
美 [ˈfæs(ə)n]英 [ˈfɑːs(ə)n]
  • v.扣紧;盯住;盖好;使牢固
  • 网络扎牢;使固定;系牢

第三人称单数:fastens 现在分词:fastening 过去式:fastened




1.[t][i](使两部分)系牢,扎牢,结牢,扣紧to close or join together the two parts of sth; to become closed or joined together

2.[t][i]~ (sth)(使)关紧,盖好to close sth firmly so that it will not open; to be closed in this way

3.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.使牢固;使固定to fix or place sth in a particular position, so that it will not move

4.[t]~ A to B.~ A and B (together)(使两物)系牢,扎牢,结牢,扣牢to attach or tie one thing to another thing

5.[t][i]握住;抓牢;咬住if youfasten your arms around sb, your teeth into sth, etc., or if your arms, teeth, etc.fasten around, into, etc. sb/sth, you hold the person/thing firmly with your arms, etc.

6.[t][i]~ (sth) (on sb/sth)盯住if youfasten your eyes on sb/sth or your eyesfasten on sb/sth, you look at them for a long time


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... fast a. 快的,迅速的;紧密的 fasten vt. 扎牢;扣住 fat n. 脂肪 ...


高一英语词汇表 ... foot n. 英尺 fasten vt. 扎牢;拴紧;使固定 ribbon n. 缎带;丝带;带状物 ...


高二英语必修五单词列表_百度文库 ... press v. 按 fasten v. 系牢 belt n. 腰带 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... fast a. 快的,迅速的;紧密的 fasten vt. 扎牢;扣住 fat n. 脂肪 ...


TOEIC词汇汇总 ... exotic 异国风情的;异国的 9. fasten 系紧;拴住;扣住 10. flight attendant 空中服务员 11. ...


水利工程专业英语 - 河林的日志 - 网易博客 ... expansion, 伸展 fasten扣紧 fit, 安装 ...

He took a great running jump and managed to fasten his arms around the troll's neck from behind. 他猛地向前一跳,用双臂从后面搂住了巨怪的脖子。
And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father's house. 我必将他安稳,像钉子钉在坚固处。他必作为他父家荣耀的宝座。
A piece of a chair that said "fasten seat belt, " a food table and part of a tire were among the objects handed over to authorities. 不时有类似一片标有“系紧安全带”的座椅碎片,餐台和轮胎碎片之类的物品被递交给专业人士。
The police handcuffs used to fasten round the wrists of a prisoner make his hands securely tied. 警察用来逮捕犯人的手铐,使犯人的手被固定的更加牢固
So if I fasten the rope to here, here is a little trick that it doesn't have anything to do with you escape the belay like this. 好,如果我把绳子这样收着(将绳子从铁索中掏过来),这是一个小技巧,可并不代表你不认真打保护。
fasten the belt and get ready to drive, an autumn leave quietly falling down from my dress, i had no idea where or when it came to me . . . 坐进驾驶室,系好安全带,不知不觉间衣襟上飘落一片秋叶,不知道它来自何方,也不知道它何时而来…
Officious hands, Russian and French, were instantaneously ready to support it, to fasten it to his uniform. 几只俄国的和法国的殷勤的手,霎时间接住十字勋章,把它别在制服上。
The driver has the responsibility to assure the children under 14 cannot sit in the front seats, unless they fasten the safe belt. 但是司机有责任确保14岁以下的孩子不要坐在前排,除非他们系好了安全带。
It fits me. But let me fasten up the shoelaces and walk a few steps to see how it feels. 很合脚,让我系上鞋带走几步看看。
"All right! Let me fasten the rope round my body, " said the soldier. 「好吧!让绳子绑在我腰上吧!」士兵说。
afraid that I shall try to escape. Here, tie this rope round your neck and fasten it to my. 不要担心我会试图逃跑。这儿,把这绳系到你的脖子上和我的缰绳紧紧相连。
And they tied unto it a lace of blue, to fasten it on high upon the mitre; as the LORD commanded Moses. 又用一条蓝细带子将牌系在冠冕上,是照耶和华所吩咐摩西的。
"It isn't hard to do, " she said, bending over. "You just take this so, fasten it with this clamp, and start the machine. " “这不难做的,”她弯下腰说道,“你这样拿着这个,用这个夹子把它夹住,然后开动机器。”
She says, that is not all right, do you think you fasten me with a silk scarf? 她说,那可不行,你想用一条丝巾就把我拴住吗?
I have not the least idea what you mean. I don't know what you are trying to fasten on me . 我简直搞不清楚你在说些什么,我真不懂你究竟要把什么想法强加到我的头上。
They tried to fasten the responsibility for the accident on me, but luckily I could produce witnesses to prove that I was not at fault. 他们企图把事故的责任加到我的头上,幸而我能举出证据来证明我是没有过错的。
A bar made of wood or metal that slides into a socket and is used to fasten doors and gates. 门闩,插销:用木或金属制成的条,插入闩中用于固紧门。
We after washing the hand must fasten the water cock not to be able to waste the water resources. 我们在洗完手之后要关紧水龙头不能浪费水资源。
Fasten your goggles well , young master . You don't want to see the splendor of the sun crystals ! 戴紧您的护目镜,小主人。您应该不想见到太阳水晶耀眼的光芒吧!
Please check whether the mixer is in good condition after long transportation. The fasten parts is loose or not. 检查在运输过程中,机器有无损坏,各紧固件是否松动。
He remembered that he had climbed out on the roof to fasten wire mesh over the chimneys . 他记得当时他曾爬上屋顶,在烟囱出口处绑上了铅丝网。
I was tossed around in the back of the ambulance a few times before I thought to fasten my seatbelt as our ambulance dashed down the road. 当我们的救护车沿着公路下冲时,我还没来得及想系上安全带就在车后部被颠起了好几次。
Fasten the snap to the near cheek ring on the side of the halter, not the halter ring at the throat of the halter. 快速的把它扣在笼头一侧的颊环上,而不是位于喉部的笼头环。
The bottom of the thread of the antenna into the antenna coupling, antenna Fasten to the transceiver. 将天线的螺纹底部放入天线联接器中,将天线扣紧到对讲机中。
To fasten, join, or attach with or as if with a nail. 钉牢:用钉子或像钉子一样固定、连结或附着。
But as he had neglected to fasten the other end to anything, it didn't really do any good, and Wilbur landed with a thud, crushed and hurt. 但是,由于它没有把绳子的另一头固定起来,绳子似乎并没有什么帮助,接着,它重重的摔在了地上,受伤了。
The air hostess showed him the seat and tole him to sit down and fasten the seat. 空中小姐给他,并告诉他的座位坐下来,系好座位。
napkin should put out, knees at the top of the lap, do not fasten belt, or hang in one mouth bring suit. 餐巾应摊开后,放在双膝上端的大腿上,切勿系人腰带,或挂在西装领口。
The recourse taken is to be first to fasten on to a claim that other banks could also well advance. 可以采取的补救办法是首先紧扣其它银行所能做出的宣传。
Fasten up the screw when you do not use the lighter any more, or oil will volatilize. 若长期不使用打火机,请将盖子拧紧避免机油挥发。