
美 [foʊk]英 [fəʊk]
  • n.人们;民间音乐;亲属;各位
  • adj.传统民间的;民俗的;流传民间的;普通百姓的
  • 网络民谣;民歌;民族


folk music,folk culture,folk tradition


1.[pl](informal)人们people in general

2.[pl](informal)各位;大伙儿a friendly way of addressing more than one person

3.[pl](informal)亲属;家属;(尤指)爹妈the members of your family, especially your parents

4.[pl](某国、某地区或某生活方式的)普通百姓people from a particular country or region, or who have a particular way of life

5.[u]民间音乐music in the traditional style of a country or community


)到民谣Folk),都有和其相关的分支流派存在。那么我们先从哥特最初的起源开始谈起:哥特确切作为艺术词汇而存在是欧 …


高考英语考试大纲核心单词汇总(985个) - 豆丁网 ... fold vt. 折叠, 合拢 folk n. 人们, 家属, 亲属 fond a. 喜爱的, 溺爱的 ...


民歌(FOLK)原本是指每个民族的传统歌曲,每个民族的先民都有他们自古代已有的歌曲,这些歌绝大部分都不知道谁是作者, …


高考英语考试大纲核心单词汇总(985个) - 豆丁网 ... fold vt. 折叠, 合拢 folk n. 人们, 家属, 亲属 fond a. 喜爱的, 溺爱的 ...


NK-words2 - 博客的日志 - 网易博客 ... fold 折叠;合拢;抱住 folk 人们;民族;亲属 foolish 愚笨的,愚蠢的 ...


Panoramio - Photos by 刘红石 liuhs > best ... DaLian 大连 Folk art 民间艺术 FuPing 阜平天生桥 ...

