
美 [ˈdedli]英 ['dedli]
  • adv.非常;极其
  • adj.(可能)致命的;极度的;十足的;彻底的
  • 网络最致命的

比较级:deadlier 最高级:deadliest

deadly disease,deadly virus,deadly blow,deadly weapon,deadly accuracy


1.(可能)致命的,致死的causing or likely to cause death

2.[obn]极度的;十足的;彻底的extreme; complete

3.非常有效的;无法防御的extremely effective, so that no defence is possible

4.(informal)枯燥的;令人厌烦的very boring


译言网 | 极限水母 ... Coldest 最冷的 Deadliest 最致命的 Biggest 最大的 ...

As intelligent as they may be, however, whales have not found a way to counter the attacks of their deadliest enemy: human beings. 然而,虽然非常聪明,鲸却无法找出方法,来反击它们最致命的敌人:人类。
It was the deadliest single attack on American soldiers in Baghdad since the height of the troop buildup here last summer. 这是巴格达美军自去年六月在此集结以来遭受到的最致命的一次袭击。
It was the deadliest strike against African Union troops since their arrival in Somalia nearly two years ago to help stabilize the country. 这是非洲联盟部队大约两年前为了帮助稳定索马里的局势进驻索马里以来发生的最严重的流血事件。
It was hard to believe that this little animal could kill one of the deadliest creatures on earth. 实在难相信这个小动物能杀死世界上一种最凶的动物。
But the cash is also desperately needed by producers trying to consolidate and upgrade mines that are the world's deadliest. 中国煤矿企业急需资金来整合和升级这些世界上最为危险的矿井。
'He was the most skillful gambler, and the nerviest, fastest, deadliest man with a six-gun I ever saw. ' Do you know who said that, Doctor? 他是最娴熟的赌徒,也是我所见过带六连发手枪的人中最勇敢、最敏捷、最要命的人物。’知道这是谁说的吗,医生?
Deadliest, the creator of Chinese martial arts have always been an important element, of course, not the eyes, Endless love and gentleness. 杀人如麻,快意恩仇一直是武侠小说的重要元素,当然还少不了缠绵悱恻,侠骨柔情。
Stomach cancer is one of the deadliest diseases, and ranks second among cancers worldwide with at least 800, 000 deaths yearly. 胃癌是最致命的疾病之一,位居全球第二位的癌症死亡人数至少有80万每年。
Research suggests that it may protect against colon cancer as well as melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. 研究还表明,姜黄可以预防结肠癌以及恶性最大的皮肤癌--黑色素瘤。
He is one of at least 12 police officers killed in the terror attacks, one of the deadliest days for Mumbai's police force. 他是在这次恐怖袭击中被打死的至少12名警官之一。那天是孟买警方死亡最惨重的日子之一。
Dozens were still trapped in the mine on Sunday evening in the deadliest coal-mining accident in the country in more than a year. 截至周日晚上,12名矿工依然被困井下。这时一年多以来死亡人数最多的矿难。
The deadliest quake of all time might be one of the least talked about, considering it occurred nearly 450 years ago. 考虑到这次历史上造成伤亡最多的地震发生在450年前,它可能是最少被谈及到的。
One of the deadliest viruses ever to infect the human race was the Spanish flu strain that caused a global pandemic, beginning in 1918. 始于1918年的西班牙大流感肆虐全球,是有史以来最致命的病毒之一,5千万至一亿人因此而丧生;
Attention was diverted from the election results by the deadliest suicide bombing in the country in more than a year. 另外,星期二阿富汗发生了一年多来最严重的自杀炸弹袭击,这也转移了公众对选举结果的关注。
July was the deadliest month yet for American and NATO forces in eight years of war in Afghanistan. 七月是美国和北约部队在阿富汗八年战争中死亡气息最为浓重的一个月。
It's the deadliest single attack in the group's five-year history and one of the worst seen in Somalia in 20 years of civil war. 这是该组织五年历史中最凶猛的袭击,也是索马里20年内战中最残酷的袭击。
The month of May was the third deadliest for the US troops since the start of the war in Iraq. 自从在伊拉克的战争开始之后今年五月份对于美国军队来说是第三致命的月份。
One of the deadliest habits that chip away at children's self-confidence is any form of stereotyping. 而蚕食孩子自信的最致命的习惯之一就是各种形式的老套成见。
China has promised to close 6, 000 collieries over the next two years as it battles to improve safety in the world's deadliest mines. 中国政府承诺将在未来两年内关闭6000座煤矿,以改善这些全球事故死亡率最高的矿山的安全形势。
Conversely, it was the deadliest year for coalition forces in Afghanistan since the 2001 invasion. 相反的,今年却是多国部队自2001年入侵阿富汗以来最致命最惨烈的一年。
The chopper was carrying victims of a traffic accident. It was the deadliest medevac accident in Maryland in 40 years. 当时这架直升机正在运送一起交通事故中的伤员,这是马里兰州四十年来最严重的救伤直升机事故。
Ozone, the gas which protects the Earth from the sun's deadliest rays, is being hailed as a stress-relieving elixir by French doctors. 臭氧,这个保护地球以隔离太阳紫外线的气体正被一些法国医生赞扬为-种能解除痛苦的特效药。
As casualties mount on both sides, 2009 is shaping up to be the deadliest year yet for coalition troops - twice as deadly as 2008. 随着双方伤亡数字的攀升,2009年正在成为联军部队最致命的一年---死亡人数会达到2008年的两倍。
A serious of four suicide bombings in northern Iraq marked the deadliest of attack in one area since the war began. 在伊拉克北部发生了四起严重的自杀式爆炸事件。这是自伊战爆发以来,该地区遭遇的毁灭性袭击事件中最严重的一起。
The attack follows one of the deadliest days of violence in Iraq so far this year. 这次袭击如下一个致命天的暴力在伊拉克今年至今。
Her relative was killed by one of the deadliest natural disasters that we have ever seen: the Indian Ocean tsunami. 她的这位亲人在印度洋海啸中丧命。这场灾难是我们有史以来经历的最严重的自然灾难之一。
According to WHO, pneumonic plague is one of the deadliest infectious diseases, capable of killing humans within 24 hours of infection. 世界卫生组织表示肺鼠疫是最致命的感染性疾病之一,感染者可在24小时内死亡。
A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. Delay is the deadliest form of denial. 遗憾是一生最初的苍老。拖延,其实就是最彻底的拒绝。
Australia 's deadliest bushfire has killed nearly 100 people , as the inferno engulfed entire towns and destroyed at least 700 homes . 澳大利亚最致命的森林大火已经导致近100人死亡。如地狱般的大火吞噬了整个城镇,并烧毁了至少700所房子。
It was the region's deadliest attack in 13 months and a setback for the Kremlin. 这是该地区13月来遭受的最为致命的袭击,也是俄罗斯政府的一次挫折。