
美 [dɪˈfit]英 [dɪˈfiːt]
  • n.失败;击败;战胜;战败
  • v.击败;战胜;挫败;使失败
  • 网络打败;挫折

第三人称单数:defeats 现在分词:defeating 过去式:defeated

defeat enemy,defeat opponent,admit defeat,defeat army,concede defeat
complete defeat,final defeat,total defeat,electoral defeat,humiliating defeat


v. n.

1.~ sb/sth击败;战胜to win against sb in a war, competition, sports game, etc.

2.~ sth使失败;阻挠;挫败to stop sth from being successful

3.~ sb使困惑;难住if sthdefeats you, you cannot understand it


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... wonder n 奇迹;惊奇 defeat vt 击败;战胜 force n 力量;暴力 ...


胜字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 同本义〖 canbear〗 战胜,打败〖 defeat〗 胜过;超过〖 surpass;prevailover〗 ...


字典中 敝 字的解释 ... (3) 疲惫,困乏,衰败[ tired] (1) 失败[ defeat] (2) 弃[ cast away] ...


胜字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 同本义〖 canbear〗 战胜,打败defeat〗 胜过;超过〖 surpass;prevailover〗 ...


挫字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 挫折〖 knock〗 挫败defeat〗 挫伤〖 deaden;freeze〗 ...


词根 - 豆丁网 ... confectioner – n. 糖果糕饼店,糖果糕饼厂 12. defeat 失败,挫折; defect 缺点,不足之处; ...


大学四级高频词汇_百度知道 ... declaration n 宣布;宣言;申报 defeat 击败;挫败 n战败;击败 define vt 给。。下定义,解释…


大学英语四级单词集锦 D 开头_百度文库 ... deer n. 鹿 defeat vt. 战胜,击败;挫败 defect n. 缺点,缺陷,欠缺 ...

