come up with

  • na.想出(一个主意或计划);提出;提供;筹措
  • 网络赶上;找到;想出某事

第三人称单数:comes up with 现在分词:coming up with 过去式:came up with

come up withcome up with

come up with


大学英语四级常用词组 ... come up to 达到;符合 come up with 追上,赶上;提出 come what may 不管发生什么事 ...


人教版九年级英语单词表_百度文库 ... let...down... 使…失望 come up with 提出;想出 rest 剩余部分;其余 ...


职称英语考试大纲答案 ... convenience 与 come up with 提出,提供; put up with 容忍,忍受(讨厌的人或物); ...


关于come的短语有什么?_百度知道 ... come up1. 被提出,被讨论 come up with1. 赶上 come down1. 倒塌 ...


冀教版初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... come true 实现 come up with 找到; 提出(答案、解决方法等) comfortable adj. 舒适的; …


come构成的短语_爱问知识人 ... come to the point 说话切题 come up with sth 想出某事 come what may 无论发生什么事 ...


常用动词短语_百度文库 ... come up 走近 come up with 找到,解决,想到 (of)( 从…)出去; ...

Silly silly so I leaned against the windows, put the words to think of most of the day, but finally did not come up with it herself! 傻乎乎的我就这样傻乎乎的倚着窗户把那句话思索了大半天,最后还是没有想出个所以然来!搞笑吧?
Once you've come up with a list of definite targets to hit for that day, you decide whether to do them yourself or to delegate them. 一旦你已经列出了你当日要完成的明确目标,你决定是否亲自做或让别人做。
I could have spent years and years trying to imagine who I would marry and never come up with her. 我可以年复一年地去想象我要和谁结婚,而不是她。
I told him we have come up with a new proposal for him to consider, so he agreed to give us half an hour on the Monday at 2pm. 我告诉他我们又有一个新的提议请他考虑,最后他同意周一下午两点给我们半个小时。
One of our staff loves to come up with names for products, and he's really good at it (we're not). 其中一名员工喜欢为各种产品命名,而且他的确很擅长(而我们却不是)。
Jelliffe's talk was actually about his experiences trying to come up with metrics of XML schema complexity. Jelliffe的发言实际上是关于尝试度量XML模式复杂性的经验。
Now scientists claim to have come up with an answer to her changing moods - our eyes are sending mixed signals to the brain. 科学家称他们已经弄清楚了蒙娜·丽莎表情变化的原因,那就是我们的眼睛将混合的信息传递给了脑。
So I wanted to come up with something of my own. 所以我想有自己的定义。
And he has no problem bulking up in cash if his team of 10 researchers cannot come up with enough strong ideas. 如果他所领导的10人研究员团队拿不出足够有力的观点,那么他丝毫不介意大量持有现金。
My parents would never be so nosy as to ask the old man where he'd come up with such a monster on Christmas Eve. 爸爸妈妈从未像现在这么八卦,他们真想问老人,圣诞前夜,从哪儿搞来这么个怪物。
I do not know why they come up with this point, but do you think we can really throw light upon it? 我不知道为什么有人会想出这种问题,你觉得你能真正分清楚吗?
We've got to put our heads together and come up with a solution. 我们得碰一下头,找出解决办法。
Memorable Quote: "I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed - or worse, expelled. " 经典台词:在你们任何一人又想出了让我们被杀掉或者开除的“聪明”点子前,我要睡觉去了。
Barbosa said he did not know when his mining competitors would come up with a negotiated settlement. 巴博萨说,他不知道力拓与必和必拓何时能谈妥供货协议。
Bean-counters in Austin, the state capital, had come up with sobering projections, but none of these were official estimates. 州首府奥斯汀(Austin)的会计师也曾就此给出骇人的预测,但都不算官方估值。
The trick is to come up with the right framework for your problem so that you know which techniques are most likely going to be appropriate. 诀窍在于要为你的问题制定最正确的结构,这样一来你就会知道哪一种技术最有可能适合这种情况。
You should show me some of your work some time. I'd be very interested to see what you have come up with. 那有机会你要给我看看你的作品啊,我很有兴趣看你到底搞出什么名堂来。
You know, I think I didn't make it tough enough for him to come up with good shots. 你知道的,我认为我没有让我的发球局对罗迪克变得足够艰难到他无法回出好球。
"You know, we could have had a hundred smart people sitting here for a year and never come up with a lot of that stuff, " Mr. Zoellick says. 佐利克说:“你知道的,我们这里可以有一百个优秀的人才,可他们却永远想不出多少那样的好点子。”
Two days before your presentation is usually too late to go into the ring and come up with a winning idea. 两天前才开始准备你的讲话通常就太晚了,就无法参加竞赛并想出获胜方案。
So Elizabeth and I had to come up with a Plan B. A would have been, we were actually pretty happy about our solution. 于是,我和伊丽莎白制定了计划B,虽然计划B一点也不如计划A那么有趣,我们还是为我们的方案感到高兴。
Therefore, as a phenomenon, the majority of "80 after" Parents will come up with savings to pay back the principal for the children. 所以,作为一种现象,大部分“80后”父母都会拿出积蓄为孩子支付房款。
He thought for a while, and finally come up with a solution. 他又想了想,终于又想出了一个办法。
We're trying to come up with new explanations for material phenomena that have important applications. 我们正尝试得出可应用于重要场合的材料现象的新解释。
The following 10 date ideas should help put you in the mood and may even inspire you to come up with a few on your own. 以下10个约会点子应该可以帮助到你,让你融入浪漫的气氛;甚至激发你设计出一些你自己的浪漫。
Before he explained: "He did not come up with PHS at home to , answered the phone was his wife. " 他才解释说:“他的小灵通放在家里没拿出来,接电话的是他的夫人。”
They're looking at ways to make cuts to government spending and come up with a deal that would last until the next budget starts. 他们正在商讨如何削减政府开支,并将提出一个能维持到下次预算开始的协议。
If Europe is too proud to call on the IMF, it will have to come up with its own fund as a backstop for Greece, and quickly. 若欧洲过于骄傲而不愿求助于IMF,则必须成立自己的援助基金,为希腊提供保障,而且要快。
He get in junior high and we play this game where I give him a real simple word and he got to come up with a fancy one like it. 上初中的时候我们喜欢玩一种游戏,我给他一个简单的词,让他提出一个相近的词。
Engineers are still trying to come up with a commercially viable replacement for internal-combustion engines. 工程师在设法制造一种在商业上切实可行的发动机来取代内燃机。