
美 [dæmp]英 [dæmp]
  • n.潮湿;湿气;潮气;湿块
  • adj.潮湿的;微湿的;湿气重的
  • v.dampen
  • 网络阻尼;有湿气的;脱氧腺苷酸

第三人称单数:damps 现在分词:damping 过去式:damped



1.潮湿的;微湿的;湿气重的slightly wet, often in a way that is unpleasant


a damp squib

哑炮;令人失望的事;令人扫兴的事an event that is disappointing because it is not as exciting or impressive as expected


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... lap n (坐时的)大腿前部;膝盖 damp adj 潮湿的 cloth n 布;织物;衣料 ...


航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(D) ... damp 潮湿 damp 潮湿;阻尼 damp 潮湿阻尼 ...


词根联想记忆法词汇教程(二)|联想记忆法背单词 ... dagger n. 短剑 damp adj. 潮湿的,有湿气的 dangerous adj. 危险的 ...


Tencel缩写的意思-天丝_英文缩写查询 ... SPEC 规格 dAMP 脱氧腺苷(一磷)酸 IOI 国际信息学奥林匹克竞赛 ...


The Sound of Silence_旺旺英语教学网 ... Halo n. 光晕,光环 Damp a. 潮湿的,有温气的 Vision n. 幻影;光景;视觉 ...


数学英语词汇表[翻译必看] ... adjacent 接近的,邻近的 damp 阻尼,衰减 restore 复职,归还 ...

