰时身上只裹着一张又脏又旧的毯子。
mr kwong wui chun , chairman of asia aluminum holdings said : " the prc continues to be our largest and most promising market" . 亚洲铝业主席邝汇珍先生称:中国仍然是集团最大的市场,业务前景亦最可观。
'No pay rise' On the roof of their cramped house, Wang Si Chun and his wife are on their hands and knees sorting out rubbish to sell. 在王思春(音译)和他妻子狭小的房屋顶上,他们跪着用手挑选可以卖钱的垃圾。
Tang Chun-i tried to rebuild the realm theory of Confucianism, which embodied the concept of change in philosophy. 唐君毅以“感通”来重建儒家境界论,体现了变通的哲学观。
SHE can, Chun Wan is a Aspect, but if they did not sung "Chinese" This song, I would like to be on Chunwan the probability or low. SHE能上春晚是个看点,但如果她们没唱过“中国话”这首歌,我想能上春晚的机率还是很低的。
On New Year's day, in the early morning, the last night adults closed door to open, meaning chun connect blessing, a thriving business. 年初一,一大早,大人们就把昨晚关闭的门给打开,意为迎春接福,招财进宝。
Yip Men was acknowledged to be one of the greatest authorities on the subject of Wing Chun a branch of the Chinese Martial Arts. 叶男子被公认为是最伟大的权威之一的咏春拳是中国武术分支学科。
Designer by the name of Leo Yiu Chun Pong's whipped up a nicely done concept and execution for a wall timepiece called the "Insert Clock. " 由利奥耀振邦名设计师的刮起了很好完成的概念,而且墙上钟表执行所谓的“插入时钟。”
At the beautiful summer, Chun xiao is about to embark on her transformation journey. 在这个美好的盛夏,春晓即将踏上她的蜕变之旅。
Tong Chun is only one, but the spirit of Tong Chun is like a sky full of the stars, the Dow could not finish, countless. 唐俊只有一个,但唐俊的精神就像是满天的繁星,道不完,数不尽。
I believe in, in Beijing Olympiad 2008, Bao Chun Lai must be able to outstanding contend for a gold medal. 我相信,2008年北京奥运会,鲍春来一定能出色发挥,争夺金牌。
In JIAXIAN city to see Kwok Pui Chun, she was sitting in front of the cutting system JIAXIAN suburbs map. 在佳县城内见到郭佩珍时,她正坐在门前剪制佳县城郊图。
they poison yao s younger brother to death and sell his wife , yang shizhen , to a textile merchant , yang chun. 田氏夫妇图谋财产,毒死弟姚廷美,又将弟媳杨素贞转卖给布商杨春。
Chun says the South Korean government has confirmed the boat did indeed cross into the North's territorial waters. 千海成说,韩国政府已经证实这艘船的确进入了北韩所管辖的水域。
Chen Chun was the excellent student of old age Zhu Xi, and to be the main disciples of Zhu XI apposing with Huang gan. 陈淳是朱熹晚年的高徒,是与黄干并称的朱熹的最主要弟子之一,南宋末年重要的理学家。
Pan Sheng-Chun: "maybe this is the case, you will receive your 70%, the rest of the money taken out to you, if you say you went. " 潘声春:“说不定是这样的,给你发70%的,其余的钱给你扣掉,如果你今天说都你就走了。”
Hill met several North Korean officials, including Foreign Minister Pak Ui Chun and a senior army general in a visit spanning three days. 希尔在他三天的访问中会晤了几名北韩官员,其中包括北韩外务相朴义春和一名军方高级将领。
Like Mr Wang in mainland China, Chang Ta-Chun is a cultural phenomenon in Taiwan, both as a popular TV host and a bestselling writer. 与大陆的王朔相似,在台湾张大春是一种文化现象,他既是一位受欢迎的电视主持,又是一位畅销书作家。
Besides the works of Yu Lou Chun, people rarely know about him, especially few people pay attention to his poems. 除了那首《玉楼春》词外,后人对他鲜有知悉,对其诗歌创作的关注尤其少。
I hope the trip was without problems and everything is all right in Chang Chun. 希望你旅途顺利,祝你在长春一切都好。
'It's beyond my control, ' Kwong Wui Chun said in an interview about the company's financial situation. 邝汇珍在接受采访时谈到了公司的财务状况,他说,这是我无法控制的。
In the town of Hochien there lived a former commander of a Japanese puppet battalion, named Chun, and several of his officers. 在河间镇有个曾经当过伪军营长的姓钟的人,手下还有几个旧部。
Nicked named Chun Chun, Li won fans' hearts in the 2005 contest for her boyish style and unconventional personality. 李宇春,大家昵称其为“春春”,在2005年凭其男孩子气的风格和个性赢得了歌迷的心。
Guangzhou Asian Games men's marathon champion Chi Wing Chun is the coach of men's players. 广州亚运会男子马拉松冠军池永骏正是该教练手下的选手。
Liu Yen-chun is a young female artist. She has always been doing sculpturing with a focus on human body. 刘彦均是一位年轻的纯创作女性艺术家,一直从事雕塑和立体造型的创作,专注于「人体」系列。
We were also extremely careful not to reveal the names of our Chinese and Korean contacts, including Pastor Chun. 我们也非常注意隐藏我们在中国和韩国的联系人,包括牧师春文韩元。