
美 [draɪv]英 [draɪv]
  • n.驱车旅行;驾车路程;传动(或驱动)装置
  • v.驾驶;开车;驾车送(人);拥有(或驾驶)…汽车
  • 网络亡命驾驶;驱动器;落日车神

过去式:drove 过去式:drave 过去分词:driven 现在分词:driving 第三人称单数:drives

drive car,drive vehicle,drive bus,drive tractor,drive taxi
big drive
drive carefully,drive away


v. n.


1.[i][t]驾驶;开车to operate a vehicle so that it goes in a particular direction

2.[t]~ sb (+ adv./prep.)驾车送(人)to take sb somewhere in a car, taxi, etc.

3.[t]~ sth拥有(或驾驶)…汽车to own or use a particular type of vehicle


4.[t][usupass]~ sth驱动;推动to provide the power that makes a machine work

使人做某事make sb do sth

5.[t]~ sb (+ adv./prep.)迫使;驱使to force sb to act in a particular way

6.[t]迫使(某人生气、发疯或做出极端事情)to make sb very angry, crazy, etc. or to make them do sth extreme

使移动make sb/sth move

7.[t]~ sb/sth + adv./prep.驱赶;赶走;驱逐to force sb/sth to move in a particular direction

推动cause sth to make progress

8.[t]~ sth激励;促进;推进to influence sth or cause it to make progress


9.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.击;打;敲;推to force sth to go in a particular direction or into a particular position by pushing it, hitting it, etc.

打洞make a hole

10.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.凿;挖掘to make an opening in or through sth by using force

体育运动in sport

11.[t][i]~ (sth) (+ adv./prep.)猛抽,猛击(球)to hit a ball with force, sending it forward


12.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)吹;卷;刮;冲to carry sth along

13.[i](+ adv./prep.)猛落;急速驱进to fall or move rapidly and with great force


drive a coach and horses through sth

毁掉,糟蹋,破坏(计划等)to spoil sth, for example a plan

drive sth home (to sb)

把…讲透彻;阐明;使充分理解to make sb understand or accept sth by saying it often, loudly, angrily, etc.

what sb is driving at

某人的用意;某人话中的意思the thing sb is trying to say


小学英语单词大全(含中文翻译)_百度文库 ... 下棋 play chess 驾驶 drive 飞 fly ...


驱字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 驱虫剂〖 anthelmintic〗 驱动drive〗 驱赶〖 banish;expel;chasedrive;turn〗 ...


亡命驾驶》(DRIVE)通过“动作”塑造了形象,实现了电影的一般艺术价值。阅读 ┆ 评论 ┆ 转载 ┆ 收藏 查看全文>> 标签: 文 …


杰克·尼科尔森_百度百科 ... 开车,他说 Head 开车,他说 Drive,He Said 毛发 Head ...


电力常用英语 - bingwuo的日志 - 网易博客 ... 驱动功率 driving power 驱动器 drive 取样装置 sampling device ...


看完落日车神 ( Drive ) ,电影很好看,但最爱的是他的配乐,这部片的配乐低调,主角对白少,声音也安静,都感觉若有若无 …


驱赶_百度百科 ... demagogue 起哄者,群众煽动者 drive 驱动,驱赶 drift 冲洗,漂流 ...