If Sandy's music got to be too burdensome, some time, I would let a knight defeat me, on the chance that she would desert to him. 桑弟的音乐要是有一天太让人受不了的话,我就不妨叫一位骑士来把我给打败了;那么一来,她也许就会弃旧迎新了吧。
'There is a thin line between scoring and not, a win and a defeat, it's just a few centimetres of woodwork, the bar or post. 进球和不进之间仅差一线,胜利或是失败,也只是离门柱,横梁或是门楣几厘米的距离。
Much to the disappointment of his fans, he went down in defeat, losing to a competitor from the visiting team. 令他的拥众十分失望的是,他一蹶不振,败给了参观队里的一名选手。
A few months after the defeat of the Metarex, Tails remains waking up to the same dream about Cosmo at the day of the defeat. 在打败了梅达列克斯后的数个月,塔尔斯仍然常被相同的梦境所惊醒,是波斯菊战胜的那天。
And he seemed to see, quite vividly, a girl: one whom no hardship would ever defeat, one as passionate as a flame. 他也仿佛看见了一个活生生的姑娘:那是一个任何艰难困苦都不能把她打垮的、热情似火的姑娘。
In 1916, the German empire decided to focus again turned to the West line of attack, trying to defeat the French. 1916年,德意志帝国决定把进攻重点再次转向西线,力图打败法国。
The general was furious to hear (= when he heard) of the defeat. 那将军听到失败的消息非常愤怒。
In one of his last speeches, made weeks after Tripoli fell and he was a fugitive, he exhorted Libyans to defeat the uprising. 的黎波里陷落后几周,流亡之中的他发表了最后一次演说,号召利比亚人民抵抗起义。
Washington seems to be concluding it cannot defeat the national resistance militarily. 华盛顿似乎得出结论,他们不能在军事上打败阿富汗的的抵抗力量。
The defeat of the dark, to which most of you look forward as a goal or endpoint, is just a milestone on a long and winding path! 黑暗的失败,被你们许多人视为目标或终点而期待,而这只是一个漫长而迂回的路径上的一个里程碑!
I could blame the defeat, which would be the result of my action, on him -- and come out as the peacemaker. 我能够责备这个失败,如果它将是我战斗的结果,他——接着就会出来正如一个调解者。
Eli was now very very old and was almost blind in both eyes. When he heard the terrible news of the defeat, he broke his neck. 艾利现在已经非常非常的老了,而且两眼几乎都瞎了,当他听到这个可怕的战败消息之后,他甚至跌断了他的颈子。
Some analysts said the decisive factor in the defeat of the party that backs Musharraf, the Pakistan Muslim League (PML), was the president. 某些分析家说,支持穆沙拉夫的政党——巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟(PML)失败的决定性的因素,是总统。
Sure, I might have gotten up enough 'will power' to defeat it once in a while, but my sweet tooth was always the victor in the end. 当然了,我也许曾经有过足够的“意志力”来战胜这个欲望,但我的虫牙总是能占上风。
"I'm stunned that this issue was resolved by such a clear diplomatic defeat, " he said. “此事以如此明显的外交退却解决,令我感到震惊,”他表示。
But I grew to recognise the signs of defeat in their eyes, and with it any hope of a cure. 但是我最终在他们的眼睛里看到的总是失败的迹象,没有任何治愈的希望。
One needs a support of inner spirit and a disposition as a strong-willed man to bear and defeat the setback. 承受并战胜挫折需要一种内在精神的支持,需要有作为强者的一种气质。
In February of that year, though, he had already begun military training, part of Adolf Hitler's final hopeless attempt to stave off defeat. 尽管在同年的二月,他已经开始接受了军事训练,这个训练也是希特勒最后绝望的试图避免失败的计划中一部分。
These were the men Hannibal had used to defeat the Romans and truly, were the best of the Carthaginian Army. 汉尼拔正是用这些战士屡次击败罗马人,其实他们也是迦太基军队的精锐。
Nevertheless, the dark is not yet ready to concede defeat and its minions continue to cook up schemes to delay the inevitable. 然而,黑暗势力也不会承认失败,它的仆人继续骚扰计划的延迟。
The battle of Britain had been his first defeat, and the malignant bombing of the cities had not cowed the nation or its Government. 大不列颠战役曾经是他第一次遇到的挫败,对城市进行的残酷轰炸没有吓倒这个国家或它的政府。
Do not fear the setback, one time tumbles did not mean on the forever defeat, unable to recover after a setback is the true defeat. 不要怕挫折,一次跌倒并不意味就永远的失败,一蹶不振才是真正的失败。
The activity aims at training the children to be independent. Giving them too much help will defeat the purpose of the activity. 这项活动的宗旨是锻炼儿童自立。给予他们过多帮助,只会破坏活动的宗旨。
The argument he used to justify his position proved to be a double-edged sword which ultimately led to his own defeat. 他用以证明自己立场正确的论据,结果却成了导致他自己败北的双刃利剑了。
Even in defeat he may, like Samson, be ready to pull down the pillars of his rickety regime on his hapless people. 即使被击败,他也可能像参孙那样,随时准备拉倒利比亚摇摇欲坠的政权支柱,砸在不幸的本国人民身上。
Thaurissan and his Dark Irons did not fare as well. Humiliated and enraged by their defeat, they vowed revenge against Ironforge. 索瑞森和他的黑铁部族则没有那么好运,战败的耻辱让他们更加愤怒,他们发誓一定要报复铁炉堡。
At least, such schemes did not save Mr Mukhtar and other well-connected PML(Q) men from defeat. 至少,这样的策略是很难让穆卡塔尔先生与其他出身名门的PML-Q参选人获胜。
With troubled faces they watched Fong, slumped forward in the saddle, his head bowed, pain and defeat in his eyes. 他们满脸不安地望着方--他身子向前骑在马上,低头,眼里充满痛苦和颓丧的神情。
You can't defeat a cold by flushing it out of your system, but drinking lots of fluids can help. 你当然不能将感冒从身体里冲出去,不过多补充水分还是有帮助的。
of Hannibal's horse to turn what was already a defeat into a disastrous rout. 罗马骑兵在追逐汉尼拔的马队的归途中横扫残敌,使汉尼拔的这场败仗更是灾难性地溃不成军。