
美 [ˈflʌfi]英 ['flʌfi]
  • adj.绒毛般的;覆有绒毛的;松软的;轻软状的
  • 网络蓬松的;路威;毛茸茸的

比较级:fluffier 最高级:fluffiest



1.绒毛般的;覆有绒毛的like fluff ; covered in fluff

2.松软的soft, light and containing air

3.轻软状的looking as if it is soft and light

4.(informal)轻浮的;空洞的;浅薄的;无说服力的light and not serious; having no substance, depth or power


大学科技英语 ... crater: 陨石坑 fluffy蓬松的 funnel-shaped plume opaque: 漏斗形羽毛状透明物 ...


霍格沃茨魔法学校_百度百科 ... 诺伯 Norbert 路威 Fluffy 阿拉戈克 Aragog ...


20个描述动物的常用英语形容词 ... 20. Canine 犬科的 1. Fluffy 毛茸茸的 2. Amphibious 两栖的 ...


张红岩TOEFL ... fluent adj. 流利的,流畅的 fluffy adj. 绒毛的 flush v. 冲洗,脸红 ...


石油英语词汇(F3)_专业词汇_专业英语_食品伙伴网 ... fluffy mud 充气泥浆 fluffy 松软的 fluid analysis 流体分析 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... rat n. 老鼠 fluffy adj. 绒毛似的, 披着绒毛的, 蓬松的, 愚蠢的 dryer n. 干衣机, 干燥剂 ...


GRE逆序_馆档网 ... huffy 愤怒的,怨恨的 fluffy 有绒毛的,空洞的 scruffy 肮脏的,不洁的 ...


Ross发现了 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... pick up: 中途把…带走 fluffy: 毛绒绒的 toy: 玩具,小玩意儿 ...

