
美 [dɔn]英 [dɔːn]
  • n.曙光;拂晓;端绪;醒悟
  • v.渐渐明白;东方发白;渐露端倪
  • 网络破晓;天亮了;日出

复数:dawns 现在分词:dawning 过去式:dawned




TEDxOrangeCoast - Amy Purdy - Living... ... dad DAD 爸爸,爹爹 dawned 破晓 depending 依靠 ...


麻烦高手翻译一下这段话_百度知道 ... differences 差异 dawned 曙光 vision 视觉 ...


05. Tian Liang Le 天亮了 (Dawned)06. Bi Ni Jian 比你贱 (Worse Than You) ~feat.


有谁... ... 1.dawn: 黎明; 破晓 日出<名词> 2.dawned: 破晓, 日出; 露出曙光<不及物动词> 5.sun.rise: 日出; 日出时;初期<名词> ...

It dawned on me that we were heading into a war zone. 我突然想起我们是在向战区前进。
It gradually dawned on me that I was no longer engaged in a trivial personal hack that might happen to be useful to few other people. 我逐渐发现,我不再只是研发一个可能只有少数人才会用到的琐碎的个人软件了。
Athens was not in the farthest background of his mind, but once a great and good idea has dawned upon man, it is never completely lost. 雅典是不是在最远的背景,他心里,但一旦一个伟大和好主意已经到来对人类,这是从来没有完全丧失。
It dawned on me that she had been right all along. 我突然意识到她一直是对的。
The hard lines in his aunt's face relaxed and a sudden tenderness dawned in her eyes. 他姨妈脸上那些严肃的皱纹松开了,她眼睛里忽然闪出慈爱的光来。
has dawned among the most fervent advocates of financial analysis and collective investor wisdom: markets are not always rational. 金融分析和投资者集体智慧的最热心倡导者如今有了新的认识:市场并不总是理性的。
Seo young was devastated and it just dawned upon her that she has fallen in love with a man who could not continue to be with her. 舒英被打击了,她也开始渐渐明白,她爱上了这个男人,但这个男人并不能继续跟她在一起。
Even so, there was still a firm expectation in London as Sunday dawned that something would be done to save Lehman. 即便如此,在周日黄昏降临的时候,伦敦方面仍在坚定地期待着有什么方案会挽救雷曼。
It suddenly dawned on me that this express was not roaring down the line at ninety miles an hour, but barely chugging along at thirty. 后来,我才突然明白,这次快车并非以90英里的时速疾弛而下,而只不过是以30英里的时速慢慢向前行驶。
Later, it dawned on one of the scientists that this Homo Sapien child seemed to have the short, lower leg bones of a Neanderthal. 后来,它到来的一个科学家,这种人Sapien儿童似乎短,下肢骨骼的尼安德特人。
Frank began to panic as it dawned on him that they might be over. 当弗兰克渐渐明白两人可能分手的时候,他开始发慌。
The age of a truly global mass media had dawned, which meant that what he said would be seen, heard or reported everywhere in the world. 全球化大众媒体的时代已经到来,他的话会被传播到世界的每一个角落。
As the Twin Towers came down, it dawned on her that some of her ex-colleagues and friends were likely to have been involved. 当双子塔倒塌的时候,她才意识到她的前同事和朋友很可能还在其中。
But he had the guts to take on Johnson, and as the year dawned, he was the only horse the anti-warriors had to ride. 然而他有勇气和约翰逊竞争,随着大选年的到来,他成为反战勇士们可以骑上的惟一一匹战马。
It now dawned on Harry, however, that the cup of cold tea on which he had trodden that morning might not have been a booby trap at all. 然而,现在哈利开始认为那天早上他踩到的那杯凉茶也许根本就不是一个傻子的圈套。
It suddenly dawned on me one sunny Saturday morning that life is nothing but an accident! 在一个阳光充足的星期六早晨我恍然大悟:其实这只是件意外的事!
Being an SEO, it quickly dawned on me that this was a great way for a business to build links and also help a charity at the same time. 作为一个搜索引擎工作者,我们想到这对于公司而言,是一个很好的方法,既能建设链接又能帮助慈善机构。
The sun arose in the northeast - at least the day dawned in that quarter, for the sun was hidden by gray clouds. 太阳从东北方升了起来——至少也得说那个方向出现了曙光,因为太阳给乌云遮住了。
What's dawned on me is just how much a good life requires embracing paradox. 我渐渐明白,美好的生活是多么需要“悖论”。
It dawned on me that I had not turned off the radio. 我意识到我没把收音机关掉。
He said it dawned on him that the 300 dpi resolution on a smart phone screen made it the rival of expensive, specialized devices. 他说这让他逐渐意识到拥有300DPI屏幕分辨率的智能手机足以匹敌昂贵的专业设备。
As I watched him eat and listened to him ramble on, it dawned on me that maybe some of the ridicule heaped on John was unwarranted . 看着他吃饭,听着他漫谈,我逐渐地明白:对他的大肆嘲笑或许是毫无根据的。
"That is when it dawned on me that it could have been Reeva who was in the toilet, " he said. 他说,“我那时候才意识到,在厕所的那个人可能就是里瓦。”
(dawn on) It suddenly dawned on me that money couldn't make up for all that he had suffered in the past five years. 我突然意识到,金钱无法弥补过去五年里他所遭受的苦难。
It suddenly dawned on me that he has been cheating on his wife. 我恍然大悟,原来他一直对妻子不忠。
Departure day dawned clear and bright. Farewells were made to family and friends and she was off for the adventure of a lifetime. 出发的那天清早,天气晴朗。在与家人和朋友们告别后,她踏上了她的冒险旅途。
Even the figure of a rescuer, if one dawned in her mind, was more angel than hero. 哪怕在她头脑中浮现出了拯救者,也主要是个天使,而不是英雄。
It does not seem to have dawned upon them that wisdom is just as much present everywhere as are force and substance. 他们从没有意识到,智慧就像能量和物质一样,是无处不在的。
As I was growing up, one day it suddenly dawned on me somehow that it was shameful to be afraid of a dog. 怕狗成了我的一种病。我渐渐地长大起来。有一天不知道因为什么,我忽然觉得怕狗是很可耻的事情。
I was about to pay for the shopping when it suddenly dawned on me that I'd left my cheque book at home. 我刚要为所购之物付钱时突然想起我把支票簿忘在家中了。