
美 [ˈevɪdəns]英 [ˈevɪd(ə)ns]
  • n.证据;证明;物证;根据
  • v.证明;表明;作为…的证据
  • 网络迹象;明显;证物

过去分词:evidenced 现在分词:evidencing 第三人称单数:evidences

provide evidence,give evidence,produce evidence,present evidence,collect evidence
scientific evidence,direct evidence,clear evidence,ample evidence,strong evidence


n. v.

1.[u][c]根据;证明;证据the facts, signs or objects that make you believe that sth is true

2.[u](法庭上的)证据,证词,人证,物证the information that is used in court to try to prove sth


(be) in evidence

显眼;显而易见present and clearly seen

turn Kings/Queens evidence

提供同犯的罪证,揭发其他案犯(以减轻所受惩罚)to give information against other criminals in order to get a less severe punishment


FABE销售法_百度百科 ... 好处( Benefit) 证据( Evidence) F代表特征( Features) ...


高考英语考试大纲核心单词汇总(985个) - 豆丁网 ... event n. 事件, 事变 evidence n. 根据, 证据, 证人 exact a. 确切的, 精确的 ...


9A_百度文库 ... equally adv. 平等地 evidence n. 迹象 证据 experienced adj. 富有经验的 ...


20090307石油管理文件CE - 译员进阶-翻译论坛 ... 原则 principle 证明 evidence 证书 certificate ...


TOEFL词频表 - 豆丁网 ... evident 明显的,显然的 evidence 明显,证据 viscera 内脏 ...


BFT考试高频词 - 豆丁网 ... annually adv. 一年一次, 每 年 117. evidence n. 明显, 根据, 证据, 证物 119. legendary n. 传奇 ...


学位英语成人三级考点词汇 - 豆丁网 ... even ad. 甚至 evidence n. 根据,证据;形迹,迹象 example n. 例子,实例;模范,榜 …


剑桥雅思阅读超高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... assimilation n. 同化 9 evidence n. 明显, 显著, 证据 evident adj . 明显的, 显然的 10 ...

These findings add new evidence to the idea that ancient Mars was once cold and wet, not cold and dry nor warm and wet as is often argued. 这些发现为早期火星曾一度寒冷湿润的说法提供了新的证据,火星并非像人们所常争论的那样,它既不寒冷干燥,也不温暖湿润。
He seems to be doing that again, as evidence by what he did against Cleveland, Golden State, and what we've seen thus far against Charlotte. 现在他好像已经找回状态了,证据是他对快船,勇士和山猫的比赛表现。
The report Thursday offered sharp evidence of how much the falling economy has touched Americans across incomes and races. 周四发表的这份报告清楚表明了经济回落让各类收入人群和各种族人群受到了怎样巨大的影响。
Torture was formerly used to make people give evidence about crimes, or to make them confess. 酷刑拷打原本用来逼迫受刑者给出犯罪证据,或是认罪。
Although there was sufficient evidence to bring a prosecution, Mr Starmer explained, he did not deem it to be in the public interest. 斯塔姆先生解释说,尽管此案有足够理由提起公诉,但他认为从公共利益出发,无此必要。
All of these factors add up to make Gliese the most promising evidence yet that Earth-like planets may not be such a rarity after all. 所有这些因素使得格利泽581g(译注:原文为格利泽,应是格利泽581g之误)最有希望成为地球类行星并不稀有的明证。
Immigration reform is bogged down in controversy , but there's compelling new evidence that the U. S. 关于移民改革的讨论已陷入僵局,但事实证明美国应放宽高技术人才的移民政策。
At this I felt relief: I took it as evidence that he was as committed to her as she was to him. 我感到很欣慰:我把这看成是他和她关系的线索。
We do not know what the next year will bring, but I suspect it will not include much evidence of English's decline. 我们无法预知明年会发生什么,但我猜想,应该不会出现太多表明英语日渐没落的证据。
Up to now, there really isn't a lot of evidence-base to tell a city planner what would be good, what would be bad. 到现在为止,还没有足够的经过验证的建议来告诉城市规划师们什么是好是坏。
But there is no evidence that Pyongyang or Beijing are ready to deal seriously with the North's aggression or its nuclear ambitions. 但还没有证据表明平壤或北京准备严肃对待朝鲜的挑衅行为或其核武野心。
At least for now, that is a little bit of evidence that these problems are solvable and markets could move higher. 至少就目前而言,这说明问题是可以解决的,而市场有望走升。
The problem is, how much of this is based on real scientific evidence? 在这些建议中,哪些才是真正有科学依据的呢?
And also the process can be a piece of evidence that the process can be used for the plateau weather conditions. 同时为这一工艺在高原恶劣气候条件下的应用研究提供实证。
We understand that in some cases applicants will not find it easy to satisfy the requirements for more than one form of evidence. 我们知道有时申请人们觉得超过一种形式的证据不容易满足。
He said there was no evidence so far that mountain lions were susceptible to the disease. 他说,目前尚无证据表明山狮是否易感此类疾病。
The sale of drugs in the use of notes during the transaction, the powdered drug is also very easy to leave behind evidence in the notes. 而在买卖毒品过程中使用纸币交易时,粉状毒品也很容易在纸币上留下证据。
He reckons the Mexican drug-traffickers had made it clear to her that giving evidence against them would not be a wise move. 他认为,墨西哥毒贩肯定已明确告诉她,与他们作对不是聪明的选择。
Most county coroners, she said, require concrete evidence about a death before they rule it a suicide. 因为大多数的县验尸官在定性自杀事件之前需要具体完整的证据。
If I do not deal with any point, it, of course, does not mean that I accept the Plaintiff's evidence. 当然,我不答复的方面并不等于我认同原告人的证据。
A federal grand jury in New York has heard evidence, say people familiar with the matter. 知情人士说,纽约一个联邦大陪审团已经听取证据。
You've got to be a bit careful with the evidence because they are not always arguments rather than evidence. 你们要对证据小心,因为它们经常不是证据而是论点。
"There was plenty of legitimate evidence against him, " he writes, drawn from diligent intelligence work and from his own boasts on video. 他写道,从大量的情报及默罕默德本人在电视上的夸夸其谈中可以收集到“充足的判他有罪的合法证据”。
She says prosecutors were not able to present all the evidence they wanted in the case in which defense lawyers did not call any witnesses. 她说,在被告的辩护律师不传唤任何证人的案件中,检方无法举出他们所需的所有证据。
Mr Souza, who always denied the accusations, said they were an attempt by rivals to smear him and that there was no evidence to back them. 华莱士·苏扎一直拒绝承认这些指控,并声称这只是他的竞争者们企图诽谤他,但却没有任何证据支持他们。
Bafin, the German regulator, said on March 8 there was no evidence speculators using credit default swaps contributed to Greece's woes. 德国联邦金融监管局(Bafin)在3月8日曾表示,没有证据表明,使用信用违约互换的投机者加剧了希腊的困境。
However, the announcement failed to calm many netizens' anger and online sleuths continued to dig for evidence and raise questions. 然而该声明并未平息网民的愤怒,网上证据的挖掘和质疑之声依然持续着。
He said he had new evidence, but refused to elaborate any further. 他说他有新的证据,但是拒绝进一步的阐述。
if no Chinese translation is attached, it shall be deemed that the certificate, certifying document or evidence has never been submitted. 未附送的,视为未提交该证件、证明文件或者证据材料。
Anecdotal evidence from corporate treasurers suggests that perhaps a third of the bank loan explosion this year has ended up in stocks. 来自企业财务部门的坊间证据表明,今年新增的银行贷款中,可能有三分之一投入了股市。