
美 [ˈfɔrmər]英 [ˈfɔː(r)mə(r)]
  • adj.前;以前的;昔日的;(两者中)前者的
  • n.【机】模型;创造者;【无线】线圈架;〈英〉公学及其他中等学校的学生
  • pron.(两者中的)前者
  • 网络从前的;在前的;前任的


former President,former minister,former chairman,former secretary,former director


1.以前的that used to exist in earlier times

2.昔日的;前that used to have a particular position or status in the past

3.(两者中)前者的used to refer to the first of two things or people mentioned


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... unknown a. 不知道的, 未知名的 former a. 以前的 farmhouse n. 农舍, 农家 ...


高中英语必修2_百度百科 ... mystery n. 神秘;神秘的事物 former adj. 以前的;从前的 rebuild vt. 重建 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... form n. 表格;形式;结构 former a. 以前的,从前的;(两者之中的)前者 fortnight n. 十四日, …


高考英语考试大纲核心单词汇总(985个) - 豆丁网 ... forgive vt. 原谅, 宽恕 former a. 在前的 fortnight n. 两星期, 十四天 ...


新概念英语第二册单词总汇_英语网 ... successfully ad. 成功地,有成绩地 former a. 从前的,前任的 such a. 那样的,这样的 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... form n. 表格;形式;结构 former a. 以前的,从前的;(两者之中的)前者 fortnight n. 十四日, …