It felt as if I had joined the elite group that lives by different rules to ordinary folk. 我似乎成为了这个精英群体的一员,他们在不同于普通人的规则下生活。
In recent years there has been a great revival of folk music, and groups specializing in its performance have sprung up all over Britain. 近几年,民间音乐复兴开来,全英国都有专业表演组织。
Alas! I know not, ' said the little Mermaid: 'the Sea-folk have no souls. ' And she sank down into the deep, looking wistfully at him. “哎呀,我也不知道。”小美人鱼说,“人鱼们没有灵魂。”说着,她沉入水底,用惆怅的眼神望着他。
Eleven ships was no wise enough, but if he waited any longer, the free folk at Hardhome would be dead by the time the rescue fleet arrived. 十一艘远远不够,可是再等下去,艰难堡的自由民很可能在救援舰队到达之前死去。
The fundamental characteristic of folk literature is its oral nature, but who do not know folk literature is oral literature? 民间文学根本特征是其口头性,可谁又不知道民间文学是口头文学呢?
However, in folk opinions, it has been attached excessive emotions and is usually used as a derogatory term. 但在我国民间却附上了过多的感情色彩,往往作贬意词运用。
To many, these ideas seemed to be making science out of a folk art, but Freud had still more controversial ideas to come. 这些想法似乎认为科学来自民间艺术,然而弗洛伊德仍然还有着更具争议性的想法。
In her dream they had been man and wife, simple folk who lived a simple life in a tall stone house with a red door. 在她的梦里,他们是一对夫妇,一对过着平常生活的平民,居住在一座高大的有着红门的石屋里。
The residents in turn called it a raid on their land by insatiable city officials, and paraded a few poor old folk. 当地居民则还以颜色,称贪得无厌的市政府官员侵略侵略了他们的土地,且有数名老年居民进行了游行。
Since the main beneficiaries of the deductions are the wealthy, richer folk would pay most of that. 由于扣款的主要优势都是对于富人来说的,因为富人更需要支付那些。
It was that hands-on iterative process which is so much like vernacular design and folk design in traditional cultures. 这种动手操作的、反反复复的过程很像传统文化中的地方设计和民俗设计。
He was the advocator of immigration literature, country literature, hermit literature and folk literature. Koxinga treated him with honor. 就题材而言,他是移民文学、乡愁文学、遗民文学、隐逸文学、乡土文学、民俗文学的首倡者。
Mostly it post the whole characterful of bashan folk song from the kind of lyric, special language, sort of descant. 主要从歌词的种类、语言特点及风格,曲调的类别和特征上揭示巴山民歌的整体风格特征,表现它的独特性和艺术性。
Ms Ji Wei performs a Guzheng works on site which moved the heart of every guests by the beauty of Chinese folk music. 吉炜老师现场演奏一首古筝曲,中国传统音乐之美打动了在场的每一位来宾。
Superstitious folk believed him invulnerable, for had not thousands of bullets and shells failed to destroy him? 迷信的人相信他刀枪不入,不是有成千上万发子弹和炮弹都没有打倒他吗?
Folk singer Woody Guthrie wrote a song in praise of her, titled "Ingrid Bergman , " but died before he had a chance to record it. 伍迪·格思里(美国的著名民歌歌手)曾写过一首赞扬她的歌名字就叫《英格丽褒曼》,但是在他死之前没有找到机会录制它。
Extracts from the willow tree have been used for pain relief in folk medicine since the time of the ancient Greeks. 从古希腊开始,在民间医药中,人们就用柳树的萃取物缓解疼痛。
Most of us would draw the line somewhere, like the man who said he'd try anything once except insect and folk dancing. 就像那个说他除了昆虫和民间舞蹈啥都想试试的人一样,我们大多数人心里都有个人界线,知道该在哪儿收手。
Other than avoiding sex completely, the only other option a woman had might be the use of herbs or other folk methods. 除此之外,女性避孕的唯一方法是喝某种草药或用民间偏方。
And as he spake there came a great cry of mourning from the sea, even the cry that men hear when one of the Sea-folk is dead. 他正说着,海里却传来一声巨大的哀鸣,是人鱼死去时人们才会听到的哀鸣。
The princess grows up to be a fishing girl. Both she and fellow villager Kwai-long fall in love with fisherman folk Leung Yat-sang. 公主长大后随宫女以打渔为生,与同村少女桂芳一同爱上渔夫梁日生。
These folk language refined, easy to understand, the connotation is rich, music and moving. 这些民歌的语言精练,通俗易懂,内涵丰富,音乐动人。
Some city folk might cringe at the thought of this, but to me it's a part of my life and I wouldn't have it any other way! 想到这些事情,一些城市的人们或许畏缩不前,但对我来说它却是我生命的一部分,我会永远把它珍存心间。
Most of the sea folk passed their tokens up to the barges or tied them to the great funnel net being strung even now below the hulls. 大多数的海洋居民都把他们的信物交至驳船中,或把它们拴在船体下大漏斗形渔网上。
The present study on Chinese ethnic and folk dance is short of a macro-view and is not ready to build up a systemic and completed cognition. 现有的对民族民间舞蹈创作的研究缺乏了一种宏观的视野,还不足以建构起一个系统而完整的认识。
Good description! You seem to be revealing a hundred-kilometer long scroll of folk customs and landscape! 说得好!听上去你好像在展示一幅百里长卷民俗风景画!
Such a common tool of this style used in folk is still being batch manufactured in Taiwan just as our firewood knife! 这类风格的民间生活中常用的工具,台湾依然像我们现在常使用的柴刀一样大量生产吧!
When he was free, he would take a stroll around the village or streets and collect some folk potteries as a hobby. 没事的时候,他就走村串巷,收集一些民间陶器作为自己的爱好。
The ordinary river lamp has been taken onto the "stage" as one of the family of nazi numerous surname marks which used to be a folk matter . 河灯这一普通的民俗事项被搬上了“舞台”成为纳西族众多族姓标志中的其中之一。
Until then, such folk had been booted out without much of a hearing, as they were in most countries. 那时,一些人在未经听证的情况下被驱逐出境(英国),同他们在大多数其他国家遭遇相同。