驱力(drive):一种内部的状态,它是对动物的生理需要做出的反应。生物体就其本身条件来说如体温和能量供应等会寻求维持一 …

Think about how much you drive during the week and how many people see your vehicle while out and about or at a stop light. 想想自己一周要开多久的车,当驾车外出或者停下时,有多少人会看到你的车。
Questions have been raised over the financing of the petition campaign with which the re-election drive began. 他们对启动再选活动所需的请愿资金的来源提出了疑问。
We got to the sixth hole, a tee where the drive had to go only about a hundred yards to carry the pond. 我们打到第六洞,是一个T字形,高尔夫球车得跑一百码去到池塘边。
To save on rent, he and his wife moved to her parents' house in Salem, Ore. , a 45-minute drive from Portland. 为了节省房租,他和妻子搬到俄勒冈州塞勒姆市(Salem)的岳父母家中,这里距波特兰有45分钟车程。
The policeman releases Kimberly and offers to drive her to CTU to meet her mother. 逮捕金伯利的那名警官释放了金伯利,并提出亲自送她去反恐组去她母亲会面。
During the drive he told me that his wife had metastatic breast cancer and was not well, but she insisted upon meeting me. 在路上他告诉我他的妻子患了乳腺癌并且情形不太好,但是她坚持要见我。
It was their third attempt to get a passport for Anwar, who plans to drive to Amman before flying to Detroit to meet her husband-to-be. 这已经是安瓦尔母女第三次申请为安瓦尔办理护照了。安瓦尔打算先开车去安曼(约旦首都),然后再飞往底特律去见她的未婚夫。
It was a sunny Sunday afternoon as Bob and Sue set out with their three teenage daughters on a lazy drive down to the beach. 一个阳光明媚的周六下午,鲍勃和苏带着三个女儿一起驱车前往海滩。
We'll have to take the Opteron 2347 HE out for a test drive soon, to see how it fares, as well. 我们还得走2347皓他进行了试车不久,就看如何收费,以及。
Because my legs were finally catching up to my age I decided to drive down to Long Sands Beach in York, Maine. 由于我的脚也上了“年纪”,我决定驱车前往约克﹒缅因的沙滩。
The only security Grouse Lodge arranged was to post three guards on rotation at the top of the drive to intercept unwelcome visitors. 格劳斯别墅唯一设置的防卫是三名保安轮流高速驾车去拦截不受欢迎的访客。
Assigned to Fort Carson, just over an hour's drive from his teenage stomping grounds in Colorado, he found himself pulled in two directions. 他被分配到卡森要塞,虽然这里和他青少年时候玩耍的土地只有一小时的车程,但他仿佛被硬生生地往相反的方向拉去。
It should have been hard for me to decide to drive away from the party hardly able to see straight. 对我来说,开车从一场看不透的聚会逃离本来是很难的事情。
You could walk up and down the main drive any Thursday in the week till doomsday and never meet an expansive soul. 你可以任选一个星期四在主要马路上散步,一直走下去也永远不会碰到一个胸襟宽大的人。
She thought his smug two-year-old grin of self-amusement and satisfaction would drive her to the brink, but she maintained her composure. 她认为她那两岁的儿子沾沾自喜、洋洋得意的咧嘴一笑,足以把她推向崩溃的边缘,但她仍然保持镇定。
Think of it as as if you were buying an expensive car: a test drive is crucial before making a final decision. 例如,你想买一辆高级轿车,下决心前的试验驾驶就是至关重要的。
"Just a few blocks, " Carolyn said. "I'll drive. I'm used to this. " “离这只有几条街,”卡罗琳回答道,“我来开车,我习惯了。”
The temperature characteristic of the bias current and that of the drive current are functions different from each other. 此外,偏置电流的温度特性和驱动电流的温度特性成为互不相同的函数。
Boring ads can drive people sleepy, but interesting ones can shine people's eyes and give them a sense of the products promoted. 但有趣的广告往往会让人眼前一亮,也更能让人了解你想推荐的商品是什么。
Some of these programs drive the small icons near the clock on the Windows taskbar; others have no visible manifestation at all. 这些程序中的一部分会在Windows任务条上的时钟旁边显示小图标;其他程序根本没有可见的运行迹象。
After the meeting, state media said the energy efficiency drive would continue for the next 10 years. 会后,中国官方媒体表示,提高能效的行动将在未来十年里继续开展。
I cycled in front of him, got off my bicycle and laid it down on the road in front of his car so that he couldn't drive off. 我骑到他的前面,下了车并把自行车放在他车子前面的路上,这样他就开不了了。
Instead of a center diff, it takes the front diff's drive forward off a simple beveled gear at the back of the gearbox. 相反的中心差异,它的前端差异的推动了一个简单的斜齿轮在后面的变速箱。
Mr. Jiang made his global ambitions clear, though he said the drive would proceed 'carefully and cautiously' over a long period. 姜建清虽表明工商银行有志在全球范围“施展拳脚”,不过他说将在长期内“小心、谨慎”地推进这种努力。
In any case, if I refer to the drive, it is in so far as it is at the level of the drive that the state of satisfaction is to be rectified. 无论如何,假如我提到驱力,那是因为在驱力的这个层次,满足的状态可以被改正过来。
To actually wear out a drive head with a cleaning cartridge takes several hundred uses of a cleaning cartridge. 要真正使用清洁磁带清洁驱动器需要使用几百次的清洁磁带。
Online businesses will find new ways to drive revenue online, and selling apps may well be one of them. But it will not be the only one. 在线交易将会找到各种促成在线收入的新方式,而出售各种应用很可能是其中之一。不过,这不是唯一的方式。
Drive into Carrington now and a once-drab training ground has transformed into a tree-lined state-of-the-art facility. 驱车进入卡林顿,以前单调荒芜的训练场现在绿树成荫,装备先进。
But Palestinians say they cannot get building permits and that Israel is trying to drive Arab residents out of Jerusalem. 但是巴勒斯坦人说,他们拿不到建筑许可,而且以色列正企图把阿拉伯裔的居民赶出耶路撒冷。
Due to the post-war road, the company will produce protein-damaged focus on pickup and a four-wheel drive vehicle, rather than light cars. 由于战后道路状况极差,公司将生产重点放在客货两用车和四轮驱动车上,而不是轻型轿车。