
美 [dɪˈstɪŋkt]英 [dɪ'stɪŋkt]
  • adj.清晰的;清楚的;明白的;明显的
  • 网络不同的;独特的;截然不同的

distinct advantage,distinct feature,distinct possibility,distinct smell,distinct impression


1.清晰的;清楚的;明白的;明显的easily or clearly heard, seen, felt, etc.

2.截然不同的;有区别的;不同种类的clearly different or of a different kind

3.[obn]确定无疑的;确实的;确切的used to emphasize that you think an idea or situation definitely exists and is important


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英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... extinguish v 熄灭 distinct a 清楚的;明显的 distinctive a 有区别的 ...


数学常用英文词汇_百度文库 ... directproportion 正比 distinct 不同的 estimation 估计,近似 ...


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SamStar - 博客园 ... 决定性的。关键的 crucial 截然不同的 distinct 谦虚的。谦恭的 modest ...


(D-F)英语四级词汇表下载 ... distant a. 在远处的,疏远的 distinct a. 与其他不同的 distinction n. 差别,不同,区分 ...


模具英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... L7 dislodge 拉出, 取出 L 9 distinct 不同的,显著的 L 6 distort 扭曲 ...

Here, the cold and snowy winter and warm summer, alternating with each other, the change appeared to be very distinct seasons. 在这里,寒冷多雪的冬季与温暖的夏季相互交替,季节的变换显得格外分明。
Actually I'm willing to be the person like this. It's all right that people regard me with distinct attitudes. 我愿意当一个这样的人,大家看我的时候,黑白分明,这样也挺好的。
And all at once the distinct recollection came to him of an afternoon spent with her in a little wood on the banks of the river. 突然,有个鲜明的记忆涌入心头:他和她在河岸的小树林里度过的那个下午。
Culture is the most easy to produce the collision of innovation, especially the idea of two distinct run even some of the culture. 文化的碰撞最容易产生理念的创新,尤其是这两种截然不同甚至有些背道而驰的文化。
The Bank has a distinct comparative advantage in being associated with the grant program; it does not replicate the role of other donors. 银行在津贴项目上具有较着的比拟优势,由于它不反复其他捐助者的脚色。
Our heritage must be congealed into a distinct Singapore identity with such core values as meritocracy, tolerance and consensus-developing. 我们的传统必须凝聚成为新加坡人独有的特性,并具有任人唯贤、互相容忍和建立共识的核心价值观。
Despite the potential for overlooking danger, he said the approach is still a distinct improvement overtraditional statistical models. 尽管有这些危险会被忽视的潜在威胁,他认为这种方法仍然是一个对传统统计模式的明显改进。
A distinct path, as along a length of film or magnetic tape, on which sound or other information is recorded. 音轨:一独立的轨道,如沿着一段胶片或磁带的,可将声音或其它信息记录在上面。
Understanding your different roles and learning to keep them distinct when necessary can help you keep some sense of balance between them. 理解每个不同的角色,学着把他们各自区分开来有助于你保持各个角色的平衡。
A distinct set of copies of an edition of a book distinguished from others of that edition by variations in the printed matter. 特刊,特辑一本书在印刷材料上不同于其它版本的一套特殊的版本
Being young is often pleasant, but being older has distinct advantages. 年轻总能让人愉快,但年龄变大也有其优势。
Nowadays from system perspective the boundary betweenhardware and software in a system becomes less and less distinct as you know. 现在从系统的角度之间的边界在硬件和软件系统变得越来越少,独特如你所知。
one of several distinct subdivisions of a text intended to separate ideas; the beginning is usually marked by a new indented line. 一个表达很多观点的文章中明显的部分,开头通常错格为标记。
The distinct Web addresses are invisible to the consumer, who usually sees just a Web page with a simple address at the top of it. 这些不同的网址,顾客是看不到的,他只是看到一个网页上的简单网址。
Doc Mudd I get the distinct impression you are a definite hired goon intent on not seeing the truth of the matter. 我明显觉得到你是一个受雇的枪手,目的就是要掩盖真相。
A corporation is regarded, in law, as having a personality and existence entirely distinct from that of its owners. 从法律的意义上而言,企业被认定为具备独立法人资格的实体,其存在与其所有者完全独立。
There is a distinct risk that in trying to stay ahead of innovation, regulation may get so stringent that it stifles innovation. 管理努力领先于创新的同时也明显存在风险,有可能因为过于而扼杀创新。
I realized at this point that I had a distinct advantage over a paid consultant. 这个时候我意识到我有明显与付费咨询师的优势。
This apparent irrelevance also relates back to the fact that the basic means of producing food and its consumption are distinct. 这种明显的不相关也涉及回到一个事实,即生产食品,其消费的基本手段是不同的。
The most distinct characteristic of this form is the bright red hue that this trap takes on when it is exposed to plenty of sunlight. 这种个体最明显的特色就是在照射充分光线下,全株会展现出鲜红色调的样子喔!
The algorithm also kept track of which numerals belonged to which person and whose handwriting was more similar or distinct. 通过算法,还进一步记下这些数字相应的书写者以及笔迹较相似或更为不同的人士。
Her research has led her to identify two distinct mind-sets that dramatically influence how we react to it. 她的研究使她确定两个明显不同的心态,这两种会在某种程度上大大影响我们对失败做出的反应。
Depending on the temperature and particular nature of a substance, liquid crystals can exist in one of several distinct phases. 它取决于物质的温度和特殊本质,液晶可能存在在几个分明阶段的当中一个中。
Meeting new people, whether they were clients, coworkers, or classmates, has compelled me to try to understand their distinct viewpoints. 和新面孔见面,不管他们是客户、同事或是同学,都迫使我尽力去理解他们的不同观点。
Each living thing is adapted to its way of life in a general way, but each is adapted especially to its own distinct class (kind ) . 每一个生活的事情是适合其生活方式的一般方法,但每个适合特别是它自己的独特的类(种类)。
There was no distinct difference in consuming behavior in terms of number of practicing time and practicing hours between different genders. 不同性别的学员在消费行为中的每周练习次数、每次练习时间没有差异;
Every side in London has a distinct identity, but Liverpool is like a separate country to the rest of England. 在伦敦,每个区域都有着截然不同的特点,但利物浦就像是从英格兰其它地方分离出来那样。
Columns with unevenly distributed data and columns with a small number of distinct values should not be chosen as a partitioning key. 具有分布不均匀的数据的列和具有少量distinct值的列都不应该被选作分区键。
The Internet's distinct configuration may have made cyberattacks easy to launch, but it has also kindled the flame of freedom. 互联网独特的设置也许让网络攻击变得容易,但它同时也点燃了自由的火焰。
Starts off with an intro with very distinct violin in the background. And Lee Hom sounds as if he's doing a commercial type of song. 专辑以一个很特别的小提琴声音为背景开场,力宏唱得似乎有点商业的味道。