
美 [ˈprɑbləm]英 [ˈprɒbləm]
  • n.问题;疑难问题;令人困惑的情况;【数,物】习题
  • adj.成问题的;难处理的;关于社会问题的


solve problem,resolve problem,see problem,tackle problem,address problem
serious problem,difficult problem,real problem,main problem,Common problem


One of the problems when people get sick from food is that the simplest question is often difficult or even impossible to answer. 而问题之一就是人们因食物而患病之后,往往最简单地疑问也很难甚至不可能回答。
This solves the problems of multiple cores trying to modify the same location in memory and of cache coherence. 因此,多个核心修改同一位置数据和高速缓存一致性的问题迎刃而解。
Diet pills are only a way in which one can think of slimming down and not the final solution to all weight problems. 减肥药只是使人体消瘦的一种方式,并不能解决所有的体重问题。
It's been a long long time since Rino Gattuso played a game with Milan as he's dealing with eye problems at the moment. 里诺因为眼睛的疑难杂症已经很久没有为米兰踢比赛了。
Grant? Can we talk about this bonus plan of yours? I've got a few problems with it. 格兰特?我们可以讨论你做的奖金计划吗?我对这有点问题。
As you may recall, Consumer Reports and others said the iPhone 4 had antenna problems that caused it to drop calls. 你应该还记得,消费者报告和其它一些报告曾揭露了iPhone4的天线存在问题,会导致通话的中断。
new security problems are cropping up in the form of terrorism, transnational crimes, environmental degradation and drug trafficking. 恐怖主义、跨国犯罪、环境污染、毒品走私等非传统安全威胁又在迅速蔓延。
The agency failed to identify any specific safety problems or quality concerns, but did release a statement on the matter. 该机构没有发现任何具体的安全问题或质量问题,但没有发表一份声明对此事。
At least for now, that is a little bit of evidence that these problems are solvable and markets could move higher. 至少就目前而言,这说明问题是可以解决的,而市场有望走升。
As many as 400 external auditors have been working for the past two years to try and determine the scale of the bank's problems. 过去两年,多达400名外部审计师一直在努力确定农行问题的规模。
And I believe that these three principles can be applied to solving some of the very tough problems that we face in the world today. 而且我相信这3个原则可以被运用到解决一些十分困难的问题上面,一些世界上我们现在面对的问题上。
So we all consider from the training to the selection of these problems, so far, our space reserves, this should be a very good. 那么我们从训练到选拔都考虑这些问题,目前来看,我们的航天储备的这个,准备的应该是非常不错的。
We have a rich calendar; looking at it there is a certain impression of overcrowding , but I'm happy to have these problems. 满满的比赛表,印象有一点拥挤,但是我开心有这些麻烦。
Although it has been almost a year since the earthquake, psychological problems, if unresolved, tend to persist. 虽然地震已过了将近一年,但是没得到解决的心理问题往往会继续。
Let's look at prayer. What I love about this, just sort of interesting design problems. 让我们一起来看看祷告的人。我喜欢的是这其中有趣的设计思路。
We do not exist between the problems left over by history, there was no conflict of fundamental interests. 我们之间不存在历史遗留问题,也不存在根本利害冲突。
Then make sure you know who to call for assistance when troubleshooting problems with the remainder. 然后确保自己知道到遇到剩余领域的问题时向谁去求助。
The notion of viewpoints is an abstraction that provides a specification of a system, limited to a particular set of problems. 视角这个名词是一种抽象概念,它为某一系统提供某种规范,且这一系统只存在某一系列的特定问题。
He had previously experienced some severe health problems, and he began to wonder "what would happen to me in that situation. " 由于先前遭遇过几次大病,开始思考“那种情况下会发生什么”这一问题。
However, all of the experimental evidence seems to indicate a bright future for search-based AI applied to hard problems in robotics. 然而,一切试验证据似乎表明了研究中的人工智能在(解决)机器人遇到的困难问题前景光明。
AS IF Iraq did not have enough problems of its own. 仿佛伊拉克自己的问题还不够多。
His job is to make problems go away. He contacted me in the summer because I was one of these 'problems'. He was ordered to 'deal with me'. 他的工作是消除障碍。他在暑假开始和我接触,因为我是其中一个“障碍”。他接到命令来“处理”我。
Despite economic and debt problems, Italy is an advanced economy that has long been a member of the club of wealthy countries. 尽管存在经济和债务问题,但意大利是一个发达经济体,长久以来一直是富裕国家中的一员。
Parsing the contents of the log can be an effective way to determine any problems with jobs that don't seem to execute properly. 分析日志的内容是确定可能未正确执行的作业中存在某些问题的有效方法。
uh, then you get a feeling that maybe we're playing politics instead of actually trying to solve problems for the American people. 嗯,然后你感到或许我们在玩政治,而不是实际尝试为美国人民解决问题。
One in four women suffering low-level mental health problems have taken at least a week off work as a result. 四分之一妇女因精神健康问题而影响自己工作,至少离开工作岗位一周。
Build an especially effective and supportive relationship with your boss. Understand his or problems and help the boss to understand yours. 和你上司建立一种效率特高而又互相支持的关系。理解其问题所在,也帮助其理解你的问题所在。
Feel how much personal power and energy that gives you. Imagine how it would feel to resolve one of your bigger problems or concerns. 感受你自身的力量和能力所能带给你的一切,想一想如果能解决一个更难的问题,消除一个更大的困扰会使怎样的感觉。
He had a few problems last term but then he bounced back into form and he was outstanding during the rest of the season. 上赛季开始阶段他遇到了一些问题,但他很快就找到了状态,并且在此后的联赛里有着突出的表现。
I had a small indoor garden of my own - and he was good enough to tell me how to solve some of my problems. 后来谈到我自己有个小型的室内花园时,他非常热忱的告诉我,如何解决几个我所要解决的问题。