
美 [ˈdefənɪt]英 [ˈdef(ə)nət]
  • adj.肯定;肯定的;确定的;不会改变的
  • n.肯定的事(或人)
  • 网络明确的;一定的;确切的

definite answer,definite reply,definite shape,definite form,definite date


1.~ (that…)肯定的;确定的;不会改变的sure or certain; unlikely to change

2.清楚的;明显的easily or clearly seen or understood; obvious

3.[nbn]~ (about sth).~ (that…)肯定;有把握sure that sth is true or that sth is going to happen and stating it to other people


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... define vt. 定义 definite adj. 明确的 definition n. 定义 ...


英语词汇-数学词汇_专业词汇 ... deductive reasoning 演绎推理 definite 确定的;定的 definite integral 定积分 ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第三册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... steadily ad. 稳定地;稳固地 definite a. 明确的;肯定的 gymnastics a. 体操 ...


英语词汇的奥秘 ... exquisite 精美的,精致的 definite 明确的,一定的 polite 文雅的 ...


几题英语题求人帮忙_百度知道 ... A. go over 复习, 仔细看 C. definite 确切的 B. ensure 确保 ...

Li Yan grand can have a definite object in view, oneself " shadow enemy " choose go up in body of a few main competitors. 李彦宏只能有的放矢,把自己的“影子敌人”圈定在几个主要竞争对手身上。
There was no definite news until a few days ago. 直到一两天前才得到确实消息。
For if there is nothing definite of which he knows it to be the double, he does not know at all that it is double. 因为他不知道它是谁的二倍,那么他就不知道它是二倍。
(Medicine) relating to a disease that tends to run a definite course without treatment. (医学)关于一种明确不需要治疗的疾?
After anaerobic cultivation for a definite time, a certain quantity of sludge suspension was used for oxidation titration experiment. 经过一定时间培养后,取一定量的污泥悬液进行氧化滴定实验。
But the origin of the jury system has been a topic of controversy in the long-term legal history, yet still no definite answer. 但关于英国陪审制度的起源,却一直是法制史中长期争论的话题,至今仍无确切答案。
Since the mediastinal teratoma has no specific symptoms, its definite diagnosis is difficult before surgical intervention. 因为纵膈腔畸胎瘸没有特别的徵状,所以在外科处置之前要确定诊断是很困难的。
As to how much pay a month or how much a person gets is defined as the highly paid, so far the government has no definite norm for it. 关于多少支付一个月否则一个人拿多少被定义当那高度地支付,到现在为止政府为它没有明确的基准。
As I receive a definite answer from the company, I'll let you know. 我收到公司的肯定答复后,就通知你。
It was a first step to consider those 40 proposals in an attempt to reach consensus and submit definite proposals to the General Assembly. 只是第一步先审议这40项提案以尝试达成协商一致,并向大会提交明确的提案。
Unfortunately, AD is difficult to diagnose, especially early in the disease course, and a definite diagnosis is possible only postmortem. 不幸的是,广告很难诊断,尤其是早期的病程,并确诊是可能只有验尸。
There was a definite groove around the bottom and sides of the lens mount. 有一个明确的槽的底部和两侧周围的镜头接口。
Once you've come up with a list of definite targets to hit for that day, you decide whether to do them yourself or to delegate them. 一旦你已经列出了你当日要完成的明确目标,你决定是否亲自做或让别人做。
It was a definite invasion of privacy even if the sender had failed to put "Jr" after the name. 这毫无疑问是干预了私事,尽管发信人没有在他的名字后面加上一个“小”字。
As a result of these and similar studies, psychologists have suggested that we are born with a definite preference for viewing human faces. 从这些相似的研究中,心理学家总结出的结论是我们先天就有这看人脸的倾向。
Ms Clifford decided she would get definite proof of her sighting and snapped the divine apparition on her digital camera. 桑德拉决定要为这一圣迹留下确实的证据,就拿起她的数码相机抓怕下了这神圣的一幕。
The word " mutuality , " though often used in connection with the law of Contracts, has no definite meaning. “相互性”一词虽然经常在与契约法的联系中使用,却没有确定的含义。
The lack of a master, of a name, of any particular breed, and even of a definite colour, by no means troubled the purplish -grey dog. 它没有主人,没有名字,甚至种属也不明,毛色也不清,所有这一切,似乎并没有使那条蓝灰色的小狗为难。
It is not easy to reach any definite conclusions based upon such a small sample of students from such widely different backgrounds. 从背景极为不同的一小组学生中取样,在此基础上做出明确结论是不太容易的。
He did not, however, construct a conception of social epistemology with very definite philosophical or social-scientific contours. 但是他并没有创建一个能够非常提供非常明确的哲学上或者是社会科学的轮廓的社会认识论概念。
Three Meta-analyses about anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction did not come to a definite conclusion. 三篇关于前交叉韧带重建疗效的meta分析也未得出明确的结果。
He had no definite plan. He merely wanted to get away from a life that had given him all it had to offer. 虽然没有明确的计划,只一心想逃离那曾经赐给他所有的生活。
Out of the shifting, insubstantial mists that had so long baffled his eye, there leaped up the sudden, definite presentment of a fiend. 从那些长期遮住他视线的虚无缥渺的迷雾中,现在突然跳出了一个有血有肉的恶魔!
They had a definite beginning far back in savagery, and a logical progress, but can have no final consummation. 它们在遥远的蒙昧阶段都曾有一个明确的起点,它们都有合乎逻辑的发展,但是它们不可能有最后的终结。
Although a few consumer ask for a manual, but a variety of evadable that face agency, also can end up with nothing definite finally only. 一些消费者虽然索要说明书,但面对经销商的种种托词,最终也只能不了了之。
The uncertainty about the weather has had a definite effect upon the Englishman's character; it tends to make him cautious. 受变化无常的天气影响已经成为英国人的特点,这也促使他们变得谨慎。
Established in 1905, the KGK group is one of the oldest gemstone houses of India and has founded a definite place in International markets. 创建于1905年,凯吉凯集团系印度其中一间历史最悠久的宝石公司,并在国际市场上建立了一定的地位。
m sorry to tell you that we are unable to give you a definite date of shipment for the time being. 很抱歉,现在我们还无法告诉您确切的装船日期。
Moreover, one of Zermelo's axioms invoked a concept, that of a "definite" property, whose operational meaning was not clear. 此外,Zermelo的一个公理涉及“明确性”性质的概念,它的操作性意义是有歧义的。
He must ask her to marry him. They must marry at once, and so make a definite pledge, enter into a definite Communion. 他必须向她求婚,他俩必须马上结婚,作出明确的保证,进入明确的结合。