
美 [fʊlˈfɪl]英 [fʊl'fɪl]
  • v.履行;实现;符合;具备
  • 网络完成;满足;达到

第三人称单数:fulfils 现在分词:fulfilling 过去式:fulfilled

fulfil task,fulfil promise,fulfil dream,fulfil mission,fulfil pledge



1.~ sth实现to do or achieve what was hoped for or expected

2.~ sth履行;执行;符合;具备to do or have what is required or necessary

3.~ sth起…作用;目的是to have a particular role or purpose

4.~ sb/yourself使高兴;使满意to make sb feel happy and satisfied with what they are doing or have done


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... property n. 财产;所有物 fulfil vt. 履行,完成 undertake vt. 承担 ...


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... property n. 财产;所有物 fulfil vt. 履行,完成 undertake vt. 承担 ...


NK-words2 - 博客的日志 - 网易博客 ... fuel 燃料 fulfil 完成,履行,实践,满足 funeral 丧葬,葬礼 ...


新概念英语三单词汇总_百度文库 ... faintly ad. 微微地 fulfil vt. 达到(目的),实现 current n. 电流;水流 ...


keep - WordReference.com... ... (conserve) 保存,保留 (promise: fulfil) 遵守(诺言),实现(诺言) (have custody of) 抚养, …


2009年全... ... fuel n. 燃料,养料;v. …加燃料,刺激,推动 fulfil vt. 履行,执行,完成,达到 full a. 布满的,充分的,丰富的…



It seemed as if fate had intervened and, in order to help Federer fulfil his destiny, removed Nadal from his path. 这似乎是命运的安排,为了帮助费德勒实现自己的梦想,将纳达尔从他前进的道路上清除掉。
Each warehouse reports back to the retailer which portion (if any) of the customer order it was able to fulfil. 每个仓库把它能完成客户定单的哪个部分(如果有)的报告返回给零售商。
but Hareton received orders to lead up my horse, and my host himself escorted me to the door, so I could not fulfil my wish. 可是哈里顿奉命牵了我的马来,而我的主人自己陪我到门口,因此我未能如愿。
Are you organizing this movement out of the desire to be somebody, to fulfil your ambition, or to escape from a sense of frustration? 你组织这项活动是不是出于某种欲望,想成为什么人物、想达成自己的野心,或是想从挫败感中逃离?
Nothing else is really as important to you, and it will fulfil your expressed desire to leave the cycle of duality. 对你们来说,再没有别的什么真的像它那样重要的,它将实现你们想离开二元性循环的明确的愿望。
The criterion that measures the efficiency of these tools, is to see to what extent they could fulfil their missions in practice. 衡量课程体系构造效能的标准,主要是看各种构造工具在使用过程中所达到的合目的程度。
I do not know, sir; it was to fulfil the last instructions of Captain Leclere, who, when dying, gave me a packet for Marshal Bertrand. 究竟为什么我也不十分清楚,我只是在执行莱克勒船长最后的一个命令而已。他在临终的时候,要我送一包东西给贝特朗元帅。
She had been driven by an indomitable will to return the property to its rightful owners, to fulfil the task she had undertaken. 她在一种不屈不挠的意志的驱使下,要把衣物送还给它们本来的主人,要完成她所承担的任务。
It will fulfil the promises that God made to you when you originally set out on your journey. 它会履行这些承诺,这是造物主给予你们的,就在你们从伟大源头开始旅程的时候。
Although he did not stand out at school, HKUST's dynamism and the enthusiasm of the faculty pushed him on to fulfil his potential. 尽管他的中学成绩并不突出,但科大充满朝气的气氛以及教授的热诚投入,推动他发挥优厚潜质。
The technology always seems exciting and a must-have, but is usually insufficiently mature to fulfil its promise. 它们的技术总是显得激动人心,被列为必须拥有的产品,但通常不够成熟,和承诺相去甚远。
Mr Zapatero must have known he could not fulfil his pledges, which seem to have been devised for the European election on June 7th. 萨帕特罗首相肯定知道自己已然不能实现誓言,虽然这些似乎都是为了在6月7日举行的欧洲议会选举做准备。
The right person at the right person, how much chance to fulfil love? 在对的时刻遇上对的人,需求多少机缘来成全爱情?
The fluffers believe that the ghost that haunts the station is that of an actress, who did not manage to fulfil her dreams. 工人们相信那个在地铁站出没的鬼魂是个没能如愿实现梦想的女演员。
It is all part of this urge to fulfil, to identify oneself with something, or to identify oneself with what one is. 这都是想要成就、想把自己与某种东西或自己的现状相认同的强烈欲望的一部分。
Germany was prepared to show its solidarity, she said, but "what we don't want is to promise something we will not be able to fulfil" . 她谈到,德国已准备好展示它的团结与互助,但“我们不想在我们无法做到的事情上作出承诺”。
During the 1990s the state found it was no longer able to fulfil its obligations under the old centrally planned system. 在90年代的时候,各州政府发现若按照旧的中央计划体制,它们已经不能履行义务了。
And I'm not trying to be giving you a bitter pill, no And I don't wanna make you promises I can't fulfil No I. 我不是在给你吃苦药,不,我不想承诺你我实现不了的,不我,
But times of stress can give rise to questions about whether the other side of the trade will be able to fulfil its end of the bargain. 但在压力较大的时期,人们有理由对交易对手方是否有能力履约产生问号。
I am making an effort to fulfil my own responsibilities, " he said in a statement released by the fund. " 我只是尽我的义务。)在基金会发表的一份声明种,他如是说。
And without such unbending zeal, almost no undertaking is likely to fulfil the promise with which it was established. 若没有这种始终如一的热忱,几乎任何企业都无法实现当初成立时的目标。
Due to the failure of the debtor to fulfil repayment obligations for over two years, collection is still not possible. 因债务人逾期末履行偿债义务,已超过两年,仍然不能收回的。
As you advance, if you fulfil the requisites , you'll unlock the next track of the championship. 随着你的前进,当你满足要求之后,你将释放锦标赛的下一个赛道。
They are precisely the sort of people he needs to fulfil his vision of a British society built around voluntarism and civic pride. 卡梅隆想要实现他的愿景——一个自主自愿和富有公民自豪感的英国社会,他们正是他所需要的那种人。
Here is a film with its heart in the right place - what does it profit to fulfil all one's worldly ambitions and miss out on life? 本片的中心思想十分明确:纵然满足了一个人的野心却失去了人生意义,这又有什麽得著呢?
In practical terms, it is harder than it used to be for chief executives also to also fulfil the chairman's duties as well. 从实务角度看,首席执行官同时履行董事长的职责要比过去困难得多。
The team same of the rattan farmland will fulfil a personal an ability of provide with your friends for you superior quality of service. 藤田的团队同样将尽己所能的为您和您的朋友们提供优质的服务。
And the desire to fulfil brings with it the sense of frustration, and in that there is fear. 而想要成就的渴望会带来挫折感,其中就有恐惧。
In Act V Antonio was able to write back his loss provisions in full even if it was too late to fulfil his banking covenant to Shylock. 在第五幕,安东尼奥能够全额拨回他的损失准备金,即使此时已来不及履行他与夏洛克签订的银行契约。
In the beginning the earth was perhaps made to fulfil the desire of man, but now it has got old and fallen into decay. 最初,凡世本可以满足人类的欲望,但它却已变得陈旧而堕落。