federal reserve

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federal reservefederal reserve

federal reserve


美联储(Federal reserve)的降息行动,引起了中国当局对于两国利差不断扩大的关注,这将给人民币带来上行压力。第一季度中 …


美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)主席格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan)周二称,中国央行买进美元以阻止人民币升值的做法可 …


他们控制着美国联邦储备系统(Federal Reserve),以及国际清算银行 (Bank for International Settlement) ──── 他们掌控着一 …


而且美国联邦准备理事会Federal Reserve)也并非政府机构。它是完全由私营银行拥有的机构。


联准会Federal Reserve)日前公布最新统计,目前全美房地产的平均净值率(Average Equity)为38%,较十年前61%的平 …


美国联邦储备局(Federal Reserve)副主席Alan Blinder日前向美国国会表示,美国有1/4的工作将流向海外。Blinder现任普林 …

Ben Bernanke is to be reappointed for a second four-year term as chairman of the Federal Reserve, according to a White House official. 一位白宫官员表示,本-伯南克(BenBernanke)将被再度任命为美联储(FederalReserve)主席,开始他在该职位上的第二个四年任期。
The U. S. economy is in what former Federal Reserve governor Laurence Meyer describes as a 'danger zone, ' close to if not in recession. 美国经济所处的境地被Fed前理事劳伦斯•迈耶(LaurenceMeyer)称为“危险地带”,如果不是已经陷入衰退、那也是离之不远。
A study by economists at the Federal Reserve found that GDI is often more reliable than GDP in spotting the start of a recession. 由联邦储备局的经济学家所做的研究指出,GDI在测量衰退开始方面,往往比GDP更可靠。
She grew up in affluent Washington circles, the daughter of a governor of the Federal Reserve System. 作为联邦储备系统州长的女儿,她置身于华盛顿的富足圈子中。
A good deal of the money that the Federal Reserve pumped into the U. S. financial markets through QE2 didn't stay in those markets. 美联储以第二轮量化宽松的方式注入美国金融市场的资金,有很大一部分没有留在那个市场。
The Federal Reserve will certainly do all that it can to help restore high rates of growth and employment in a context of price stability. 联储当然会在保持价格稳定的条件下为帮助高的增长率和就业率而竭尽全力。
The Federal Reserve has taken the lead with its imaginative expansion of swap arrangements with central banks in a few emerging economies. 美联储(Fed)率先与少数新兴经济体的央行达成充满想象力的互换扩大安排。
"I did not tell Bank of America's management that the Federal Reserve would take action against the board or management, " he said. 他说:“我没有向美国银行管理团队表示,美联储会采取反对董事会或管理层的措施。”
Investors also said the Federal Reserve would be less likely to cut stimulus to the economy while employment remained weak. 投资者也表示,在美国就业市场仍然疲弱时,美联储不太可能缩减经济刺激举措。
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said the economy is going through a very difficult period. 美联储主席伯南克说,美国经济正经历一个非常困难的时期。
According to a new paper by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, the U. S. consumer doesn't actually buy all that much Chinese stuff. 旧金山联邦储蓄银行的一项新报告显示,美国的消费者实际上没有购买那么多的中国产品。
The slowdown was worse than economists expected but is likely to be viewed by the Federal Reserve as a prelude to a gradual recovery. 这种经济放缓程度要低于经济学家的预期,但美联储(FederalReserve)可能将其视为经济逐渐复苏的前奏。
In an August report, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas actually put it a bit higher. 在达拉斯联邦储备银行八月份的报告中,这一数字实际上又提高了一点。
But the US campaign was undermined by fears it was trying to push down the dollar by the Federal Reserve's return to quantitative easing. 但是,美联储重拾量化宽松措施,引发了有关美国试图以此压低美元汇率的担忧,从而削弱了上述行动的效果。
Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, said the public and investors should take "considerable comfort" . 美联储主席BenBernanke说,公众和投资者应该“相当安慰”。
The Federal Reserve's regional beige book survey found the economy continued to weaken as discounts failed to revive consumer spending. 美国联邦储备委员会(Fed)发布的辖区黄皮书调查显示,经济持续走软,商家折扣举措未能提振消费支出。
However, for most people the actions of the Federal Reserve seem to have no connection to their day to day life. 但是,对绝大多数人来说,美联储的行动似乎与他们的日常生活没有直接联系。
The Federal Reserve and the Bank of England are trying to push down borrowing costs to spur faster growth. 美联储(FederalReserve)和英国央行(BankofEngland)都试图降低贷款成本,以便刺激经济更快增长。
The Federal Reserve predicts the U. S. economy will come out of recession and resume growing toward the end of this year. 美联储预期美国经济将在今年年底前走出衰退并恢复增长。
At a banking conference, Bernanke also said the Federal Reserve Board had not agreed on criteria that would prompt additional easing. 但在一次银行会议上,伯南克同时表示,美国联邦储备委员会理事会(FederalReserveBoard)目前还未就进一步推行宽松的政策计划达成一致。
The Federal Reserve would have to pump huge sums of money into the market to keep other banks afloat after Salomon failed to pay them. 在所罗门无力向其他银行进行支付后,美联储将不得不向市场注入巨额资金,以维持其他银行的运转。
Just last month, the bank performed better than expected on the Federal Reserve's 'stress test' of top banks' strength. 就在上个月,花旗在美联储对大型银行进行的压力测试中的表现要好于预期。
If you will pull a dollar bill out and take a look at it, you will notice that it says "Federal Reserve Note" at the top. 假如你拿出一张美元,注意看上面的字,你会发现最上面写着“联邦储备银行券”。
Obama described the group, to be led by former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker as "additional eyes and ears" . 奥巴马形容这个团队,是由美联储前主席保罗沃尔克领导的“另外的眼睛和耳朵”。
The stakes are just as high for AIG, and for America's Treasury and Federal Reserve, to which it owes $132 billion. 对美国财政部和联邦储备局来说,保信还亏欠着$1320亿美元,其股本就和AIG一样的高。
If our research is to be of any help to you and American Federal Reserve, we are more than pleased to offer the consequent research results. 如果对您或美联储能有所帮助,我们愿意及时提供后续的研究结果。
At this point Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke rubs his hands together expectantly. 在此之前,联储主席本.伯南克一直在摩拳擦掌的期待着什么。
In the next few weeks, the Federal Reserve is expected to inject vast sums of money into the economy in another attempt to spur growth. 在接下来的几周内,预计美联储会向市场注入大量资金,来进一步刺激经济增长。
The Federal Reserve is still spooked by recession. It kept interest rates unchanged this week, as did the Bank of England earlier in June. 美联储仍旧对经济衰退心存余悸,本周它保持利率不变,同6月初英国央行按兵不动的做法一样。
Federal Reserve dictates how we live, how much money we make, save and sub prime mortgages! 联邦储备委员会支配着我们的生活,决定我们挣多少钱,存多少钱还有持有度少次级债券!