
美 [ˈfɪŋɡər]英 [ˈfɪŋɡə(r)]
  • n.手指;有…手指的(指类型);有(或用)…手指的(指数目)
  • v.用手指触摸;告发;告密
  • 网络指状物;指针;指头

复数:fingers 现在分词:fingering 过去式:fingered

put finger,cut finger,lift finger,point finger,keep finger
long finger,sticky finger,stubby finger


n. v.

1.手指one of the four long thin parts that stick out from the hand (or five, if the thumb is included)

2.有…手指的(指类型);有(或用)…手指的(指数目)having the type of fingers mentioned; having or using the number of fingers mentioned

4.~ (of sth)狭长物(如面包、糕饼、土地等)a long narrow piece of bread, cake, land, etc.


the finger of suspicion

怀疑对象ifthe finger of suspicion points or is pointed at sb, they are suspected of having committed a crime, being responsible for sth, etc.

get, pull, etc. your finger out

干起来;加把劲used to tell sb to start doing some work or making an effort

give sb the finger

向某人竖起中指(手背向外以表示侮辱)to raise your middle finger in the air with the back part of your hand facing sb, done to be rude to sb or to show them that you are angry

have a finger in every pie

多管闲事;到处干预to be involved in a lot of different activities and have influence over them, especially when other people think that this is annoying

have, etc. your fingers in the till

偷自己工作单位的钱;内盗;监守自盗to be stealing money from the place where you work

have/keep your finger on the pulse (of sth)

始终了解…的最新情况;掌握…的脉搏to always be aware of the most recent developments in a particular situation

lay a finger on sb

触碰,动…的一根毫毛(意欲伤害某人)to touch sb with the intention of hurting them physically

not put your finger on sth

看不出(问题所在);说不出(差别)to not be able to identify what is wrong or different about a particular situation

put/stick two fingers up at sb

向某人竖起两指(做出 V 形手势,手背向外以表示侮辱)to form the shape of a V with the two fingers nearest your thumb and raise your hand in the air with the back part of it facing sb, done to be rude to them or to show them that you are angry

work your fingers to the bone

拼命干活to work very hard


日常生活中的英语单词_爱问知识人 ... hand 手 finger 手指 tail 尾巴 ...


NK-words2 - 博客的日志 - 网易博客 ... financial 财政的,金融的 finger 手指;指状物;指针 fireman 消防队员 ...


NK-words2 - 博客的日志 - 网易博客 ... financial 财政的,金融的 finger 手指;指状物;指针 fireman 消防队员 ...


爵以词雄-----四级词汇 刘一男 - 豆丁网 ... feel 抚摸/ finger 指头 tongue 舌头----t-说 ...


芬格(Finger) 西经87.35 北纬35.15 UTC/GMT-06:00格林维尔(Greenville) 西经82.50 北纬36.04 UTC/GMT-06:00约翰逊城(Johns…


神奇迪士尼新概念英语1(3DVD)-DVD-亚马逊 ... 07 I am brave 我很勇敢 08 Finger 手指头 09 So tired 真累 ...


首_百度百科 ... 首 shǒu (1) 告发[ inform;finger] (5) 头向着[ face to] ...

