
美 [daɪˈvɜrʒ(ə)n]英 [daɪˈvɜː(r)ʃ(ə)n]
  • n.转移;转向;消遣;偏离





1.[c][u]转向;转移;偏离the act of changing the direction that sb/sth is following, or what sth is used for

2.[c]转移视线(或注意力)的事物something that takes your attention away from sb/sth while sth else is happening

3.[c]临时绕行路;分流路a road or route that is used when the usual one is closed

4.[c]消遣;娱乐an activity that is done for pleasure, especially because it takes your attention away from sth else

Some were concerned that this would be a diversion for more pressing issues, but really- on quick executive decision and it's dealt with! 有些人认为这会转移大家对更重要议题的注意力,但说真的–为了他们快速的决断与处理方式而喝采吧!
Although an immersive application tends to be focused on providing diversion, its appearance still needs to integrate with the task. 尽管一个沉浸式应用程序侧重于以提供消遣为焦点,它的外观仍然需要和任务结合起来。
For a bit of diversion, try a game in the Games folder. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Games, and then click a game. 要想放松一下,请玩“游戏”文件夹中的游戏。单击“开始”,指向“程序”,然后单击某个游戏。
One of the results of his diversion was an 1887 perpetual calendar algorithm for calculating the day of the week for a given date. 其中一个成果就是1887年万年历算法,可以对给定日期计算星期几。
This reversal has been a setback on your journey but think of it as a diversion rather than a halt. 这次的不如意是你旅途中的挫折,但请把它看成一个拐点而不是终点吧。
The length of different rock burst intensity of every segment of diversion tunnel is predicted according to the probability model. 根据概率模型计算,预测了引水隧洞各洞段不同烈度岩爆的发生长度。
Van Norden still bellyaching about his cunts and about washing the dirt out of his belly. Only now he's found a new diversion. 范诺登仍为了他的女人、为了把肚子里的脏东西冲洗出来而发牢骚,只是现在发现了一种新消遣,他发现手淫不那么令人烦恼。
So it's just a bit of a diversion. Come on, enjoy. Take a picture. 这只是走了一段岔路罢了.来吧,享受吧,拍照吧。
If I was on the wrong track, something else would catch my attention, and through the diversion the next great teacher would appear. 若我偏离了路径,就会有其他事物吸引我的注意,也借由这样的转移,下一位导师又会出现。
By now I habitually clicked through S's photo albums, a diversion far better than popping into a colleague's office for a romantic update. 但是当我习惯性地点击S的相册,这是一种比进入同事办公室打听八卦事情更好的消遣。
Large scale diversion tunnel is often adopted when building a hydraulic power station between high mountains or in canyons on a great river. 在高山峡谷的大江大河上修建水电站,往往需要大尺度导流洞。
Diversion dam A barrier across a stream built to turn all or some of the water into a diversion. 分洪坝河流上建造的一个拦截物,使全部或部分河水改变流向。
The first thought which it generated of itself, the first diversion of mind force from its normal path, was the beginning of the soul. 它自己产生的第一个思想、心灵力量从其正常道路的第一次背离,就是灵魂的开始。
Compared to that, this water diversion project did not do as comprehensive a preliminary study as the Three Gorges project did. 相比之下,这项调水工程却没有进行三峡项目那么全面的前期研究。
But in 2007 it fell out with Mr Erdogan over stories linking party bigwigs to the diversion of money from a German-based charity. 但在2007年,多根集团由于报道了党内要人与挪用来自德国一家慈善机构的捐款有牵连,因此与埃尔多安翻脸。
The small-sized artesian diversion work is one of the main forms of the work of overcoming the drinking difficulty in the rural areas. 小型自流引水工程是农村饮水解困工程的主要形式之一。
So I initially viewed the creation of AWK as a learning experience and a diversion rather than part of my regular research activities. 所以最初我只是把开发AWK视为一种实践,而不是正儿八经的研究。
Gaming tends to be regarded as a harmless diversion at best, a vile corruptor of youth at worst. 这对线上游戏来说不失为一个从只会危害年轻人一个正面的形象转移。
As she finished and prepared to begin, Marissa hoped for any diversion. 发完论文准备开始的时候,玛莉莎希望来点儿娱乐性的东西。
But this book is being published through Diversion Books, a digital publisher owned by his literary agent, Scott Waxman. 这本书由DiversionBooks出版,DiversionBooks是库班的出版经纪人斯科特-韦克斯曼(WaxmanScott)麾下的数字出版商。
when before in human history has so much humanity collectively surrendered so much of its leisure to one toy , one mass diversion. 在人类历史上,什么时候曾有这样多的人集体地把自己这样多的闲暇奉送给一件玩具,一项大众娱乐。
The pair could hardly have borne it if their minds had not had the relief of wholesome diversion . 要是不想点有益身心的事儿,他们夫妻俩简直要顶不住了。
Conclusions Detenial ceacal colon continent reservoir was an effective and simple means of urine diversion after total cystectomy. 结论去带盲结肠可控膀胱术是一种较为理想的尿流改道方法,具有较好的应用价值。
and a diversion structure mounting space matched with the width of a diversion structure is arranged on the support structure. 支撑结构上设置有与导流结构宽度一致的导流结构安装空间。
Her one diversion is learning to read and write, motivated by her desire to go home and read to Peter's blind grandmother. 她唯一的消遣便是学习读书和写字,目的是要急于回家读给皮特失明的奶奶听。
Pyongyang is the kind of city where a day-long visit to the museum of gifts presented to Mr Kim seems like quite an interesting diversion. 平壤是这种城市,在那里全天参观呈献给金正日礼物的博物馆都是一项相当有趣的消遣。
SNAPSHOTSIf you want a little diversion, you can take snapshots of your magnificent floral creations and share them with your friends. 快照如果你想要娱乐一下,你可以拍摄你创造的植物的快照,并与你的朋友分享。
The government continued to deny any diversion of food, although it hinted that it was combating internal corruption. 当局虽然暗示自己正在与内部腐败做斗争,却继续否认任何粮食挪用行为。
The central cleaning device makes the powder ascending rate higher, as the diversion conductor and pole needle do not accumulate powder. 中央清理气的设计,使导流体和极针不再积粉,提高了上粉率。
In fact, the war was a huge diversion of U. S. resources from the terrorist fight and a boon to al-Qaeda recruiting. 其实这场战争是美国反恐战的巨大资源流出,也是“基地”组织招募的锲机。