cold water

  • adj.没有水暖系统的
  • 网络冷水;凉开水;凉水

cold watercold water

cold water


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...改变使不同型态的腊,有分底腊(base wax)、冷水用(cold water)、温水(warm water)用及热带气侯用(hot/tropical water)。

A wide temperature differential between water and air makes for a more stable atmosphere with calmer winds over the relatively cold water. 水和空气之间的温差大,在相对冷的水域上方形成静风,使得大气环境更加稳定。
If you think that adds up to bad luck, you'll want to start the day in a bath of half hot and half cold water mixed with a bowl of salt. 如果你觉得这是凶兆,那就先用一半热水一半凉水加一碗盐洗个澡来开始这一天。
It has also been found that this method yields a product, which upon drying gives a tea extract powder with excellent cold water solubility. 人们发现,这种方法能产生一个产品,将这种产品干燥就可得到一种有很好的冷水溶解性的茶粉。
No wonder that the bank poured cold water on acquisition rumours; having raised that capital, it would be mad to start chucking it away. 难怪该银行会对收购传闻泼冷水;把刚刚筹集到的资金扔出去,这一定是疯了。
So he took off his clothes nimbly and dived into the cold water with a splash. 他把心一横,三下两下脱了衣服,一头扎进冰冷的河里。
Next we rinse the salmon under running cold water and then place it, skin down, on a sheet or two of plastic wrap. 然后,我们用冷水将马哈鱼冲干净,随后将其外皮朝下放在一层或两层塑料薄膜上。
Abe sat down and quickly pulled off his heavy shoes and stockings. Then he waded back through the cold water. 艾伯坐下来迅速脱掉笨重的鞋和袜子,他团着身子在冷水中游了回去。
He swam in the dark, cold water as hard as he could, but he went down and down. 他在黑暗冰冷的水里奋力游,然而他的身子却愈来愈往下沉。
One of her little idiosyncrasies is always washing in cold water. 她有个习惯,就是喜欢老在冷水里洗东西。
The magnitude of his expectations and naive faith in her financial prowess struck Inna like a splash of cold water. 他对她的巨大的期望和对她财政实力的天真的信心就像被凉水泼了一样垮掉了。
Take a drink of cold water and pull your lady tight to your mouth by placing your hand on the back of her head. 喝一口凉水,把手放在她的脑后,把她拉到你身边,紧紧地靠着你的嘴巴。
From that reservoir a mile and more below the surface, cold water leapt high into the air at the fantastic rate of 4, 800 gallons a minute. 冷水从地下一英里多深的储层里,以难以想象的每分钟4,800加仑的极大流量喷向高空。
Called Cool Blue, the system circulates cold water through the door to lower the temperature of the heat coming from servers' fans. 所谓酷蓝,该系统通过门循环冷水降低从服务器的风扇来散热的温度。
Their upwelling currents bring deep, cold water to the surface and create some of the richest biological areas of the sea. 上升的洋流将深处的冷水带到了海洋表面,创造出一片片生机勃勃的海域。
It was moving like an express train as it smashed into the boat with unbelievable power and knocked me into the ice-cold water. 在它以一种令人无法置信的威力猛烈冲进小舟,并将我扫入冰冷的海水中时,它移动的速度就像一列特快列车。
It was not fatigue or even the cold water that defeated her. It was the fog. She was unable to see her goal. 并不是疲劳或是刺骨的冰水打败了她,而是雾,她不能清晰的看见自己的目标。
Some cold water on her face might bring her to herself . 洒点冷水在她脸上可能会使她苏醒过来。
she was forced to halt from time to time, and each time that she did so, the cold water which splashed from the pail fell on her bare legs. 她不得不走走停停,而每次停下来时,桶里的水总有些泼在她的光腿上。
A runner recently told me that she's afraid to drink cold water during her runs because she thinks she'll get side stitches from it. 一个跑步者最近告诉我说她很怕在跑步的时候喝冷水,因为她觉得会使自己偏头疼。
like a basin of cold water had woken him up completely, yet he felt too lazy to stretch out his arm while his heart was no logger burning. 这一阵寒气仿佛是一盆冷水把他浇醒,他的手懒得伸出来,他的心也不再那么热。
When I see a picture of her, I fall into a trance and it requires cold water splashed. . . in places. . . to get me out of it. 当我看见她的图片,我会恍惚失神,我需要一些冷水。。。在一些地方。。。
Alley alley, is the last waltz, night fencing, cold water down in wine, window, this night, for you, drunk drunk. 西祠胡同,已是物是人非事事休,夜深篱落,冷水迢迢里,把酒临窗,此夜,为你,醉如泥。
Good! Now watch, i will pick up the can with a kitchen tongs like this and put it face down in the cold water in the pan. Ready? 对了!现在,我要用餐钳像这样将易拉罐夹起来,并将其正面放在有冷水的平底锅里。准备好了吗?
Pouring cold water so that it is very sad Charlotte, but she did not lose confidence in the still silence To adhere to the writing. 这一盆冷水使夏洛蒂很伤心,但她并没有因此而丧失信心,仍然默默地坚持写作。
Be sure to leave them in a basin of cold water so the milk does not turn sour, she urged. 不要忘了把奶瓶放在冷水里,这样奶不会馊,她督促着。
After listening to stir as the old gray pigeon has poured cold water on his head, the fire suddenly Quanmie of. 老灰鸽听了象旺火头上泼了一盆凉水,火一下子全灭了。
If your dog suffers heatstroke, take him to a cool spot and sponge him with cold water. Encourage your dog to drink small amounts of water. 一旦狗中暑,立即将其抱至阴凉处,用冷水擦拭全身,给狗少量饮水。
That flow of cold water keeps Antarctic marine life -- especially the bottom-dwelling creatures -- isolated. 这股冷水流让南极的水生物——特别是居住在海底的生物——与世隔绝。
It was like diving into a pool of cold water, which leaves one shocked and sobered, but braced for some proper work. 就像潜入一池冷水中一样,这会让人战栗,也会让人清醒,准备好做一些适当的工作。
Tin pot also with cold water, too hot, hence appropriate wine consumption will be spilled, and the easy to complex, depending on the wine. 锡锅储以冷水,太热必耗酒,遂宜泻去,而复易之,视酒薄止。