
美 [steɪl]英 [steɪl]
  • v.走味;使陈旧;使没有味道;用坏
  • adj.不新鲜的;(空气)污浊的;(烟味)难闻的;陈腐的
  • n.囮子;笑柄;受人愚弄成为笑谈的人;畜尿
  • 网络陈旧的;走了气的;走味的

比较级:staler 最高级:stalest

stale bread


2.不新鲜的;(空气)污浊的;(烟味)难闻的no longer fresh; smelling unpleasant

3.陈腐的;没有新意的;老掉牙的something that isstale has been said or done too many times before and is no longer interesting or exciting

4.(因持续做某事时间太长)厌倦的,腻烦的a person who isstale has done the same thing for too long and so is unable to do it well or produce any new ideas


大学英语精读单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... unpleasantly ad. 令人不愉快地 stale a. 不新鲜的 cabbage n. 卷心菜 ...


old的近义词是什么_百度知道 ... outworn 用旧的,废弃的 stale 陈腐的,变质的 mature 成熟的,到期的 ...


刘一男重点单词串讲记录 - 豆丁网 ... tale 故事, 传说 stale 陈腐的, 陈旧的 male 男的, 雄的 ...


大学英语四级词汇表 ... stake n. 桩;赌金;奖品 stale n. 陈腐的;走了气的 stamp n. 戳子;邮票;标志 ...


葡萄酒基础知识大全 ... Conflict: 不和谐的 Stale走味的,沉滞的 Dull: 呆滞的、无活力的 ...


老疙瘩_百度百科 ... 衰老;衰颓〖 oldandfeeble;senil;decrepit〗 老八辈子stale〗 老板〖 boss;manager;patron〗 ...

She was proud that she had prepared it. In the dream he knew that the cake was stale and poisoned, but he didn't want to upset her. 在梦中,他知道蛋糕不新鲜而且有毒,但他显然不想让她扫兴。
The air is stale. It is a disturbing scene, sort of like a sweatshop for children's brains. 空气污浊,环境嘈杂,这里对孩子们的稚嫩头脑来说有点儿像是一间血汗工厂。
How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable, Seem to me all the uses of this world! 人世间的一切在我看来是多么可厌、陈腐、乏味和无聊。
Common strategies are to present the user with an opportunity to merge his changes or to restart the flow with non-stale data. 常用的策略是让用户有机会合并其变更或用未过期数据重启流。
However, the question of whether or not your data is stale changes when you consider the case of the near cache. 不过,在考虑近缓存的情况下,究竟数据是否过时这个问题会有所不同。
You know, a draftsman always makes his drawing in pencil first, and when it's done he rubs out the pencil lines with stale bread crumbs. 昨天他终于完成了用墨水描线。您知道,一个制图员往往先用铅笔打底,绘图完成后再用干面包屑擦去铅笔印。
It was much to ponder over, and sufficed to entertain her for more than a year without becoming stale. 可琢磨的东西很多,足够她欣赏个一年半载也不会感到乏味。
A woman who witnessed my complaint asked: "How can you tell if it's stale or not? For me it's just caffeine. " 一位瞧见我抱怨的女子问道:“你怎么判断它新不新鲜呢?对我而言,它只不过是咖啡因。”
her hands were covered with layer upon layer of grime, and the stale smell of sweat rose in a thick vaporous cloud from her clothes. 双手积满了一层层厚重的污垢,衣服上散发的一阵阵强烈的汗酸臭味扑鼻而来。
All he could find was a stale soda cracker in one of the tins his mother had left behind when she ran off with the dentist. 在他妈妈和牙医私奔后留下的一个锡罐里,他找到了一块不新鲜的苏打饼干。
It'll help with the stale air issue, but will also help liven things up and make it a more inviting space. 它在解决空气不好的问题的同时是也会活跃气氛,使你哪儿变得更加吸引人。
He continued to order the stale bread never a cake, never a pie, never one of the other delicious pastries in the showcase. 他依然要他的干面包----从不要蛋糕,不要馅饼,更不要橱窗里其它可口的糕点。
Love from his mother was never emotionally nurturing (stale cake) and often came with a serious downside (poisonous). 来自他母亲的爱从未被情感培养过(不新鲜的蛋糕)而且还常常伴随着严重的下降趋势(有毒)。
The business context of the queries can tolerate information that has been stale for a few hours or even a few days. 查询的业务环境能够忍受已经过期几个小时甚至几天的信息。
A spreadsheet is very easy to use and maintain, unlike the more formal project plan which quickly goes stale and is never easily updated. 与很快会变得过时且难以进行更新的比较正式的项目计划不同,电子表格非常易于使用和维护。
When he tried to refuse, his first meal of the day, a plate of cold, dry meat and stale bread, was taken away from him. 当父亲想拒绝的时候,他那天的第一次伙食,一份又冷又干的肉和不新鲜的面包,就被从手中夺走了。
Then he began to complain: the potatoes were cold, the meat was tough, the bred was stale. 接着,他开始埋怨,马铃薯太冷,肉煮得老了,面包不够新鲜。
When you breathe like this, stale air is not expelled, oxidation of the tissues is incomplete, and muscle tension frequently results. 当你处在这样的状态下,身体中的废气不能及时排除,氧气不足,很容易造成肌肉紧张。
The workers merely threw the stale buns into a vat, added water and flour, and repackaged them to be sold anew. 他们仅仅是把过期的馒头扔进大桶里,再添加水和面粉做出新的馒头,然后重新包装再出售。
He took the stale bread, bowed politely, and hurried out; Miss Martha carried the picture back to her room. 他拿了干面包,朝玛莎小姐很礼貌地一鞠躬,便匆匆离开了;玛莎小姐把那幅画又拿回自己的房间。
Nothing was to be seen, but the hostile chill of the water and the stale odor of the wet stones could be felt. 什么也看不见,但能感到水那含有敌意的冷气和乏味的石头的潮气。
Then, after a few years of hiding and poor communication, they realize that their once romantic love life has grown stale. 之后,持续多年的躲躲藏藏与沟通困难之后,他们意识到他们曾经浪漫的爱情已经烟消云散了。
Wave definitely takes some getting used to, but once you get into the flow of things, regular email suddenly feels stale and slow. 用户适应Wave要点时间,但是一旦你习惯了,你会发现普通的电子邮件突然变得过时和缓慢了。
Mr. Browne continued to meet with Mr. Yakovlev, drinking the most expensive beer and smoking stale Cuban cigars. 布朗继续与雅克夫列夫会面,喝最贵的啤酒、吸典藏的古巴雪茄。
They had become boring and stale and old and were in danger of losing the interest of the British people. 它们已经变得无趣,因循旧,而且也可能丧失利益的英国人。
Overall, a great redesign and repositioning for what was looking like a completely stale brand. 总的来说,一个伟大的的重新设计和定位是想寻找一个完全过时的品牌。
While important, they seem to become stale quickly, fall into disrepair or disuse, and are discarded. 虽然重要,但是它们似乎很快就过时了,失修或停用,并且报废了。
I also was beginning to feel intellectually stale. 我也开始感到智力的停滞。
If your design has started to feel stale, spruce it up with a new template, widget, or plugin. 如果你的博客界面感觉有点陈旧,那就用一个新的模板或者插件让它耳目一新。
l The narrow, sunless hall smelled unpleasantly of stale cabbage; the walls were dirty with ink marks; it was all silent. 狭窄的,不见阳光的走廊里散发出发霉的卷心菜味,让人觉得很不舒服,墙上墨迹斑斑,周围一片静寂。