Maura was grinning at him, pulling sections of his hair through her fingers, her face damp with sweat but not at all sleepy. 莫雅咧嘴向他笑,手指拨弄他的头发。她的脸上汗水淋淋,但是没有丝毫的睡意。
The heat diffuse can be considered as temperature oscillation under limiting damp, as well heat can be transfersed by the wave way. 热扩散可以被看成是一种极限温度阻尼振荡问题;而热可以以波动形式传输。
Lane took me by phone, the corners of his eyes began to wet, damp things have to stay out of passion. 我受里拿着手机,眼角开始湿润,有湿湿的东西情不自禁的留了出来。
So she sat me down, forced out a confession, and the delivered her own penance. Whacking me with a damp shoe she'd just taken off my foot. 她要我坐下,认真忏悔,并采用了她自己的惩罚方式—用我刚脱下的湿漉漉的鞋狠狠地打我。
the relation of frequency and damp ratio of equivalent system to that of base fixed structure and groundwork base is given. 给出了等效体系的频率和阻尼比与基础固定结构与地基土的频率和阻尼比之间的关系式。
Care Instructions-Gently wipe the surface dirt off the leather with a clean damp cloth. 护理说明-使用干净湿布轻轻擦拭皮革表面污垢。
Now it would take more than tracks, and on this sweet, damp morning at the beginning of the world, that was fine with her. 这就不止需要足迹了,不过在这个甜蜜而湿润的早晨,世界伊始,她觉得也挺好的。
Once upon a time there was a frog called Mr. Jeremy Fisher; he lived in a little damp house amongst the buttercups at the edge of a pond. 从前有位青蛙先生,他叫杰里米·费希尔,住在池塘边毛茛之间一个潮湿的小房子里。
Though I was a bit underdressed in a pair of khaki pants and a damp leather jacket I decided to step in and say hello to her. 虽然我当时穿着有些寒酸——黄褐色的裤子和潮湿的皮夹克,但我还是决定要走进去和她打个招呼。
As the black-haired girl sat down again the fire crackled and spat, as if in mockery of such a damp, tender song. 黑发的少女坐了下来,篝火发出噼啪的响声,似乎在嘲笑这首歌,是那么的忧郁、忧伤。
Nothing but his feet and the smell of damp leaves, fresh grass, and the wet mud of the riverbanks. 路上,只有自己的脚步声与河岸边潮湿的树叶、青葱的绿草以及湿漉的泥泞所散发出的气味和他相伴。
The same evening, as you walked up the canyon into the hills, the red earth was damp under your feet, soft, yielding, and full of promise. 同一天的傍晚,当你走上峡谷、走进群山,潮湿的红土在你脚下,细腻柔软,充满了希望。
For You: Apply while skin is still damp from shower or bath for superior moisturization. Use daily to help refresh extremely dry skin. 婴幼儿:宝宝洗澡后马上涂于身上。每天使用,有效锁住皮肤水分,防止皮肤磨伤。
The smaller one was so ornate with gilt and wood marquetry that it had to be covered again with burlap to save it from the damp. 较小的一个镀金嵌木,因为制作考究,就又用了一块麻木包上,以防止潮湿。
which some military experts suggested might have been something of a damp squib. 朝鲜已提高了核能力——一些军事专家认为。
Some joists of the floor above did not back Tu cementing Primer, cement Man of moisture, damp floor, the floor will also bulging. 有的搁栅上面的地板背面没有涂封固底漆,水泥地的潮气漫上来,使地板受潮,也会使地板起拱。
You literally crawl in the dank, damp forest trying to find disturbances in the duff where animals may have been rooting around. 人们基本上是在潮湿阴冷的森林里匍匐前行,试图在地面上找到动物可能翻刨过的痕迹。
It is possible for you to clean the posts with a damp rag after the stops of bubble. 在冒泡结束后,您可以使用湿抹布清洁电极。
That's a hard time. The air is cold and damp, and the road is often icy. 是一个艰难时期。空气又冷又潮湿,道路经常结冰。
Not easy to damp the long-term motor, which should be removed Inoue, back indoors, the motor casing clean the dirt. 电动机长期不用容易受潮,因而应从井上拆卸下来,拉回室内,把电动机外壳上的污物擦拭干净。
She wondered at him. He was in trousers and flannel shirt and a grey tie, his hair soft and damp, his face rather pale and worn-looking. 她惊异地望着他。他穿着长裤和法兰绒的衬衣,结着灰白色的领带,他的头发柔软而润湿,他的脸孔有点苍白而憔悴。
However after a few hours (once the oil burner was out) it was obvious that there was also a damp problem in this part of the hotel. 可是没过几个小时后(在烧油炉熄灭之后),又出现潮湿的问题,显然酒店这一翼都存在这一问题。
Moving forward I applied myself to the front of her evening dress like a damp sponge and gave her a kiss. 我走上前去吻了她一下,就像一块湿漉漉的海绵粘在她的晚装上一样。
They are early people, I'm glad to say, and his eyes seemed to muse over the proper fold for these damp sheep. 我很高兴地说,他们都是些早睡早起的人;他的眼光似乎默默在考虑这些湿漉漉的教徒应该在哪里过夜才合适。
He points to the bed, takes off her damp socks and slides a pair of terrycloth slippers on her feet. 他指着床,并蹲下帮她脱掉潮湿的袜子,套上一双毛巾布拖鞋。
It was a bit of a damp squib, making no firm recommendations and proposing no new regulation or legislation. 不过它就像一个受潮了的爆竹,既没有给出坚决的建议,也没有提出新的规章或者法规。
The room did initially smell a bit damp as it hadn't been used for a while. 这房间刚开始的确有股潮湿发霉的味道,因为好久没人住了。
Although scratches cannot be removed, any other marks can be cleaned using a damp cloth and then polished dry to remove any excess moisture. 虽然金属配件的刮痕无法修复,然而污迹可先使用湿布擦拭,再擦干过多的水分。
Leonardo did not allow for the damp in the wall and painted on the plaster which failed to dry. 列奥纳多没有考虑到墙壁的潮湿,而在没有干透的灰浆上作画。
I noticed the powder on her face, spread generously and glistening now in the damp wrinkles of her skin. 我注意到她脸上抹的粉,均匀地分布在她湿湿皱皱的肤上,闪耀着。