
美 [flæɡ]英 [flæɡ]
  • n.旗;标志旗;菖蒲;旗帜(指某国家或组织及其信仰和价值观)
  • v.标示(重要处);疲乏;变弱;热情衰减
  • 网络标记;旗标;旗子

复数:flags 过去式:flagged 现在分词:flagging

hoist flag,fly flag,lower flag,salute flag,unfurl flag
blue flag,yellow flag


n. v.

1.旗a piece of cloth with a special coloured design on it that may be the symbol of a particular country or organization, or may have a particular meaning. A flag can be attached to a pole or held in the hand

2.旗帜(指某国家或组织及其信仰和价值观)used to refer to a particular country or organization and its beliefs and values

4.菖蒲;鸢尾;香蒲a flower that is a type of iris and that grows near water


fly/show/wave the flag

表示并号召拥护自己的国家(或某组织、某思想)to show your support for your country, an organization or an idea to encourage or persuade others to do the same

keep the flag flying

代表自己的国家(或组织)to represent your country or organization


标志flag):该字段用于标记该报文是否为分片(有一些可能不需要分片,或不希望分片),后面是否还有分片(是否是最后 …

高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... compete vi 竞争;比赛 flag n ; 标记 △ profile n 简介;(个性及生平的)简要描述 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... proud 自豪的;骄傲的 flag 旗;旗帜 national flag 国旗 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... compete vi 竞争;比赛 flag n 旗; 标记 △ profile n 简介;(个性及生平的)简要描述 ...


旗标Flag)。  整个AVG设计模型,就会被简化为对这些旗标的操控、以及针对旗标不同做出的决策机制。


cgcloud CG筋斗云/独立CG分享博客 ... 皮毛 / Skin&Fur 旗子 / Flag 其它 / Other ...


义乌市冬哇蕊服饰商行 ... 豹纹( leopard) 国旗flag) 星空( galaxy) ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... fix vt. 修理;安装; 确定,决定 flag n. 旗;标志;旗舰 flat a. 平的 ...