Alice's mom put a pair of fluffy mittens and a lovely doll into the stocking when Alice played outside. 当艾丽丝在外面玩耍的时候,她的妈妈在长袜里放了毛手套和洋娃娃。
Thick, fluffy, buildup is often caused by partial foaming within the melt, compatibility issues, or high stress inside the die. 粘稠的绒毛状的积料常常是熔体内部分发泡、相容性问题或口模内部高应力引起的。
Fall is here and these fluffy pets are ready to turn over a new . . . leaf. 秋天来了,这些毛茸茸的家伙也将翻开新的一“叶”。
The fluffy calico cat who lived across the street was at the front door , front paws up on the screen, scratching. 那只住在街对面的白色绒毛的猫在前门,前爪抠着门玻璃。
"He did not! " cried Billy Wildcat. "He said, 'Ma will never know if we go walking just a little way, ' didn't he, Fluffy? " “不是这样的!”野猫娃比利哭着说,“他说‘如果我们只是出去一小会儿,妈妈是不会发现的。’对吧,弗拉菲?”
When it lifted up its fluffy head and looked at me, its eyes held the absolute bewilderment of the newly born. 小牛仰起毛茸茸的脑袋看着我,目光中透出这个新生生命对世界的一无所知。
The mixture is ready to be used when it is light, fluffy, and a pale ivory color. 当混合的黄油糊变得很轻,蓬松,有点发白就可以了。
Thanks to a Japanese company, you can show off exhibit your innermost feelings somewhere else - a pair of fluffy ears on your head. 多亏了一家日本公司,你可以通过带一对毛茸茸的耳朵来表达自己的感情。
It has a pair of black stones like the eyes, ears, long tail, short of sharp claws, feels fluffy hair. 它有一双像黑宝石的眼睛,短短的耳朵,长长的尾巴,爪子尖尖的,摸起来毛绒绒的。
One of these was a beautiful young doe. She had soft reddish-brown fur, a fluffy white tail and big wide bright eyes. 他们当中有一头漂亮而年轻的母鹿,眼睛大而明亮,一身柔软的红棕色皮毛,还有一条毛线绒的白色尾巴。
It is equally good to come in and feel the warmth wrap around the body like a soft fluffy blanket. 回到屋里让绒毯般松软的温暖包裹全身,那种感觉也同样令人愉快。
floating freely in a weightless condition; a baby bat. . . fluffy and weightless as a moth; jackets made of a weightless polyester fabric. 在失重的情况下自由的飘浮;刚出生的蝙蝠……长着绒毛、轻得像飞蛾;用轻聚酯布制成的夹克。
Close your eyes for a moment. Try to think of yourself as something light and fluffy - like a cloud or a stick of candy-floss. 闭上眼睛,尽力想象自己是某种轻巧毛绒的事物——就好像云,或是一支棉花糖。
If you had to evaluate the kicker's performance, would you punish him for not predicting that Fluffy would run off with the ball? 如果你必须评估球员的表现,当他没有预测到小狗会来追球时,你会因此而惩罚他吗?
She was watching a Brown spaniel that had run out of a side-path, and was looking towards them with lifted nose, making a soft, fluffy Bark. 她看见了头棕色的猎犬,从路穷的小径里跑了出来,向他们望着,举着嘴,轻轻吠着,一个带着枪的人,;
Would you switch kickers in an attempt to find someone better able to predict Fluffy's involvement? 你会换上另一名球员希望他能更好地预测小狗的动静吗?
And if you had it you would probably agree with me that it is hard to go back to drinking bubbly, fluffy marenge cappuccino again. 如果你喝过这样的卡布其诺,我想你大概会同意我的话:很难再去喝那种充满气泡、蓬松的卡布其诺了。
A seemingly hug-gable creature with big brown eyes and fluffy fur could be a deadly killing machine in disguise. 一个看似让人想去拥抱的动物,有着大大的棕色眼睛和松软毛茸茸的毛皮,可能是个伪装的致命杀人机器。
Lanolin: it sounds soft and comforting, like the kind of fluffy material you'd use to protect a grazed knee. 羊毛脂:听起来让人感觉柔软舒服,就像您平日用的那松软的、附着绒毛的护膝。
Now it moves so fast, and is so fluffy and meaningless, you feel like an idiot even complaining about it. 而今天,文化的变化非常之快、非常之模糊、非常之无意义,让你觉得甚至连抱怨这种情况都很愚蠢。
Fliers. Light, whitish, fluffy particles that float in white wines or rest at the bottom, looking like a light sand. 一些细微的,浅色发白的小颗粒,漂浮在白葡萄酒里或是沉积在酒瓶的底部,看起来像一层细细的沙粒。
At the time, it was a few months old, jump, covered with golden yellow, fluffy felt extremely cute. 该时,它才几个月大,活蹦乱跳的,浑身金黄金黄,毛绒绒的,别提多可爱了。
My favorite type of snow is not the type you make snowmen out of or have snowball fights with but rather the big, slow moving, fluffy kind. 我最喜欢的雪并不是你用来堆雪人或打雪仗的雪,而是那些大大的,慢慢飘落的蓬松的雪花。
If you are a round face, so the hair of your top of head should be a little bit fluffy and the Gao is some and stay inclined fringe of hair. 如果你是圆脸,那么你头顶的头发应该蓬松一些,高一些,留斜刘海。
But the leprechaun tricks Fluffy, and Fluffy wakes up from his dream quite frustrated, and with no gold. 但是,小妖精欺骗了弗拉斐,当弗拉斐从梦中醒来的时候,他非常沮丧,原来什么都没有,更没有金子。
It was a different world. The wheels of the car skimmed the sea of fluffy cloud, the sky a bright, endlessblue under the blinding white sun. 这是另一个世界。车轮掠着松软的云海飞行,在耀眼的白日映照下,天空一片明亮蔚蓝,无边无际。
Boss Skua: Shut up! A little fluffy boy asked me a perceptive question. A question like that deserves always an answer. 闭嘴。一个小男孩问了个好问题。像这样的问题值得好好回答一下。
She has starred in a lot of fluffy fun romantic comedies, but received a lot of critical praise for her role as a sex worker in Chameli. 她曾主演过许多浪漫的轻喜剧,但受到关键性称赞的角色是《张美丽》中的一个色情工作者。
She could watch herself drifting over the roof of the school, up and up, over the snowy Alps into a sea of fluffy white clouds. 她看到自己在学校的屋顶上飘浮,升呀,升呀,飘过盖满白雪的阿尔卑斯山,飘进了白绒绒的云海。
What may fall as a light fluffy powder is set on an inescapable course to become water, capable of causing all manner of disruption. 雪花像轻盈、松软的粉末一样飘洒,是进入冬季必经之路上的一幕风景,会造成种种干扰。