ever since

  • na.从…以来
  • 网络从那时起;自从;此后一直

ever sinceever since

ever since


冀教版初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... ever adv. 曾经 ever since 从那时起;此后一直 every adj. 每一;每个的 ...


初中英语短语汇总 A- Y_英语网 ... enjoy oneself 过得愉快 ever since 自从 every ten minutes 每隔十分钟 ...


冀教版初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... ever adv. 曾经 ever since 从那时起;此后一直 every adj. 每一;每个的 ...


人教版高一英语单词表_百度文库 ... flow 流动.流出 ever since 从那以后 persuade 说服.劝说 ...


词语的固定搭配_百度文库 ... all round 周围,处处 ever since 从那时起,自那时以来 and so on/forth 等等 ...


since是什么意思?_百度知道 ... adv. 后来 ever since adv. 从那时到现在 long since 很久以前;从前 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... keep silence 保持沉默,不讲话 ever since 从那时起一直到现在 long since 很久以前 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... even though 即使,尽管 ever since 自那时起直到现在 face to face 面对面 ...

Ever since, the perception goes, that keen cosmic awareness they won has degenerated into a dull stupor, often seen in front of a TV screen. 自打那以后,感知逝去,人类曾有的这种敏锐的自然感知能力已经退化成迟钝麻木,就象我们常在电视机前看到的观众们呆傻的样子。
Ever since we had the argument, she looks straight through me as if I didn't exist. 自从我们那次争论之后,她总是故意不理睬我,好象我根本不存在似的。
Ever since I heard that song on the radio I've been unable to get it out of my mind. 自从我从收音机里听到那首歌以来,我就不能够把它从我的记忆中抹去。
Ever since Josiah Wedgwood invented marketing a few centuries ago, it has been used to increase productivity and wealth. 自从乔西亚韦齐伍德在几个世纪前发明了营销,它便一直用以增加生产力和财富。法使肥胖可接受来多赚几块钱是邪恶的。
Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation. 因为从列祖睡了以来,万物与起初创造的时候仍是一样。
Ever since the beginning of lunch, he had seemed to be sleeping with open eyes and a vague smile on his lips. 从午饭开始以来,他一直都似乎在睁着眼睛睡觉,唇上挂着一副空洞洞的微笑。
I turned out to be a devotee of the opera and naturally, the name Narcissus represents beauty for me ever since. 我原来是一个歌剧的热爱者。从此,水仙花的名字对而言自然地就代表了美丽。
It appears to be useful to others since we have been sending out this expression system to labs all over ever since the paper was published. 自文章发表以后,我们已经送出了很多这样的表达系统给世界各地的实验室,它看起来很管用。
These t-shirts have been a craze ever since they arrived in the market and people are still looking out for these t-shirts. 这些t恤一直都是一个自从他们到达狂热的市场,人们仍然在寻找这些t恤衫。
Ever since doctors used a high tech device to examine her eyes they'd enabled her to see images. 自从医生使用高科技设备检查她的眼睛时起,她就有了这种想法。
Concerns for her whereabouts have been growing ever since the website editors lost all contact with Yuan Tingting more than 14 days ago. 自从该网站的编辑与袁婷婷失去联系14天后,关于这位作家的行踪引起了广泛的关注。
Dexia was one of the first European banks to seek a bail-out in 2008, but it has struggled ever since. 在2008年寻求紧急救助的银行当中,德克夏银行是首家欧洲银行。但从那以后,该银行一直艰难度日,苦苦挣扎。
It was quite a feat. I wish I could tell you that we've followed that pattern ever since: Save it before you spend it. 我真希望能对你们说,自那之后我们就一直在遵循着这个模式:量入为出。
"I'll not live with you, " said Carrie. "I don't want to live with you. You've done nothing but brag around ever since you've been here. " “我再也不和你住在一起了,”嘉莉说。“我不愿意和你一起生活了。自从来这里以后,你什么也不干,就会自吹自擂。”
Ever since she was little, she had an astute awareness of her "bad family background, " living constantly in humiliation. 从小她就对自己“出身不好”很敏感,总是生活在屈辱中。
Ever since we had been at the site of the apparent bombing, two hours earlier, something did not feel quite right. 我当时就觉得有些事不对,因为在两个小时前,我们还在被轰炸的地点。
By the next day, I found two great properties with her help and have been accruing interest at 16 percent ever since. 到了第二天,我就在她的帮助下,找到了两笔大买卖,从此我就能获得每年16%的利息。
The department head. He's been a real health nut ever since he quit smoking two years ago. 是部门头儿,他从两年前戒烟以来就变成健康迷。
Ever since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the question of the future of energy supplies has occupied economists. 自从工业革命伊始,经济学家们就一直致力于讨论未来的能源供给问题。
And ever since the steel roof-supports ran out a decade ago, wooden ones have been used instead. 而且自从十多年前铁支架坏掉之后,就一直用木制的来代替。
Ever since the beginning of this century, too much natural resources have been used. 自从本世纪开始,太多的自然资源已被利用。
The eye-catching stadium has been a news maker ever since the unveiling of its blueprint. 这个引人注目的体育馆在揭晓它的设计图纸的神秘面纱前就已是个新闻制造者了。
to grow up or not . I've noticed ever since the age of 5, life seems to get slowly harder . 我也不知道长大好不好。我发现5岁以后的生活会逐渐变得艰难。
So he thought again and decided to try his hand at the job that he had wanted to do ever since he was a boy. 考虑再三,他决定尝试去做一份自孩童时代起就曾梦想着的工作。
Ever since that incident at the party, Doris has walked past me with her nose in the air and. 自从那次聚会上的事情后,多丽丝每次走过我身边时总是态度倨傲,不愿与我交谈。
Ever since the inception of the first radar systems, the concept of radar horizon has limited their effective detection range. 自从最初的雷达系统问世以来,有关雷达水平面的概念对其有效的探测距离形成了限制。
EVER SINCE THE eighteenth century, the French have held a contradictory place in the American imagination. 十八世纪以来,在美国人的想象中,法国人一直站在一个互相矛盾的位置。
Francis: Ah, there's a reason for that. There's been needle between them ever since Garfield beat Jake to the top marketing job. 法郎西斯:那是有原因的。自从加菲尔德抢在杰克之前,获得销售部最高级职位,两人就一直不和。
Ever since I left Mona I had worn the ring on my pinkie. It was so much a part of me that it had never occurred to me to sell it. 同莫娜分别以后戒指一直戴在我的小指上,它已完全成为我身体的一部分,我从未想过要把它卖掉。
The notion that education peaked around the time of the complainer's own graduation, and has gone down ever since, is an ancient one. 抱怨的人总是认为教育质量在自己毕业的时期达到巅峰而后盛极而衰,这古已有之。