
美 [ˈfluənt]英 [ˈfluːənt]
  • adj.(尤指外语)流利的;熟练的;流利表达的;流畅的
  • n.【数】变数
  • 网络通顺;计算流体力学软件

fluent speaker


1.~ (in sth)(尤指外语)流利的,流畅的;熟练的able to speak, read or write a language, especially a foreign language, easily and well

2.流利表达的expressed easily and well

3.流畅的;技能娴熟的done in a smooth and skilful way


高中新课标英语单词大全_百度文库 ... identity 本身;本体;身份 fluent 流利的;流畅的 fluently 流利地;流畅地 ...


高中新课标英语单词大全_百度文库 ... identity 本身;本体;身份 fluent 流利的;流畅的 fluently 流利地;流畅地 ...


畅,畅字的解释,查字典 ... [free] 如:畅抒(尽情地抒发) [smooth;fluent] 流畅;通顺 [pass unimpeded] 通行无阻 ...


采用计算流体力学软件(Fluent)对低阶煤水煤浆的旋流燃烧进行了数值模拟,结果表明,炉内温度场、气氛场与实际试验工况较接 …


数学词汇英语翻译(F-M) ... fluctuation 起状 fluent 变数 fluid 铃 ...


英语高考高频词603 - 豆丁网 ... fluency n. 流利,流畅 314. fluent a. 流利的,流畅的 315. format n. (书刊等)开本,版式 317. ...

If your right side is just as strong and fluent as your left side, you'll swim in a more direct line down the pool or in open water. 如果你的右侧呼吸和左侧变得一样的纯熟流畅,那么,无论你在公开水域还是泳池中,你的游进路线都将会变得更直。
Then slowly began to understand Ludan, finally, this will be like the laughs Shasha not speak fluent Chinese girls. Famous until the end. 然后就开始慢慢的了解璐丹,最后就喜欢上了这个会傻傻的笑着说着不太流利的中文的女生。直到名声大振结束。
I have never regretted like this, I have never been so eager to say a fluent English. 我从来没有如此后悔,我从来没有如此渴望说一口流利的英语。
The extensive English learner all thinks that self is able to say fluent English , is unable to find seemingly always but the right partner. 广大英语学习者都想自己能够说一口流利的英语,但似乎总找不到合适的搭档。
You are a free and fluent sort of player. You seemed to be hitting out very freely tonight. 你是一个击球放松流畅的球员,今天感觉格外放松。
These elements are just a few of the new technologies that combine to create the Office Fluent user interface. 这些要素只是新技术的一小部分,组合使用这些新技术便创建出OfficeFluent用户界面。
The Netherlands, however, again failed to live up to its billing as one of the most fluent attacking teams of the tournament. 不过,荷兰未能再次成为(bill没想到好的解释)最流畅的比赛进攻的球队之一。
I asked a Chinese news assistant, Yoli, to go with me to the bank, where they speak fluent Chinese but badly broken English. 我邀请了一位名叫Yoli的中国新闻助理和我一起去银行,银行的工作人员中文说得很流利,英文则磕磕碰碰。
"I saw her at the exit, " he said in nearly fluent English. "At that moment, I'm very excited for her. I didn't realize the consequences. " “我在安全出口处看着她,”他用一口近乎流利的英语说,“那时,我和女友非常火热,我意识到后果的严重。”
This paper use the software FLUENT to simulate numerically effects of the big camber and stall delay on the wind turbine performances. 本文通过FLUENT软件分别对原型叶片、大弯度叶片和失速延迟叶片进行三维数值模拟计算。
Then in an attempt to relax me, he said that they were all fluent in English and had been looking forward to my class. 为了让我轻松点,李先生说,他们的英语很好,并且十分渴望听我的课。
I know you know a lot about art and speak fluent French and German; I had no idea you were a librarian. 我知道你很了解艺术,能说流利的法语和德语,但我不知道你做过图书管理员。
As he answers my first question in fluent Spanish, he delves into one bag, extracts a camera and takes a photograph of me. 他用流利的西班牙语回答了我的第一个问题,并从包中拿出相机,为我拍了一张照片。
"You know, it's a dark movie, it's black and white, it's not entertaining, " he said in fluent English. “你知道,这是一部阴郁的电影,是黑白片,不是娱乐片。”他用流利的英语说。
One day, I will go to see your concert, with fluent English, tell you how much I love you. 有一天、我一定会去看你的演唱会、用流利的英语告诉你我有多爱你。
I will take a leaf out of his book. It's clear to see how he learned to become a fluent English speaker. 我要以他为榜样,很清楚的就可以知道他如何说好一口流利的英语。
Jones grew up in Paris and is fluent in French. As a young officer in the 1980s he was the Marine Corps' liaison to the U. S. Senate. 琼斯将军在巴黎长大,能说一口流利的法语。在1980年代,他是一名年轻的海军陆战队驻美国参议院联络官。
I learned the language and am now fluent, but perhaps more important was how much I learned about cultures, people, and myself. 我学会了语言,现在说的很流利了,但也许更重要的是我体验了当地的文化,学会了与人更好地相处,也更加了解自己。
He worked as a teacher in Beijing, spoke fluent Chinese and was bright and convivial. At the moment he was also a bit confused. 他在北京当教师,能讲流利的汉语,生性乐天开朗,但当时他也有一点摸不着头脑。
With a year's time will be able to break through piecemeal English, can speak fluent English! 用一年的零碎时间就可以突破英语,就完全可以讲一口流利的英语!
I have been a sailor for five years and I can speak fluent English, French, Spanish, some Japanese, and a little German. 本人曾任五年水手,并精通英、法、西语,略通日语及德语。
The working chamber is made of high quality stainless steel sheet, with round corner modeling which is smooth, fluent, and easy to clean. 工作室为优质不锈钢板,圆角造型、光滑、流畅、极易清洁。
Luckily, you don't have to be fluent in WSDL to create or work with Web services, because Rational Developer handles it all for you. 幸运的是,您不必非常熟练地使用WSDL来创建或处理Web服务,因为RationalDeveloper会为您处理所有这些工作。
Very fluent English, both spoken and written, to be able to communicate frequently with English speaking colleagues from other countries. 英语口语流利,读写自如,能够无障碍地与外籍同事和全球其他地区同事进行沟通。
FLUENT playing as a subroutine in the simulation program is called in every time step to compute the change of the river bed elevation. FLUENT作为冲刷模拟程序的一个子程序,在每个时间步下计算河床各个节点高程的变化。
Every time I speak to a Chinese person, they expect me to be completely fluent . 每次我跟一个中国人交谈时,他们都期待着我汉语说的倍儿溜!
Since then Korean ethnics began to make a life in Tingbian, becoming Chinese of Korean ethnicity, and can speak fluent Mandarin and Korean. 自此,这些朝鲜族人就在延边落地生根,变成中国藉的朝鲜人,他们能说一口流俐的韩语和国语。
Malmqvist, the only Nobel judge fluent in Chinese, said he was very irritated by "some biased media" who questioned Mo's award. 马悦然,唯一精通中文的诺贝尔奖评委,他很恼火“有些带着偏见的媒体”质疑莫言的获奖。
If you could get rid of that idea . you'd be a more fluent speaker . 如果你能摆脱那种想法,你旧能说得更流利了。
The schools were promising that you would speak fluent English after about a year which got everybody crazy about english. 那些学校承诺之一是每个学生如果在它们那里学英语的话,一年之内就会说的很流利因此引起了大家的狂欢关于学英语的方面。