The technique of digital is now takeing illustration into a brand new land. Till now, Illustration is not the former one any more. 我们正从工业化时代走向信息化时代,插图的数字化也将其带入一个新的领域。
In addition, if you know some of those school's former school mates sister, you will be able to get the most intuitive feelings. 另外,如果你认识一些在那些学校里的学长学姐,你将能得到最直观的感受。
A former colleague told me that the general manager of our business unit quited. In fact, he was fired. The direct reason is seeking bribes. 一位以前的同事告诉我我们的事业部老总辞职了。实际上,是被炒鱿鱼了。因为索贿。
He said he has emailed the former Apple CEO a few times but admitted that Syrian pride means he would never call him. 钱德里说,他曾给乔布斯发过几次邮件,但他也承认,有着身为叙利亚人的自尊,他不会给儿子打电话。史蒂夫•乔布斯刚刚卸任苹果CEO。
Just because a former employer may have directed you to the door, however, you can still walk out with your pride intact. 以前的雇主指着门让你离开,你可以依然昂首阔步地走出去。
A former head of the Pakistan Cricket Board, Shahryar Khan, said he felt mortified by the players' behaviour. 巴基斯坦板球理事会前会长ShahryarKhan称,他为这几位球员的行为感到羞耻。
However, the former defender of Parma was quick to point out that this was just an invented story to further stir up the environment. 古尔库夫和博内拉因训练而引起的争吵增加了米兰的负面新闻。但是后卫博内拉指出这不过是一个蓄意煽动的捏造的新闻。
As Ryan Giggs, his former team-mate, joked: "Becks hasn't changed since I've known him - he's always been a flash cockney git. " 正如他的前队友瑞恩-吉格斯(RyanGiggs)开玩笑所说的那样:“自打我认识他以来,贝克就没变过——他一直就是个花里胡哨、百无一用的东区伦敦佬。”
Described by former classmates as shy, she came out of her shell as she blossomed into a young teen. 她以前的同学评价她是个害羞的女孩,她在少女时期出落得亭亭玉立。
The former record of Yan Emperor Shen Nong era seems to be matriarchal society, "people know his mother, not knowing his father. " 前者记载炎帝神农时代好像是母系氏族社会,“人知其母,不知其父”。
Yet even this does not seem to have returned their former power; global markets have simply grown too big. 但即便如此,对冲基金也没有恢复以往的影响力,因为全球市场的规模已变得过于庞大。
And I cannot help but think of our mutual friend, the former Democrat lieutenant governor , Bob Bullock. 我忘不了我们双方的朋友——前民主党副州长,鲍勃·布拉克;
Also appearing on This Week, former U. S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said the New START treaty must not be allowed to languish. 同样出现在本周节目中的前美国国务卿奥尔布赖特说,绝对不能允许新的战略核武器条约失去活力。
This was all that remained of our former gods. 这是我们以前的神明留下的所有一切。
A former Wikileaks spokesman claims to have deleted thousands of unpublished files that had been passed to the whistleblowing site. 一名前维基解密的发言人称,他已将上千条未公开的文件删,而这些文件已被上传到一个举报网站。
The academy occupies the former site of the Beijing Dance Academy and does not seem to have been physically upgraded or modernized. 地处北京舞蹈学院旧址的中国戏曲学院,似乎没有进行过建筑翻新或现代化更新。
Do not buy a computer on broadband, like Jiurou are ready to eat in the former as a monk. 买了电脑不上宽带,就好比酒肉都准备好了却在吃饭前当了和尚。
I still remember leaving the kindergarten, turning around to look back at my former classmates who were staring out the window at me. 我依然记得我离开幼儿院那天,转身再看看我的小伙伴们时,他们都透过窗户盯着我。
It's frequently attributed to Nelson Mandela, the former South African president, and said to be an excerpt from his 1994 inaugural address. 它被频繁地归属为南非前总统纳尔逊•曼德拉,并说这是他1994年就职演说中的摘录。
One of his roles was to interview visiting foreign dignitaries including Edward Heath, the former British prime minister. 他当时的任务之一是采访来访的外国要人,其中包括前英国首相爱德华-希斯(EdwardHeath)。
Steve Meltz stopped by to take a picture, hoping that later Tuesday night it might be known as the former house of the new president. 史蒂夫·梅尔茨在顺便拜访这里的时候拍照,希望周二晚些时候它可能成为新总统的故居。
In Germany, should not be arbitrarily give as gifts to the Rose or Rose, the former said the courtship, the latter dedicated to Mourn. 在德国,不宜随意以玫瑰或蔷薇送人,前者表示求爱,后者则专用于悼亡。
Two more locations in London are being tested for traces of radiation following the poisoning death of a former Russian spy. 在一位前俄罗斯间谍被毒害后,调查员又对伦敦的两个地方进行了测试,以确定是否有放射性物质的踪迹。
The former first lady has received numerous awards and accolades for her humanitarian work around the world. 前第一夫人在全世界范围内因她致力于人道主义事业而受到众多奖项以及多方赞颂。
The boat is indeed named for the former host of "The Price is Right" Bob Barker who donated millions of dollars to the Sea Shepherd Society. 该船是以“价格猜猜看”节目主持人鲍勃·巴克的名字命名,他为海洋看守保护协会捐款数百万美元。
"The capabilities of an air-to-air configured Raptor are phenomenal, " says Franklin, himself a former Aggressor pilot. “一架空对空配置状态下的猛禽是非常惊人的,”弗兰克林说,他本人以前就是“入侵者”中队的飞行员。
In the former, the headquarters gets bogged down in so much detail that it lags behind in making timely decisions. 前者,司令部在过多的细节问题上深受其害,大大拉了做出及时决策的后腿。
Yet the former Hamburg stopper, who was one of the side's best players last term, insists his future is in Tuscany. 这名上个赛季俱乐部表现最好的球员之一的前汉堡后卫坚称他的未来在托斯卡尼。
A former colleague sent me a message, said that today is her three-year-anniversary for our meeting, and also for her joining that company. 意外收到前同事的短信,说今天是我们认识三周年,也是她加入公司三年的日子。
In 1996, Heidemarie, a former schoolteacher and psychotherapist, decided to try to live without money for a year as an experiment. 1996年时,Heidemarie从事教师和心理治疗的工作,她决定一年不使用现金并把它当做一个实验。