A flower picked from a garden, a finger-painted heart, a sparkly rock, or another small token is his way of saying you're special. 从花园里摘一朵花,一颗手涂的心,一粒闪闪发光的石头,一个有象征意义的小符号,都是他在说你很特别的方式。
The best way to put your finger on this as a designer is to immerse yourself in as much of the experience as possible. 作为网页制作者,最好的办法便是沉浸在大量的经历之中,越多越好。
His tiny hand was holding on to my finger, and I couldn't help remembering his mother's hand in mine over thirty years ago. 他的小手被控股就以我的手指,我无法帮助回忆他的母亲的手在矿井超过三十年前。
Yan Zhao after the door, although she was involved in more than one star, but all seem to point the finger of blame Gillian. 艳照门发生后,虽然涉及的明星不止她一个,但所有的矛头似乎都指向阿娇。
"Then chip off a little piece of ice and hold it to your finger, " said the voice. “取下一小块冰,然后敷在手指头上,”那个声音又说。
He is short and fat with a potbelly. His hands have ten deep dimples at the root of every finger. 这厮五短身材,脑满肠肥,十个胖胖的手指根部都生有深深的酒窝儿。
With his finger, he motioned for her to keep going. 他用手指示意让她继续读下去。
If China is patient and just waits a few more months or a year, we will have done it to ourselves and they won't have to lift a finger. 如果中国有耐心,只需要多等待几个月或一年,他们就不费举手之劳,我们自己将会已经按照(他们设想的)那样做了。
The right middle finger right hand push loose end of the lace, though only a left hand rotation forwarded to swing around the right circle. 用右手中指推的权利花边宽松结束后,虽然只是左手旋转转发到各地的摆动权的循环。
But the father said to his servants, 'Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 父亲却吩咐仆人说:‘把那上好的袍子快拿出来给他穿,把戒指戴在他指头上,把鞋穿在他脚上。
whether an eyass has received enough calcium in its diet, is to run your finger the whole length of the breastbone. 同样简单的测验一只雏鹰在其饮食中是否已获得足够的钙,将你的手指抚摸整个胸骨。
The demon took another stride forward, carrying with it a smell of rotting fish. It pointed a claw-like finger at his chest. 魔鬼又往前迈了一步,带着一股腐烂的鱼的味道。它用鳌一样的手指指着自己的胸膛。
Pull on your lower eyelid, and apply the eye ointment directly. Then close your eyes and lightly massage them with your finger. 翻开下眼皮直接挤入眼膏,然后闭上眼睛,用手指轻揉眼皮使眼膏分布均匀。
The utility model discloses a glove with finger nails used for the beautification, which consists of a latex glove body. 本实用新型涉及一种美容用具,具体是美容用带甲手套。
Some love a finger or two or three inside them, others do not. 有些女人希望被两三根手指插入,也有女人不喜欢。
But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you. 我若靠着神的能力赶鬼,这就是神的国临到你们了。
Ms Naam accepted the proposal and said the ring would "never leave my finger again" . 最后,娜姆接受了求婚,并表示戒指“永远都不会再离开我的手指了”。
She raises a finger to correct him, pauses, looks off into nowhere with her eyes unfocused. 她举起一根手指纠正他,停滞了一下,眼神游离,目光飘忽。
The Marines were treated with an early antibiotic, Aureomycin , in capsules to be swallowed the size of the first joint of a man's finger. 海军陆战队使用了早期的抗生素加以医治,金霉素被封装在大约成年人一个指节大小的胶囊里供官兵们吞服。
When Waldroup was finished with her, he chased after his wife, Penny, with a machete, chopping off her finger and cutting her over and over. 追上了以后,就用弯刀砍。抵挡之中,彭妮的手指被砍掉了,身上也是和刀痕累累。
Dip his right forefinger into the oil in his palm, and with his finger sprinkle some of it before the Lord seven times. 把右手的一个指头蘸在左手的油里,在耶和华面前用指头弹七次。
The digestion of your food is just as much a function of your mind as the moving of your finger. 对食物的消化过程在你的意识中看来就跟动一动手指一样。
Be careful with your finger while trying to take out the battery pack. 当试图取出电池,小心你的手指。
Vestal looked up to see Belfred crooking a finger from the half darkness of the hall. 薇思德一抬头,看见白菲瑞达在半明半暗的门厅里弯弯手指招她过去。
He had his subject at his finger ends, and at last was ready to begin. He sat down to write. 对于自己的主题,他了如指掌,终于万事俱备,他坐下来去写那煌煌巨著。
He made a rude gesture with his finger and told me to have a happy Easter. 他对我比了一个粗鲁的手势还对我说享受一个“愉快”的复活节。
Then Eleazar the priest is to take some of its blood on his finger and sprinkle it seven times toward the front of the Tent of Meeting. 祭司以利亚撒要用指头醮这牛的血,向会幕前面弹七次。
I was out of breath by the time I knocked on the teacher's door and peered through the glass. With one finger, she motioned for me to wait. 我气喘吁吁地敲响老师办公室的门,透过眼镜,老师看着我,然后用一根手指指了指,示意我坐下。
I told you to stick your finger somewhere else. You came up to me with your finger right up against my nose. 我告诉你不要把手指对着其他人,你当时跑过来把手指对着我的鼻子了。
The finger structure is relatively simple, each of the three finger knuckle and a certain scope can be used for horizontal expansion. 手指的结构则相对比较简单,每个手指包括三个指节,并在一定范围内可以作横向的展开。