The mere mention of his hated cousin's name was like waving a red flag in front of him. 只要一提他那个讨厌的表兄弟的名字,他就生气。
Purple represents Spirit on the LGBTQ flag and that's exactly what we'd like all of you to have with you: spirit. 紫色代表着LGBTQ旗帜中的精神,这也正这我们希望你们所拥有的:精神。
The flag itself was standard issue, although the top was hemmed so that the astronauts would be able to slide it over the crossbar. 国旗也是关键,国旗的顶端镶边了,以便宇航员将国旗滑动至横杆。
Spanner made a humming noise and a flag came out of a slot in his chest. 扳手了嗡嗡的噪声和一个标志出槽在他的胸部。
If everything seems to be OK with the preview, execute it again without the preview flag (-p) as shown in Listing 12. 如果预览信息显示一切正常,那么您可以不使用预览标记(-p)而再执行一次这个命令,如清单12所示。
And with the exception of a solitary man, no one saw them arrive at the little flag station known as College Park. 除了唯一一个男人,没人看见他们走到叫做高校公园的小信号停车站。
A man who is affectionate, who is kindly, has no sense of power, and therefore such a man is not bound to any nationality, to any flag. 一个充满同情心的人,一个善良的人,没有权力欲望,因此这样的人不会受到国家主义、旗帜的束缚。
M. Mabeuf, pale, haggard, his eyes lighted up with the mournful flame of aberration, raised the flag above his head and repeated. 马白夫先生,脸气白了,眼里冒着悲愤躁急的火焰,把红旗高举在头顶上,再一次喊道。
There was a huge flag in Tahrir Square today with a Muslim crescent moon and a Christian cross inside it. 今天的塔利尔广场上有一面巨大的旗帜,画着穆斯林新月环绕基督教十字。
It fashioned a flag of its own in the form of a circle of stars, and its logo is displayed on car license plates and on the beaches. 它将自己的旗帜塑造成由金星组成的圆环形式,它的徽标展示于汽车牌照和海滩上。
He did not, as he feared, drop the flag, but it did look touch and go. 他没有像自己担心的那样让会旗掉到地上,但看上去确实有点危险。
At her first Olympic Games in 1984 in Los Angeles, Pauline was the flag-bearer for her country at the Opening Ceremony. 1984年戴维斯在美国洛杉矶第一次参加了夏季奥运会,她也作为巴哈马队的旗手出席了开幕式。
A hooker's death, all the children cried and attended her funeral, a school lowered the national flag half mast for her. 一个妓女死了,所有的孩子哭着参加了她的追悼会,学校的国旗为她降了一半!
It's as if your ascending levels of concentration have brought you to the top of a flag pole. 这就好比上升的定力层次把你带到了一根旗杆的顶点。
Mr Zapatero's next trick was to flag a package of proposals for labour reform, an issue on which he has stalled for almost two years. 萨帕特罗先生的下个计谋是推出一揽子的劳动力市场改革提案。劳动力市场改革这个问题他拖了近两年。
The absence of any of these four factors should be a red flag that the so-called report could really be a pump and dump marketing ploy. 这四个因素少了哪一项都应该是危险信号:所谓的研究报告可能真的是一个拉高出货的市场计谋。
Believer: The flag did not need wind to move, and does not move in any of the videos unless touched. 支持者:旗帜并不一定需要有风才能动,而且在所有的录像中它都没有动过,除非被人碰到。
Red stands for passion flowing in the blood, red is like the melody for the age of excitement, red is the everlasting color of many a flag. “红”是血管里流动的活力热情,“红”是激荡人心的时代旋律,“红”是万国旗帜中的永恒色彩。
This grand flag is so big on a building in New York that it had to be continued around the corner. 纽约一栋大楼外的国旗巨大得要转弯接着挂起。
At the national flag-raising ceremony once a week, it is a great honour for the children who are luck to be choosen to raise the flag. 每周一次的升国旗仪式,有幸作为升旗手的孩子们,那认真的步伐和庄严的表情。
The former astronaut says he would like to go back to the moon to see how the American flag he and Neal Armstrong planted there is doing. 前宇航员说,他想回到月球,看到他和尼尔阿姆斯特朗种植有美国国旗是如何做的。
On the spot it had occupied was a circular space, exposing an iron ring let into a square flag-stone. 在大石所呆的地方出现了一个圆形的空间,中间有一块四方形的石板,上面有一个铁环。
One of the suite beckoned to the soldiers holding the flags to come up and set up the flag staffs around the commander-in-chief. 他的一个随从人员向拿着法国军旗的士兵们招了招手,叫他们走过来把这些军旗摆放在总司令的周围。
He said the vessel, flying the flag of China, refused to stop on demand from Coast Guards and tried to escape. 他说,这艘渔船,挂着中国国旗,拒绝听从边防巡逻的要求停止航行而试图逃跑。
He waved a Chinese flag and said hello to people all over the word. 他挥动着中国国旗,向以世界各国人民说你好,。
One was draped over the central courthouse building until a few days ago -- it was even larger than the rebel flag draped on the building. 有一面前几天还悬挂在中央法院大楼上——比同样悬挂在法院大楼上叛军自己的旗还要大。
I could see myself sticking the flag in a pole, you know -- ah, glorious moment -- the music kind of reaching a crescendo. 我甚至能看见自己亲自把国旗插在北极上,你知道,那是一个光荣的时刻,伴随着背景乐也即将达到高潮。
It was Johnson's job to walk on stage, as the host for the next Olympics in 2012, and take the flag from his Chinese counterpart. 作为2012年下届奥运会的东道主,约翰逊的事儿是走上台,从中国主办者手中接过奥运会会旗。
The last statement of the year from the Fed acknowledged recent weakness in the economy but continued to flag up concerns about inflation. 在今年最后一次有关利率调整的公报中,美联储承认美国经济最近有疲软迹象,但同时继续提到了对通货膨胀的担忧。
Then I noticed a small knot of men advancing from the direction of the town, the foremost of whom was waving a white flag. 接著我看见一小队从霍塞尔来的人,为首的领队挥舞著一面白旗。