end point

  • na.终点
  • 网络端点;滴定终点;终端

end pointend point

end point


eol_百度百科 ... End Office 端局 End Point 终点,终端 End Printing 终端印字 ...


三角学与几何学英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... ellipsoid 椭圆 end point 端点 equilateral triangle 等边三角形、正三角形 ...


化学分析 一般术语 1 ... 化学计f点 stoichiometric point 滴定终点 end point 滴定度 titer ...


eol_百度百科 ... End Office 端局 End Point 终点,终端 End Printing 终端印字 ...


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PREMIERE 所有中英翻译 - 豆丁网 ... end off screen 从幕内滚出 end point 结束点 EQ 均衡器 ...


网络技术常用英文缩写 ... Port 端口 end point 未端点 User Datagram Protocol 用户数据报协议 ...

The owner of each end point decides how much optional information to provide with the endpoint URL. 每个端点的所有者决定端点URL提供多少可选信息。
It is much the same as the first; it just returns the fact that it was the end point for a given execution. 它与第一个非常类似;它只是返回已经到达某次给定的执行过程的结尾这个事实。
When you start on a journey, then thought road boundless, did not know when can arrive the end point. 当你启程时,便觉得路茫茫,不知何时才能到达终点。
Logically, the end point of such a dynamic process would seem to be the mother of all fires and few if any means of resistance. 从逻辑上讲,这样一个动态过程的尽头似乎就是一切大火的根源,而人们对此却几乎没有任何抵抗手段。
Soon afterwards my party and I started out on the final section of our trek, via Namche Bazaar and Lukla to Kathmandu, the trek's end point. 随后不久,我们一行就踏上旅行的最后一段行程,取道那姆齐•巴扎和卢卡,到达旅行的终点加德满都。
'The end point of what we're trying to do is to break down the material, ' Mr. Cameron says. “我们最终要达到的目标是将物质分解,”卡梅伦说。
The secondary end point was the total number of endoscopic procedures (EUS and ERC) performed in each group to diagnose and treat stones. 次级终点是在每组中内镜程序完成诊断和治疗结石患者总数。
With the only strength left in her, she managed to get up and shuffled feebly to the end point with drops of blood along her trail. 她用身上仅剩的力气,挣扎着站起来,一步步走向终点,路上是一滴滴的鲜血。
Secondary analysis of the components of the primary end point did not show any statistical difference between groups. 主要试验终点的次组分析发现组间并无统计上显著差异。
Modern marketing is the basic concept of "consumer needs for the business activities of the starting point and end point. " 现代市场营销的基本观念是“以消费者需要为企业经营活动的出发点和归宿”。
You've been promising the audience that end point from the beginning, so you're duty-bound to go there when you end it. 既然你在一开始就已经答应了观众这个终局,那么你就必须负责在了结这剧集前将他们带到那里。
No longer have to travel to take a few road cars to worry, just enter the starting point, end point, it will give you very specific answers. 再不用为出行要坐几路车而烦恼,只要输入起点、终点,它就会给出你很具体的答案。
This example is a tad clumsy; for one thing, it would require that you set up a redirected socket for each remote end point you wish to use. 这个例子稍微有点笨拙,其中之一就是需要为希望使用的每个远程端点都设置重定向的套接字。
Furthermore, business continuity must be the beginning point in systems design, not the end point. 而且,业务连续性必须作为系统设计工作中的起点,而不是终点。
Enter a point after point and the mouse to enter the current bit of painting for the end-point segment, segment with the mouse while mobile. 输入一个点之后,以输入点和鼠标当前点点为端点画线段,线段随鼠标移动而移动。
Donors will need to convince voters that there is an end point in mind and a date for withdrawal, even if it is some way off. 捐赠者必须说服选民,将来的某个时点捐赠会结束,总有一天将撤回援助,即使离那一天还有一段路要走。
I, standing here. Calculating the distance between the end, after I discovered that the so-called end point only entrance to the next sad. 我,站在这里。计算着终点的距离,之后,才发现,所谓的终点只不过是下一个悲伤的入口。
Similarly, there was no heterogeneity in either end point for strata defined by sex, age, or body mass index (TABLE 4). 相似的是,以性别、年龄、体重指数来界定的每一项统计的终止点都没有差异性(表4)。
A is modeled as a collection of ports, where a represents the availability of a particular binding at a specific end-point. 一个是一个端口集,而代表了在特定端点进行特定绑定的可用性。
The retinopathy end point was a progression on a retinopathy severity scale of two steps or more. 视网膜病变终点则是2步或多步视网膜病变严重程度量表的进展变化。
The main end point was the number of passes performed to obtain adequate samples. 主要目标得分是为获取充分样品而实施的穿刺次数。
The secondary end point was the composite of death, myocardial infarction, or urgent target-vessel revascularization. 次要终点为死亡、心肌梗死和急性靶血管重建的复合终点。
With the Line option select a start and end point, and a line is created between the two points. 线操作选择一个起点和一个终点,并且一条线被建立在两点之间。
The whole EU would never agree to a deadline, he recognises, but even the idea of an end-point would helpfully boost morale. 他也承认,欧盟作为一个整体不会同意设定期限,但即使只确认一下入盟定会有结果也有助于增强信心。
Loose end point of failure is not confessed and said "camp" will let railway guerrillas eat every hell. 松尾临死之际还不供认失败,说“大本营”会让铁道游击队吃尽苦头。
At deployment time, the end point and invocation protocol of the actual services that the process may use need to be fully specified. 在部署期间,必须完全明确流程可能使用的实际服务的端点以及调用协议。
This method has strengths such as easy to operate, obvious end point, high accuracy and good application results. 该方法操作简便、终点变色明显、准确度高、应用效果好。
In both Europe and the United States, it's seen as the natural end point of this six-decade conflict. 欧洲和美国都将这视作顺理成章的急剧,为长达六个世纪冲突划上句号。
Similar to any Java Servlet end-point, each client connection requires a separate thread on the server. 与JavaServlet端点类似,每个客户端连接都需要服务器上一个单独的线程。
Since the annual mortality of HF is so high, particular emphasis has been put on this end-point in clinical trials. 年死亡率如此的高,已经特别强调这一终点的临床试验。