
美 [pæθ]英 [pɑːθ]
  • n.道路;小路;小径;路线


follow path
same path,narrow path,gravel path,muddy path,steep path



1.小路;小径a way or track that is built or is made by the action of people walking

2.[ususing]路线;道路a line along which sb/sth moves; the space in front of sb/sth as they move

3.行动计划;成功的途径a plan of action or a way of achieving sth

If I've been doing my job, I've been concentrating on answering your questions, not trying to follow your path of inquiry. 我的职责是集中精力回答你的问题,而不是要理清你的询问思路。
It is possible that labs would have to adhere to a specific staining protocol if C-Path is involved in data analysis. 如果C径参与数据分析,在实验室坚持一个特定的染色程序是可能的。
Just as the moon, surrounded by a multitude of stars, Follows the sky path, even so goes the Lord of monks, Accompanied by His disciples. 如同月亮遵守天空的轨迹,为众星所围绕。这位僧众的导师也由他的门徒所陪伴那的确是你的父亲,人中的狮子。
When we met in London two years ago, we knew that putting the global economy on the path to recovery would be neither easy nor quick. 伦敦峰会两年前召开时,我们明白让全球经济走上复苏之路的过程既艰难又漫长。
And pretty soon I'm up at the whiteboard sketching out a possible path to daylight and I'm just as excited as they are. 然后我会马上在白板上勾勒出一个可行的解决方案,然后我就会和那些企业家们一样高兴。
In the course of a year, the sun's apparent path through the sky lies in this plane. 在一年的时间里,从地球的角度反过来看,太阳围绕地球运行的轨道也在这个平面内。
India thinks it should be a great power but has no clear vision of its path. 印度以为它应该是一个大国,但没有明确的蓝图。
Mom Veronica Anderson was a bit more pragmatic and encouraged her to pursue whatever path gratified her most. 妈妈维罗尼卡·安德森则更现实一些,鼓励她去追求自己最喜爱的任何事业。
The path isolation for a matrix card is the impedance from the HI and LO terminals of one path to the HI and LO terminals of any other path. 矩阵开关卡的通路隔离是指从一条通路的HI和LO端子到另一条通路的HI和LO端子之间的阻抗。
Even if she had not walked this path a dozen times before, the whole island just was not big enough to get lost on. 即使以前不经常走这条路,也不致于在这样一个小岛上迷失方向。
Growth path of your teacher, father, mother or other older or friend, the kind of person has influenced you most? 在你的成长道路中,老师、父亲、母亲或是其他长辈或者朋友中,哪类人对你影响最大?
Reflection The changing of the direction of the path of light ray by means of a surface. 借一个表面,把光束的路线改变的情况。
On the wall are maps, crisscrossed with brightly colors arrows that painstakingly track the fearsome path of the enemy. 在墙上有地图,还夹杂着鲜艳的颜色,令人生畏的箭刻意的道路追踪敌人。
Due to its nature of path-vector protocol, the most common BorderGateway Protocol provides restricted supports to inter-domain TE. 最常见的边界路由协议由于其路径矢量协议的原因,先天性地对域间流量工程支持不够;
LET US HAVE A LOOK, THEN, AT THE VERY BEginning of Ayer Foundations--the bottom, one might perhaps call it, of the garden path. 下面,让我们来看看艾耶尔的《经验知识的基础》这本书刚一开始的部分――也许可以把这部分称作回廊曲径下面的基地。
With such a low percentage of use, it would not be cost effective to spend time attempting to further improve this path. 由于它的使用频率特别低,因此不值得花费时间进一步改进此路径。
I had to get out of the car carried the milk rice and flour on my back walked along the path in the dark. 我只好下车,背上奶粉和米面,走在夜色已深的小路上。
The debt reduction should be big enough to put afflicted economies on a sustainable path. Greece may have to halve its debt burden. 减少的债务应该足够为那些正在受折磨的国家指明一条可以接受的道路。
The defeat of the dark, to which most of you look forward as a goal or endpoint, is just a milestone on a long and winding path! 黑暗的失败,被你们许多人视为目标或终点而期待,而这只是一个漫长而迂回的路径上的一个里程碑!
Do not display the path and name of the saved file to users; doing so can reveal information that might be useful to malicious users. 请不要向用户显示所保存文件的路径和文件名;这样做可能会将有用的信息泄露给恶意用户。
She trusts him and follows his advice all the time, but I'm worried he might be leading her up the garden path. 她信任他并一直听从他的意见,但我担心他也许是在把她往歪道上领。
It is possible to practice sex work for a few weeks, a few months or many years, similarly to other occupations. There is no standard path. 与其他职业差不多的是,性工作也需实习数周,数个月或是几年,没有固定标准。
It also requires some form of traceability for compliance reasons to be able to trace the path of the product recall. 同时由于规则的原因,它还需要某种形式的追踪机制,这样可以及时了解产品召回的路径。
Proud parents had plotted a path. There was no chance sighting by an elderly scout who had gone to watch another kid play. 骄傲的双亲已铺出将来。那位老年底年壮士亲自去看一个孩童踢球的排场毫不是出于偶然。
To be near water is usually to be near the sea. And in this case, that meant right in the path of a tsunami. 而在靠近水的地方通常是海洋,在这种情况下,核反应堆就正好处于海啸的威胁之下。
"If we continue down on the path on which the fiscal authorities put us, we will become insolvent. The question is when, " he said. 他称,“如果我们维持实施财政当局的政策方案,我们将无力偿付债务.这只是时间的问题。”
Some of these countries have been popular tourist destinations for quite some time, while others are way off the beaten path. 其中一些国家已经有相当一段时间热门的旅游目的地,而另一些关闭因循守旧的方式。
Many hackers make a lot of money, hesays, and he seems to be plotting his own path. 他说许多黑客赚了大钱,他似乎也在谋划自己的生财之路。
You can change the path and name of any of the files to which you are restoring. 您可以更改要还原到的任意文件的路径及名称。
The path attribute can be used to identify a specific file or child directory to which unique configuration settings apply. path属性可用于标识特定的文件或子目录,将对其应用唯一的配置设置。